Community > Posts By > yve726

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Sat 01/03/09 12:25 PM

I just looked at your profile. I cannot see why you think the little extra makes you think you are fat. You actually are pretty cute. What little extra can come off. It is not like you are corpulent or truly obese.
Don't look at yourself and think "I am a looser because I am so fat!" Stop fearing what others think of you. You are in school, take advantage of their gym facilities and work that thang till ya SWEAT and modify your diet slightly. The weight will come off if it is that important to you but it takes effort. You need to do something to build your confidence back. Martial arts is a great way and I do not mean learn Gracie Ju Jitsu. There is Judo which is one of the most Non-violent of the fighting arts and as you progress in training you will get your body tested more. You will build strength and confidence. Relationships are not any where near as important as self maintenance.
Now a word from the dog inside me. "Woof, I'd tap that no problem. Woof Woof!"
With that said by the dog inside of me, let me say this from the rational me, you cannot let inner negativity make you miserable. Self image needs to be maintained as well. From what little I have seen on your profile I would say you really need to do something for YOURSELF for a change! Look at yourself in the mirror and say "I deserve better!"
Sitting on your hands wallowing in self pity is not the way to spend your life!

Thank you so much for your thoughtful answer...I really appreciate it..and yeah I have heard so many times about the confidence matter how many times my friends tell me I'm beautiful (whether they mean it or not) i just can't seem to believe it...
But yea I will start going back to the gym since I've slacked off since a month ago and hopefully that'd help me rebuild my self esteem.

Thanks again!

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Sat 01/03/09 09:29 AM

If your are not comfortable to meet yet..then don't. Perhaps chatting on-line with a web cam would be a possible first step.

I thought about this too..but I always thought webcam chatting is weird...even when I used to use webcam with my friends from back home.....

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Sat 01/03/09 09:27 AM

Take mase
,a shotgun,pistol,couple of knives,a shovel,and the army national guard if u want to but do meet him.

haha you're funny. I guess some pepper spray will do


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Sat 01/03/09 09:19 AM

If your gut instinct is telling you not to do it then don't... Always go with your first instinct I say....

But it doesn't sound like a gut instinct that she shouldn't meet him.

This sounds much more like a self sabatoging (sp) doubt. If I don't meet him I won't get rejected. If I reject him first, he won't reject me. If I stop things how, I won't get hurt.

But you will never ever meet a person or find what you are looking for if you give in to that kind of thought pattern.

Sure it's scary. But I think you should take the chance and actually meet him.

Yea moondark, this is EXACTLY how i feel...I always do that in the past,even in real life, I tend to stop everything before I have a chance to be rejected or turned down...b/c I really have no faith in myself..I just feel that I'm fat and ugly and no one would think I worth anything...

I know this is some VERY unhealthy thoughts and I really dont know how to change that...sighhh

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Sat 01/03/09 09:16 AM
Thanks for all your advices..I think I'll just meet up with him tomorrow..and I will surely tell u guys how it went..(OMG I'm REALLY nervous)

And as far as the safety issue....I feel that he's a pretty sincere person...when I told him I don't know if i'm ready to meet him he said "ok" and didn't pressure me at was just that I felt bad so i told him I'll think about it...

He even told me that I can bring a friend, or my brother (LOL) if i'm worried...

So to me it sounds like he's a genuine person and I never felt creeped out by him

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Sat 01/03/09 09:11 AM

I'm not sure why you feel he would be disappointed by how you look. I'm not gay or anything like that, but l looked at your profile and your a cute girl. Face your fears and go for it. Have a great time! If for some reason it don't feel right, don't see him anymore.

I guess it's just that I have very little confidence in myself..especially after putting on some weight in college...perhaps I will just have to face this and get over my fears, like everyone else also suggested

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Sat 01/03/09 08:57 AM
Edited by yve726 on Sat 01/03/09 08:58 AM
So yesterday i posted a new topic here about how I am nervous about meeting this guy i've been talking on the phone with because I feel like he'd be disappointed by how i look and, honestly, i've NEVER met anyone online...i'm just really scared of the awkwardness...

Last night we were on the phone for like 2 hrs and he brought up the "when can we hang out" question again...I said "when we both have time?" and then he suggested that we meet up sunday, which is tomorrow...I couldn't say yes and I told him I'll think about it and get back to him today..I don't know wat to do...not sure if I'm ready..part of me just wants to meet him and get over it...but part of me is telling myself to never get in touch with him again so I wouldn't need to face this scary moment....

Although we've been talking on the phone a lot, it's not like we've been flirting or anything..when we talk on the phone we talk just like normal I don't even know why I should be nervous but i really am...

I don't know wat to do.....

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Fri 01/02/09 03:16 PM

If you feel that the both of you have been HONEST with each other......I think you should meet.
You are a striking young Lady, Pump yourself up and go for it!!!!!!


I've been really honest about everything I tell him, and I feel that he seems to be an honest person too...Pictures of me are real and nothing I'd told him was not true..but I always feel like i look slightly better in pictures....or rather, I always pick pictures of myself that look better to post...Not that I think i'm pretty or anything, but i'm just really worried that seeing me in person would REALLY disappoint him...idk....

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Fri 01/02/09 03:13 PM

getting over that initial scary meeting is a hard thing to do. some people say just sitting down for coffee and getting to know the person is the way to go? just a short introductory kinda thing? but if you two are already talking on the phone that much i say give it a shot :smile: look at the 2 choices. take a chance and hope for love? or simply let it go nowhere before it begins.

GOOD LUCK! flowerforyou

yeah thats the thing...I am just really scared about the first meeting...I know i should just give it a shot but I'm really nervous about how it'd turn out...

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Fri 01/02/09 02:57 PM
Ok, long story short, I met a guy on the site and we've been talking on the phone every night for the past 2 weeks or so...He has asked me when we can hang out. I feel very comfortable talking to him and all that, but I am not sure if i'm ready to see him. It's not because I dont want to, rather, its because I have no confidence in myself, basically. I just don't know if seeing him will ruin everything. I feel that if he saw me in person he'd never want to talk to me again..But then at the same time, i know this phone friendship wouldn't go anywhere anyway..

What should I do?? please advise.

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