Community > Posts By > durtydduck

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Mon 05/11/09 11:11 AM
awww gypsy go ahead it might be okay for you to now.... besides I am sure you can get all the guys drooling by midnight.

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Mon 05/11/09 11:06 AM

Posed on all four her breasts hanging there.

She had four breasts?!
yeah typos and no punctuation does that..

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Mon 05/11/09 11:05 AM

Why do you mention lollipops in your posts? I must have missed something.
why does the sun come up every morning... because it does...

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Mon 05/11/09 11:04 AM
Most will but some won't some seem to wake up and smell the roses . Realizing the damage and heartache it will do. Also they might have learned what love and a relationship means. And not to take it lightly ever again.. I know of people who have changed for the better. And I believe them.:angel: :angel: :angel:

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Mon 05/11/09 11:00 AM

December 2007 ohwell
awwwwwww... here have a lolipop... come to Ohio I will take you out....flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

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Mon 05/11/09 10:57 AM

Anyone can be tempted it is what you do about it or not that counts. If you can't resist the temptation you are either a) not that good aka faithful or b) not that committed ~shrugs~
I agree. even with outside and undue pressures from some other person. YOU have to remain strong in your beliefs. :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Mon 05/11/09 10:55 AM
I think it was just after New years . 09.... ended a relationship .

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Mon 05/11/09 10:52 AM
I just had a mutual match . It was hilarious. This woman totally naked ( picture was a little fuzzy). Posed on all four her breasts hanging there. Comments on her profile is that she gives a mean back rub to both black and white men for $50.dollars... yeah I had to report it.. but it was funny and wanted to send it to all the guys on mingles. its the "lolipop" winner of the day.

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Sun 05/10/09 08:13 PM

I'm afraid you left out ONE scenario, or over looked it all together. You could have a comfortably life and the man dies and you get everything. Now THERE's one lucky girl right there AND she didn't have to lower her standards. Brilliant!

That's another one, I'm sure others also seen it or heard it before. Unfortunately I can't think of all the various options available since I'm not a woman, I can't think like a woman. smile2
maybe you should give that a try and get some insight? that will be 2 lolipops for my services.. Thank you.

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Sun 05/10/09 08:09 PM
I have had enough of these deep questions for the day..... look at yourself and why you let it happen.. simple enough. that will be 1 lolipop for my opinion. thank you.

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Sun 05/10/09 08:06 PM
not going to answer this....But I did have a funny about Dan and his socks... 1 word sticky?

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Sun 05/10/09 06:49 PM

DD, I was just joking with you! Mostly so I could just make the play on words and say to "duck" :tongue:
I never try to take anything serious on here sure I can get pretty adamant about certain topics. But to me its all in fun. so smile or I will not let you have a lolipopflowerforyou

no photo
Sun 05/10/09 06:44 PM

How is anyone who holds the sins of the past partners against the new ones EVER gonna find love?

It will never happen.
this is true.. I had a hard time in the past . But I learned to forgive and forget. What one person does... does not mean every person will do the same... Its called trust.... lesson learned if you must say .. again leery sure, but I over look that and try again keeping an open mind and an open heart.. I would not put every woman in a group and say it's all your fault. And for that matter I wouldn't put any woman there. what happened in the past is just that the past. And thats where it belongs. Look to your future and do not dwell...

no photo
Sun 05/10/09 06:35 PM

A hot bath, a chocolate milkshake, a neck rub and milk dudes.
milk dudes?

no photo
Sun 05/10/09 04:50 PM

go out with a woman who weighs over 300 lbs....never again.sad sad sad sad sad sad

Ohhhhhh you better "duck" now!!! laugh laugh laugh
oh well I said it and if I have to take flack for it... I can handle it.. You have to give me credit at least I tried.. Its just not for me. HEADED TO MY CORNER WITH POT ON MY HEAD FOR PROTECTION.

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Sun 05/10/09 04:44 PM
There are a lot of men out there ...That can support themselves pay the rent, utilities, food , bills each and every day. Yet There are some and I repeat some women who do not think that's good enough...And there lies the problem... And I do understand the OP plight. He does need to reevaluate his own requirements.Maybe make some adjustments.

In my case I am retired, pay all my bills on time, have a home pay the mortgage, put food on my table. Have a little left over for a couple of nights out during the month if I so chose. And all I ever ask from a woman is to be honest , communicate with me...Accept that I am and never will be an ambitious hard wrong person to provide for the all the materialistic things in life. Been there did that and It about cost me my health and life. to me life should be stress, no anxieties. just love.

no photo
Sun 05/10/09 04:32 PM
go out with a woman who weighs over 300 lbs....never again.sad sad sad sad sad sad

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Sun 05/10/09 02:20 PM

the real problem lies in that we have become accustomed to Living beyond our means. and when a divorce happens SOME women expect to continue that with the next man they fall in love with.

Granted there are a lot of women who are willing to just fall in love as long as the man is honest doesn't cheat and tries to make a living. But other then the few here? They are a rare breed... its about the money always has been always will be till people accept the fact things are not like it was 6 months ago. I applaud any woman who can and does support herself and her family.

I have no doubt there are many women out there like that. But, just because there are some, you can't assume all women are like that. If you keep finding them, maybe you need to think about the type of women you're going for.
its not about the type of woman. Its what is in their profiles And you don't know that till you read them.. Its one of those things the other sites list about incomes? yours and theirs.. I do not specifically look for these types. there are just there so I pass them by.

no photo
Sun 05/10/09 02:17 PM

the real problem lies in that we have become accustomed to Living beyond our means. and when a divorce happens SOME women expect to continue that with the next man they fall in love with.

Granted there are a lot of women who are willing to just fall in love as long as the man is honest doesn't cheat and tries to make a living. But other then the few here? They are a rare breed... its about the money always has been always will be till people accept the fact things are not like it was 6 months ago. I applaud any woman who can and does support herself and her family.

Thanks...and from the flip side, it's pretty hard to find a man you would trust with what you've worked hard to establish. Giving up that security, standard of living, independence or whatever - that is going to take one really special person. There are plenty of opportunistic men in the world, as well.
I will have to agree, it also takes a special woman . I have been taken for a home ( pd for) 2 new cars (pd for) and my bank acct with $236,000 dollars in it. Then paid 375 a month for child I am just a very leery person. trust? hmmm

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Sun 05/10/09 02:14 PM

Okay, I'll disagree - and maybe I'm just an anomoly in terms of women in general.

I don't need a man to support me financially...I've been doing that for 20 years and my standard of living went up - not just in material things (often over-rated) but overall in terms of finanicial security. While being able to hold a job is in my top 3 "looking for" traits (behind not married and not a coworker) I don't care if he makes minumum wage if he gets off the couch and goes to work responsibly. Honestly? He'd better bring something more to the relationship than a paycheck or there isn't any reason to have a relationship.

Just my freaky little opinion.

Maybe you are right in many cases - I can only speak for myself.
your right, but to many women, not all, say "more then minimum wage" And being retired I don't need to go to work except around the yard/ home.

If you're only finding women who have a salary requirement for men they date, maybe you're looking for the wrong type of women?
thats the point.. I am not looking for someone with that type of agenda. But they exist. they have their requirements like we all do in some manner or form. Its a sad note that its a requirement when you see it in a profile. automactically I skip them and move on.

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