Community > Posts By > bobtail76

bobtail76's photo
Thu 12/26/24 12:37 PM
Edited by bobtail76 on Thu 12/26/24 01:10 PM
yes..I do understand.

You want to play semantics to play both sides of the arguments.

bobtail76's photo
Thu 12/26/24 09:09 AM
Now you get my pride thing!

bobtail76's photo
Thu 12/26/24 08:56 AM

Cat pizza sounds wonderful... If you was closer I'd invite you over.

Christmas eve... Turkey, baked yams, broccoli, rice, cheese casserole, glazed carrots and a huge salad
Christmas Day is a huge day for for snacking all day
Sausage stuffed porta bella mushrooms, little Smokies in BBQ sauce , and cracked chicken dip with tortilla chips,chilled jumbo shrimp with spicy cocktail sauce ...

Trays of cheese balls, three cheeses, pepperoni, beef summer sausage,3 types of crackers
Olives, jalapeno stuffed olives, gherkins, hot peppers, lots of raw veggies, ranch dip ...

Cherry cheesecake, 3 types cookies, peanut butter fudge, chocolate fudge with walnuts, mini eclairs ...

And lots of things like Chex mix, spiced pecans, Carmel corn etc scattered around.

laugh and to think I cut backlaugh

Crystal great thread:heart: Merry Christmas!

Ladies the meals all sound amazing!

you didn't invite me!!

bobtail76's photo
Thu 12/26/24 08:52 AM
I'm sorry Ms.Jackson... I am for reallllll

Never meant to make your daughter cry
I apologized a trillion times

bobtail76's photo
Wed 12/25/24 04:47 AM
Merry Christmas!!!!!!

bobtail76's photo
Wed 12/18/24 07:06 PM

Wonder why some people live near each other, and never meet.

what's close? Idaho isn't THAT far away!

bobtail76's photo
Fri 12/06/24 07:33 PM
For younger men and older women?
No... It's her money too!

bobtail76's photo
Fri 12/06/24 05:37 PM

Taylor Swift is Napoleon Dynamite in drag.

Compare their pics.

It's the same person.

Are you ok buddy? Blink twice for no.
Them swifties are ruthless. I'm worried.

bobtail76's photo
Wed 12/04/24 01:57 PM
I was watching looney tunes

bobtail76's photo
Sat 11/30/24 06:34 AM
Talk to Chrissy!

bobtail76's photo
Sat 11/30/24 05:41 AM

You don't think biology comes in there anywhere?

I think you have a good grip on the history of it all, but I'm not sure you understand the why - entirely.

I like the way you say "think about the impact of it all" because it is something to think about. But if you want to deal with the history of it ALL, you must consider the times even before your markers.

The "patriarchy" you refer to is a system designed for social norms. It is not a bad thing. Riddle me this... would you rather be in a time when you were bonked on the head and dragged to a cave - because that's what happened.

The system put in place, was a system that protected women and provided for them. Call it oppression all you want, but it is a lot better than the alternative. Men know the brutality of other men - that's biological. We size each other up all the time and are prepared to fight at any given moment. And that's nowadays! I think that also speaks as to why women can't compete with men. We'll always go to that level with other men. We're ruthless with each other if it ever came down to it.

Let me know a different system that protects women from men without the involvement of men - because that's what you are calling a "patriarchy"

Men didn't have it easy either... throughout history, only some 33% of men got to reproduce. Some say 40%. Women are double that - on the low side. And I think there's a biological element to all of us to reproduce.

Men are hard, because we have to be hard. It's biological. Women are softer - and that's the beauty of mother nature! Our strengths compliment each other for the best possible survival

bobtail76's photo
Thu 11/28/24 01:51 PM
Now you understand men :wink:

bobtail76's photo
Thu 11/28/24 11:04 AM
Love you too Soufie!!

laugh flowerforyou

bobtail76's photo
Thu 11/28/24 08:13 AM
Happy Thanksgiving Y'all!!!

drinker drinks waving

bobtail76's photo
Thu 11/28/24 08:09 AM
anyone that thinks statistics don't apply to them

bobtail76's photo
Wed 11/27/24 04:24 AM
You'd be foolish not to use statistics....

if 50% of parachutes fail to open when packed by a certain individual 80% of the time - are you jumping out of that plane, or are you gonna keep your azz on the ground?

It might be packed by one of the other 20%. As exciting as it could be, the risk is higher than the reward.

bobtail76's photo
Tue 11/26/24 05:49 PM
That's a good idea!

bobtail76's photo
Tue 11/26/24 04:36 PM

You know I did pose a question to MGG in the fact that how can a never married man know such things unless he’s been through it himself and what facts back it up and I’ve yet to see his reply. At least as horses mouth is better then a JA. My brother is divorced ,it was her who divorced him, and at least they share custody of the kids. Look we all have faults and failures but to pinpoint one sex is just wrong.

All I will say about it, is that it was amicable. She comes over to my house often. I don't have a bad taste in my mouth.

Women initiate 70-80% of divorces, so your brother thing doesn't surprise me. How did he make out?

bobtail76's photo
Mon 11/25/24 05:45 PM
Ok ladies!
Good guy explained why.... don't ask questions you don't want the answers to.

We happen to be subject matter experts...because we are men! You ladies want to give each other advice about us, instead of taking the words from the horse's mouth - that's on you!

bobtail76's photo
Sun 11/24/24 06:04 PM

There are Many Women for Yrs. who have much More Cash wealth and material Possessions than many Men.

First thing in Marriage should be about Love.

Nine of the 10 richest women inherited their fortunes, either from fathers, husbands or in one case, mother.

This is on a big end of the scale - if you think that these women are doing on their own, you're delusional.

The fact that you brought this up, solidifies one of Goodguy's point on why men are reluctant to marry

Marriage is a Choice for many .
I did not say Rich by the way.

Many Professional educated Women Out there With good positions. I know Some and You are the delusional putting Most or all Women in Your little Idea Box.

Many Women are not defendant on a Man for financial wealth.

I guess "More Cash wealth and material Possessions" is completely different than Rich!

You know some... good for you! I speak in generizations because what is the point on speaking to the exception of the rule?

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