Topic: Chris Had ( and wants more ) Field .. | |
Chris Had ( and wants more ) Field .. Canadian Icon or Self Promoter Extraordinaire ? He was in The Media ( radio .. tonight ) again .. has anyone ever really paid attention to "The ******** " that he interweaves with actual science ? He likes to play on how wonderful it is to be Canadian .. His Achievements ( a lot of people could emulate those ) .. our Magnificent Conquest of the Cosmos .. sure .. a few have gotten to the moon .. Big Woop ! .. it is 250,000 miles away .. the Universe to the best of our knowledge .. is 14 Billion Years old .. multiplied by 186,000 miles per second .. equals .. what distance ? Also he extolls on " The Mission to Mars " never once mentioning the unproven ability of ours to actually ever get there .. never talking about the so far unsolvable PROBLEM of background radiation after one leaves the safety of Earth .. and the effect that radiation over extended periods of time is known to have on the human body and brain .. the people who made it to Mars .. would either be dead or insane ( or both ). I am looking for my Deep Space Vacuum Sickness Bag .. thanks Chris .. God help us all .. even you. |
I know nothing of this guy for which you have little respect. However, I do know about NASA and the Mars mission. The radiation problems are not hard to solve. It's just a matter of weight. The new plasma rockets cut the travel time and shipping most of the gear there first saves weight in the human transport module.
What will probably happen is the Chinese will catch up in tech and then there will be another "space race" of sorts ... if the US isn't broke by then. |
Mr. Chrissy ..
Is a Canadian Astronaut ( how many can there be ? )since his retirement he has maintained a Huge Media Presence .. and You don't know who he is ... ? Where do you .. sort of .. live ? By saying that the radiation problems are " just a matter of weight " .. just what do you mean ? How much time in transit is saved by the " new plasma rockets " .. it better be a LOT .. The USA already is BROKE .. 16 or so Trillion is quite a Puddle of No Money .. wouldn't you say .. ? The Chinese probably already ARE ahead of their distant .. RESOURCEfull.. Consumers .. Just what were you tryng to say ...... ? |