Thank - you very much .. I love writing poetry when I have time .. no poem takes me very long and I usually don't edit them.
I am quite sure that I will be writing many more as time goes by .. Kind Regards, Victor. |
Pink will adorn a woman Who as a baby once did cry It colored her in happiness It changed a wail to a sigh Once there it stays forever Never to depart To life she is committed Amongst it's fervor and it's art One day she will meet a man Who asks no more than this Please color me with your hue Please accept me with your kiss He will love you when you are not there He will love you with all of his heart He will love you just for who you are And yet he will stand apart. Vitsec Vitsec |
If only
I like what you have written
Has that been your experience .. What you wrote in that poem ? |
Whack a Mole ..
Calmness and Iniquity .. Beat upon your Door Hallucinations within your own Sunshine You .. whack Job .. you .. Stupid Whore Keep it to yourself .. but only if you can Remind yourself upon Occaision That you affect the mind of a man A "power" that will deceive you And cripple you .. until you Lie Lesions upon your Lonelieness Just wait .. for your .. Time to Die. Vitsec |
The Spirit of The Deep
Oh .. by the way . what does <3 represent ?
The Spirit of The Deep
Awww .. Thank - You ! That is so sweet of you ..
It is time for me to date again .. I have only been on two dates with the same woman in about 7 years .. she lives in another city and we have become very close friends.When we are on the phone it is non-stop laughter. I have gotten Zero Action on Mingle .. so just spent about 2 hours setting up a POF account .. I am fairly certain that will turn out well. Kind regards, Victor. |
The Spirit of The Deep
Some lessons .. we throw away
Others we may .. yet keep On our road through The Wilderness In search of .. A Spirit So Deep A Child's Laughter .. a Woman's Touch Each of these Reveal The Grace of God .. the mind of man Our place .. within His Wheel Vitsec |
Attorneys Bad Day
Good One !
And .. well .. Lawyers being the lowest of the LOW .. Kinda deserve that. |
Chris Had ( and wants more ) Field .. Canadian Icon or Self Promoter Extraordinaire ? He was in The Media ( radio .. tonight ) again .. has anyone ever really paid attention to "The ******** " that he interweaves with actual science ? He likes to play on how wonderful it is to be Canadian .. His Achievements ( a lot of people could emulate those ) .. our Magnificent Conquest of the Cosmos .. sure .. a few have gotten to the moon .. Big Woop ! .. it is 250,000 miles away .. the Universe to the best of our knowledge .. is 14 Billion Years old .. multiplied by 186,000 miles per second .. equals .. what distance ? Also he extolls on " The Mission to Mars " never once mentioning the unproven ability of ours to actually ever get there .. never talking about the so far unsolvable PROBLEM of background radiation after one leaves the safety of Earth .. and the effect that radiation over extended periods of time is known to have on the human body and brain .. the people who made it to Mars .. would either be dead or insane ( or both ). I am looking for my Deep Space Vacuum Sickness Bag .. thanks Chris .. God help us all .. even you. |
A True Visionary ..
Every once in a while .. say a Century or so .. a True Visionary comes forward .. I believe I am such a man .. I am pioneering a Brand New Concept .. and that is .. wait for it, wait for it .. NANO MONEY ! ! ! Now .. we all like to buy **** .. right ? We are deep into a Consumer Culture unlike anything previously seen in our Noble Rise of Man from monkey .. problem is .. cash is Finite .. sooner or later we will all run out .. in other words we arrive at Zero Sum .. what to do ? Well .. I have the anwser .. with those few remaining cents in your pocket .. do not despair .. you can still Buy **** .. from ME ! ! ! Examples of some of my Nano Goods are ( you will need a magnifying glass ) to truly appreciate your new purchases : A grain of sand, a pin, 100 shiny new - Staphylococcus aureus bacteria ( also known as Flesh Eating Disease ) and Best of All .. a Wart off my *** .. do you see where this is going .. ? Just like in the words of my bank .. B of M or The Bum Bank as I affectionately call it .. " We make Money make cents. Vitsec |
How many emotions Does each of us contain Fear, Sadness or Desire Life without The Main Threads weave to unite us Fabrics .. almost .. never do Buttons, Bows and ******** Two feet without a Shoe Your point ? Well .. you must Have One Lingers to this day Each one asks Just .. what was .. The Purpose Of my brief and Painful Stay. Vitsec |
A Litany continues In New and Wonderful Days Disaster .. Dreams and Happiness Triumvirate of Our Ways The White Sheet continues Damp and Dark .. along the Shore Sand Grains in Attraction To each and every Whore Dirt and Dust Accumulate Their method .. NOT .. from Above Simplicity detracted In Spite of .. Infinite Love. Vitsec |
M and M's
Moonbeams, Moths and Mysteries A Woman .. who I have yet to Love Occidental Histories .. Colored segments of a Dove A Sleep which has yet to be taken Bitter Landscape up Above Vitsec |
Hello .. Good Job ! I like your writing very much .. do you believe what you have written will actually occur ? I have a different opinion on how all of what awaits us .. will go down.
Thanks, Vic. |
One Way Forward
One Way Forward
He swore himself to Secrecy .. Long before he learned to write How may I understand others Their Goodness and their Light Those nearest him put Love .. Above His interests and his shame And so .. his Name began .. Alive at Last On A Quest for .. the Eternal Flame The distant ones .. injured him Deep into his Core And even though it hurt .. He only asked for more Puzzled and wondering Why .. would you want to injure me .. Let's put this on .. let's keep this up Perhaps someday I will See Just how it is .. that you would harm a Child A Child of God Why would you not .. just .. let Him be What constitutes your Value What is it that you give .. How is it that you feed your happiness By denying me to Live I would have helped you How come .. you do not see That there is only One Way Forward You can get there .. if you come to ME Vitsec |
An Honest Man .. between us Who Laughs the Whole Day Long Laughter burned in Agony A whisper .. Become Song Vitsec |
Broken Dreams ..
Broken ,, Broken Dreams .. and Ice Cubes A Lesson upon .. The Way Dried Resin of a handshake Lethal Poison of the Day Bloodlines seep between us And Piss upon the floor A Society without Wilderness A Knock upon The Door .. Vitsec |
EEE Motions ..
How many emotions Does each of us contain Fear, Sadness or Desire Life without The Main Threads weave to unite us Fabrics .. almost .. never do Buttons, Bows and ******** Two feet without a Shoe Your point ? Well .. you must Have One Lingers to this day Each one asks Just .. what was .. The Purpose Of my brief and Painful Stay. Vitsec |
Points Found in Heavan
Points found in Heaven Points lost in Love Points on an Eternal Curve Points from Above Some yearn to know them Others .. can't even understand why That the moment that they live Is the moment that they die Who will stand for them Who stands against Those beings on that Mortal Curve Forever before .. and forever hence. Vitsec |
Ink stains the linen
That one of us will wrap the other in Linen and Ink .. together bound Serve to obscure .. each and every sin Tears won’t wash away the Purple Stain That shrouds us deep into the night A life once shared in Darkness Now turned towards The Light. Vitsec |