Community > Posts By > fatpuppy

fatpuppy's photo
Sun 03/22/15 12:45 PM
I would seek legal advice immediately

fatpuppy's photo
Thu 02/19/15 04:13 PM
Are we talking originally, currently or legally?


Sometimes I like to claim denial and confusion. Correction prefer to claim.

fatpuppy's photo
Thu 02/19/15 03:02 PM
There is nothing wrong with a simplistic style.

I use it and it works quite well

Remember it is about the meaning you want to send.

Enjoyed it

fatpuppy's photo
Mon 02/16/15 03:26 PM
The night has fallen, only flickering shadows dance across the walls. He quickly looks up as she silently walks in the room. In the glimmering light he catches her passing the window. She pauses to look out the window. The rain has been pouring rivers across the glass, washing away the cares of her mind. It was that moment in time, just enough for him to get up and move towards her. Hesitantly!

The smell of a freshly washed body fills the air and drives him closer. Somehow she knows he is there and lowers her head, her long hair falling to one side, exposing the back of her neck. The reflections from the candle glow highlight each strand of hair. It causes him to stop and admire what he sees. For the next few moments the only sound that is louder than the rain is the second hand of the mantle clock, ticking away. Yet to him it might as well be his heart. For the image that he sees will be ingrained in him forever. It is something that the outside world will never know.

A verse from a poem flashes through his mind.

Beauty is found in others
Where they forget to look
A simple smile, A graceful walk
Hidden in a nook

His hand reaches out and touches her shoulder. She jumps as if a round of thunder had rung through the walls, rattling the window panes.

It is there that the quiet of comfort and solitude no longer exist. When the ability to understand ones self is waken by the thoughts of others. Yet she is afraid to turn around. The little girl inside is so curious, the women so willing but the adult to understanding, thus she continues…. looking out the window.

For anything that follows will require something that many are afraid to admit, that decisions of the heart take time yet may conflict with the mind.

She no longer feels the touch of him or the rhythmic breathing against her skin. As she turns to look, no one is there. Was it a fantasy, a dream? What?

A part of her life has shattered, yet the glass is not broken.

Oh if she could do things over. Those moments when one can’t decide to turn left or right, that fatal hesitation in ones life.

(c) Fatpuppy 2014

fatpuppy's photo
Wed 02/11/15 07:12 AM
I can not stop you nor do I want to stop you from writing. However my poems are the property of me.

I get the impression that what you want to write may come across as infringement.

If that is so, here is what I am willing to do.

Go ahead and write it, send me a copy first. I will let you know from there.


fatpuppy's photo
Tue 02/10/15 07:50 PM
The wind has stopped, My travel has ceased
A journey is over, My past has increased

Water on my face, Rain or a tear
Comfort of solitude, Nothing to fear

To start again, To change, not settle
A flower still has, One last petal

People I’ve met, Places I’ve seen
A world to ponder, Since I was eighteen

Lessons learned, From a lifetime of living
Seems there was more, Taking than giving

Change is constant, Like water in a kettle
That flower still has, One last petal

To look at one’s self, To open one’s soul
To understand yourself, The ultimate goal

What can be done, With what one will see
To give back to the world, What was given to me

No promise of tomorrow, Is etched in metal
This flower still has, One last petal

My life has changed, Hard to believe
Took longer than, A mid-summer’s eve

Beauty in a flower, Changes each season
Each petal a chance, No rhyme or reason

My life as a flower, My ability to mettle
My flower still has, It’s One Last Petal

fatpuppy's photo
Thu 03/20/14 06:37 PM
Through it all
I see
The eyes of winter
Coming over me

My hands together
Quiet and tight
Keeping warm
Through the night

My search is endless
Far and wide
Comfort and warmth
To feel inside

The wind is cold
Frigid and bright
The eyes of winter
Ready for the fight

Months of wandering
Snow is bright
Reflections of
A winters night

For with each step
Snow is compacted
Scenery changes
My life impacted

Silence is golden
The heart can be heard
The eyes of winter
Not even a word

The white world within
Masked all the colors
Searching for what
Above all the others

Are the stars
In the sky
The souls of
People who die

To see ones face
Laughter and cheer
The eyes of winter
Have nothing to fear

To have and to hold
If only for awhile
The treasure within
Definitely worthwhile

The warmth of a smile
The touch of a hand
The eyes of winter
Will always stand

Grey or green
Brown or blue
The eyes of winter
Can always see through


The eyes of winter
Have taught me to see
The world in color
When looking at thee

(c)Fatpuppy 2006