Community > Posts By > RobWill

RobWill's photo
Wed 05/27/09 03:26 PM

...two questions.

1: Dinosaurs. ?

2: God is omnipotent. He created free will. But by definition he is everywhere all the time, and therefore exists in the future right now...what's the point in His guidance in our choices if he knows what we're going to do already? In fact, doesn't this make free will...a lie?
In which case, doesn't this make all our lives on earth before we go off into the nicely black and white heaven and hell a sort of sick side show that must get pretty boring knowing exactly what we're going to do all the time?

1. That's not a question.

2. Your question is based on a misunderstanding. God's guidance in no way amounts to a violation of our free will. If someone encouraged you to buy a Sony TV, but you bought RCA instead, your free will hasn't been changed. God encourages us to do the right thing through our conscience, but we have the ability to do as we will regardless of God's wishes. As far as why God tries to guide us despite his knowledge of the future, that is also a question created due to your misunderstanding. You are close, but you need to make a couple steps. Think about this: When God created the universe, his process of interacting with the universe was complete. Our dimension of time only exists in our universe, so when God finished creation, the universe had a beginning, middle and end. God's actions were included in the universe as part of the design. It's a hard concept to get your mind around, but you have to remember that time doesn't apply to God unless God wants it to. So while God's actions with Moses happened after Moses was 40 years old, from God's perspective those actions were done simultaneous to the creation of the universe. Jesus is called "The lamb slain from the foundation of the earth." in the New Testament. This confirms a four dimensional understanding of the creation of the universe, because what that verse is saying is that Jesus' crucifixion happened at the same time at the creation of the earth from the perspective of an observer outside of our dimension of time.

Thanks for explaining the physics to that Abracadabra guy so I didn't have to.

1. Come on now, everyone else was playing along. No one seems to have answered it yet though...

2. About the most logical response I've...well, ever had from anyone who wasn't an atheist.
Still seems to go with what I'm saying though...if He has already created the universe with its beginning, middle and end, then where does free will come into it? Everything is predefined still. God's interaction with our universe, as you put it, is complete.

Please run me through what you think I'm missing,its good getting an intelligent reply for once.

P.S love raptorjesus

RobWill's photo
Wed 12/17/08 03:34 PM
...two questions.

1: Dinosaurs. ?

2: God is omnipotent. He created free will. But by definition he is everywhere all the time, and therefore exists in the future right now...what's the point in His guidance in our choices if he knows what we're going to do already? In fact, doesn't this make free will...a lie?
In which case, doesn't this make all our lives on earth before we go off into the nicely black and white heaven and hell a sort of sick side show that must get pretty boring knowing exactly what we're going to do all the time?

RobWill's photo
Wed 12/17/08 05:05 AM

I mean, c'mon.

Its gotta be a sign of being friendly with someone to tell them something like that. They need to know. It's only fair.

RobWill's photo
Tue 12/16/08 02:05 PM
*runs to the shoestore*