Community > Posts By > Slimme

Slimme's photo
Fri 02/09/24 06:10 AM

IMHO... there will never be a WW 3....simply because the people with their fingers on all those buttons .... do not want to be wiped off the face if the earth ....along with the billions !!!
imagine , if they survive , who are they gonna boast and brag and rule over ???
yeah , there will be little wars here and there , just like it is now , but eventually all will settle down .... till the next time ..
We as a people just need to learn and listen to the voices screaming to be heard , and select the right people to lead and show us the peaceful way to live as One world .....

Armageddon or WW3 will happen just not anytime soon. It will be the final battle on earth. A war between demonic leadership suppressing humanity and those fighting for justice for humanity. Before that many wars and conflicts will take place, eroding of the middle class, cashless society, declining of America as a superpower, starvation, famines, droughts, increasing natural disasters, one world government and religion, etc for nuclear war, there are underground bunkers for the powers to be to withstand nuclear fallout. If it comes to that it is whoever survive on the surface will repopulate the earth or the powers to be will repopulate the earth their minds. The Messiah will appear before mankind wipe themselves out.

Slimme's photo
Thu 02/08/24 01:17 PM
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Slimme's photo
Thu 02/08/24 12:48 PM
Your fears are the result of a weak and feckless leader presiding over the United States. There is no deterrence to rouge nations wanting to advance there aggression toward others. We had none of this crap going on when Mr. Trump was sitting in the White House. I remember the Democrats were screaming that Trump would get us in WW111. NO, it looks like Biden will be the one responsible for that.. I wonder how they will blame Trump if it comes to that..

Yes I remember that.... Trump will get us into World War 3. He also told the America blacks 'vote for me what do you have to lose'. On the hand Biden told them if you don't vote for me you ain't black. Intimidating scare tactics to deter blacks en mass who had mix views on who they should vote for. Now they are up in arms because the resources meant for the community are going to illegal migrants.

Slimme's photo
Thu 02/08/24 12:29 PM

Today, after arriving home, I decided I'd cook today instead of eating processed chit and ready meals...

So after chopping up the mushrooms, I realised there's no chopped tomatoes, so ran of to the corner shop, the owner always spends five minutes catching up with me, so we started our usual chat, about current affairs or the locality...

Today it was current affairs, and he said he's worried about the future, which I translated into the recession that this country (uk) is going through, the boffins that rule the country said that recession was on the way out at approximately 4.6% that was 3 months ago and now it's at a little over 7% (maybe 7.2%)... So I told him that prices are gonna up for everything...

He responded with "War is coming, it's just a matter of time, maybe this year, maybe next year" I was left flabbergasted, how wrong I had been about recession and silly things like that, when something major is about to begin...

So I relayed my fears to him, and how the west has nearly always gone to war close to a big recession, since wars create unrest and worry, and that is great for selling old arms which are outdated... I paid for my goods and bid him goodnight... Now, 4 hours later, I can't get the worry or thought out of my mind that war is coming...

Gosh, it hurts the head to think about it all..

What do you think?

Think about everything that's happening, Israel Hamas, other bordering countries getting involved, Yemen Syria jordan... Iran coast, Ethiopia or wherever the huhtoos and tootsies are, and shipping getting attacked, then tit for tat strikes by USA and uk.... Russia and Ukraine... Kim Jong Un ready to let off his mini arsenal...

Christ's s words to his followers: " Let not your heart be trouble, you believe in God believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions, if it was not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you to myself that where I am there you may be also" - John 14: 1-3

This verse helps the believer in Christ and for anyone else that place their trust and faith in the Prince of Peace, to prepare yourself spiritually, emotionally and mentally for the end times that we
are in. Only the Messiah can give the everlasting peace, joy and endurance in this evil corrupt world we live in.

Yes the west usually go to war in recession times to keep the folks back home minds off the country's increasing problems. So folks can blame the outsiders/enemy for nation woes. Not forgetting China eye is on Taiwan for a possible invasion. Argentina buying fighter planes and submarines with the Falklands Islands suspecting another invasion now that Britain no longer protrol the area like before. Kim Jong likes to brings attention to himself but yes he is dangerous as well.

The earth will continue to get restless as the supremacy of the West dwindle and the powers to be prepare for a one world government/new world order.

Christ's words - "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me" John 14:6


Slimme's photo
Thu 02/08/24 11:50 AM

Massive protests across Europe by farmers. An all out assault on agriculture because it is a big problem contributing to climate change!!! Control over land and food supply. Livelihoods of farmers threatened.

Reduced food supply will contribute to worldwide starvation eventually but does that matter to the 1%?

I saw that on the news the other day...

The farmers used their tractors to block the roads...

It's good, they need to stick together and see it through...

Governments are so manipulative, they promise the earth and deliver the opposite in most cases, they font care about the average Joe as long as their salary is secure...

Here in UK the government gave itself a 7% pay rise, but declined to give the doctors and nurses (who risked their lives, and their families lives) by making sure we were all looked after during the covid epidemic...

The government advised that only 3 people could attend a wedding or funeral during the epidemic, while behind closed doors, they partied and broke every rule that they told the public to abide by...

What a bunch of self serving hypocrites they are...

Oh yes I remember that one well. While the peasants were under lockdown, Uk MPs and aides were having lock down parties with champagne flowing and no distance apart with Boris even attending. In his words, he didn't know he broke COVID rules :grinning::grinning::grinning:. And then they were those politicians in some countries who left their country for vacation when quarantine was still in full force. Rules for thee and not for me. :rolling_eyes:

Slimme's photo
Thu 02/08/24 11:15 AM
Edited by Slimme on Thu 02/08/24 11:22 AM

The price of oil and gas increased when Biden took office because those prices had reached rock bottom under Trump. The economy had completely collapsed. Not only was the oil still underground, but the price was underwater; that is, it cost more to remove the oil from the ground than could be obtained in profit. Only when the economy started to bounce back under Biden, when factories went back to work, when people went back to work did the demand, and then the price of oil go back to reasonable prices that could support increased oil production. Save the rest of your propaganda for your next QAnon meeting. The facts speak for themselves. Highest oil production ever and highest in the world

When Biden came to office the first action he took was to sign 100 executive orders overturning every decision made by his predecessor including close borders and making America energy independent. The Keystone pipeline got shut down. 5 figures jobs and billions in profits were cancelled. Gas prices skyrocketed. That's the reason Biden went to Saudi Arabia to beg them to lower oil prices. He receive a fist bump and a resounding NO. Came back and empty out the oil reserves that is supposed to buffer the American economy should war break out in the middle east. High import gas bill, high gas prices, outcry of citizens, no back up reserves, then Biden decided America neededto be self sufficient after all and approve gas production. Sorry to say but the illusion that the economy is doing well is coming to an end. Spring is went everything will start accelerating downhill and the shock wave will be felt around the world.

Where there is no vision the people perish - Proverbs 29:8-9

Slimme's photo
Thu 02/08/24 10:36 AM
34+ trillion dollar debt. Surpassing 30 trillion 3 months ago.

Anxiety levels keep rising among nations holding America debt.

Feds finally admit America economy is in trouble.

Slimme's photo
Tue 02/06/24 12:22 PM

Slimme's photo
Tue 02/06/24 12:17 PM

Slimme's photo
Tue 02/06/24 12:17 PM

Slimme's photo
Tue 02/06/24 12:14 PM

Slimme's photo
Tue 02/06/24 12:12 PM

Slimme's photo
Mon 02/05/24 11:21 AM
Massive protests across Europe by farmers. An all out assault on agriculture because it is a big problem contributing to climate change!!! Control over land and food supply. Livelihoods of farmers threatened.

Reduced food supply will contribute to worldwide starvation eventually but does that matter to the 1%?

Slimme's photo
Sun 02/04/24 11:30 AM

I thought that both are bad for your lungs.

They are. I've read of two separate articles of people getting double lung surgery due to vaping and one was a teenager!

Slimme's photo
Sat 02/03/24 03:17 PM
Many people care and are very Concerned supporting Israel in this war. Nothing they are doing is considered war crimes. No one except the Leaders of the Terrorists groups and their supporters World wide say that.

There will always be extremists at either end on any given topic and then they those who have a balanced view on life. There is such is thing called blind faith and it can be severely misplaced.

Slimme's photo
Sat 02/03/24 03:00 PM
"WE" just now made 85 strikes on various areas of several countries in what Biden calls 'surprise attacks' and 'carefully planned strikes'. Lies. He told everyone what we were going to do and when.

Not only him. I've noticed it from other Western world leaders too. It's similar to the police announcing beforehand what they intend to do theyby giving the criminals a chance to clear out.

Slimme's photo
Sat 02/03/24 02:50 PM

Israel's war of genocide in Gaza ??? hmm, it seems to ME that Hamas was carrying out genocide against the Jewish people. "WE" just now made 85 strikes on various areas of several countries in what Biden calls 'surprise attacks' and 'carefully planned strikes'. Lies. He told everyone what we were going to do and when. He is incompetent, as is secretary Austin being hospitalized and telling no one. We need a fast and FAIR paper voting in November. no machines counting the same vote over and over. Get Biden out of office no matter how it has to be done.
Hamas is to blame for all the suffering.

I used the word 'genocide' because those are the charges brought against Israel by South Africa. Fact. Hamas attack Israel and Israel retaliated as one expected. Fact. Israel will not obey the ruling of the World Court which gives the warmongers the reason or excuse to place sanctions on Israel. Fact. This scenario is much bigger than Israel and Hamas. The warmongers want America in a war. Iran is the key. Under Trump, he gives a resounding NO to attacking Iran as he saw that it will start world war 3. The warmongers have a better chance under Biden.

Slimme's photo
Sat 02/03/24 02:28 PM

Israel has every right to fight their war in ways that will help them destroy all those, who are trying to destroy them.

True but does that mean dropping over 10000 bombs over a population surpassing the explosive power of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima as reported by the media? Israel has access to the best military equipment to conduct strategic warfare against terrorists.

Slimme's photo
Sat 02/03/24 02:10 PM

Israel has every right to fight their war in ways that will help them destroy all those, who are trying to destroy them. J Biden is a incompetent POTUS, Period!

The whole world is very aware that Biden is a weak leader.

Slimme's photo
Fri 02/02/24 01:27 PM
Well done team