Community > Posts By > JimNastics4u

JimNastics4u's photo
Tue 11/03/09 07:09 AM



JimNastics4u's photo
Mon 11/02/09 12:03 PM
Four Catholic men and a Catholic woman were having coffee.

The first Catholic man tells his friends, "My son is a priest, when he walks into a room, everyone calls him 'Father'."

The second Catholic man chirps, "My son is a Bishop. When he walks into a room people call him 'Your Grace'."

The third Catholic gent says, "My son is a Cardinal. When he enters a room everyone says 'Your Eminence'."

The fourth Catholic man then says, "My son is the Pope. When he walks into a room people call him 'Your Holiness'."

Since the lone Catholic woman was sipping her coffee in silence, the four men give her a subtle, "Well....?"

She proudly replies, "I have a daughter, slim, tall, 38D breasts, 24" stomach and 34" hips. When she walks into a room, people say, "Oh My God." drool


JimNastics4u's photo
Mon 11/02/09 11:37 AM

Apparently, he escaped and flew the coop with his feathered friends!

JimNastics4u's photo
Mon 11/02/09 08:44 AM
Passion & Stability

In looking back on my life, I've had several long term relationships (at least 5 years), some relatively long term relationships (1 to 4 years) and quite a few short term relationships (less than 12 months). Being somewhere in my midlife, I guess I am relatively quite experienced with love.

In summary I find it somewhat ironic that some of my most passionate relationships were also some of the most short lived. I mean, these were often relationships where we both couldn't wait to get our hands (and other body parts) all over each other the moment we got together.:banana: It was like nuclear fusion.explode Now some of these extremely hot relationships fizzled out, because the other person turned out to be already in a (committed?) relationship. But, others just burned out due to other circumstances. Perhaps they were like raging fires that rapidly consumed all in their path. Or maybe that heat was too hot to handle. Regardless, ideally, shouldn't this be the type of relationship you would want to hold onto the most ?

A lifetime of passion sounds very tempting, but maybe a slow steady burn is better for relationship stability ? Or perhaps it had more to do with the intrinsic volative emotional nature of my partner ? Maybe the more emotional type of woman turns out to be the hottest lover, but also the most unstable ? Ideally one needs to seek a happy balance of passion and stability. In my opinion sex is very important aspect in a relationship, but so is other communication as well. Its like the sex & romance provides the heat pitchfork , but the rest decides how cool it is. shades Together, they help you feel overall satisfaction comfort. smitten Or perhaps more applicable, the overall satisfaction is the glue that holds together the relationship, but the passion is the magnetic attraction. If you have both, it's a stable long term bond.

May you all find that perfect blissful blend. waving

JimNastics4u's photo
Mon 11/02/09 07:45 AM
We won't mind the perverted ones. biggrin

JimNastics4u's photo
Mon 11/02/09 07:18 AM



JimNastics4u's photo
Sun 11/01/09 06:12 PM
Maybe now they will have use a bicycle to get those donuts. biggrin

JimNastics4u's photo
Sun 11/01/09 05:24 PM

noway rant


JimNastics4u's photo
Sun 11/01/09 07:46 AM

hey that was me on Friday night slaphead

Well, I hope you feel MUCH better now. ((((hugs)))

JimNastics4u's photo
Sun 11/01/09 07:40 AM

drinker drinks sick


JimNastics4u's photo
Sun 11/01/09 05:44 AM


I guess he was board. :laughing:

JimNastics4u's photo
Sat 10/31/09 08:14 PM




JimNastics4u's photo
Fri 10/30/09 07:14 PM

Holy Jesus!!!drool drool drool drool drool drool

She may scream "Oh God !", but she's certainly NOT Jesus. :laughing:

JimNastics4u's photo
Fri 10/30/09 06:55 PM

...... with somebunny. biggrin

JimNastics4u's photo
Fri 10/30/09 03:28 PM

Caught ya ! blushing


JimNastics4u's photo
Thu 10/29/09 09:43 PM
Six Truths of Life --
1. You cannot touch all your top teeth with your tongue.--
2. All idiots, after reading the first truth, will try it.--
3. And discover that The first truth is a lie and feel superior because they can do it.--
4. You're smiling now because you're an idiot.--
5.. You soon will forward this to another idiot.--
6. There's still a stupid smile on your face.--
I apologize about this.-- I'm an idiot and I needed the company.....



JimNastics4u's photo
Thu 10/29/09 03:46 PM
Edited by JimNastics4u on Thu 10/29/09 03:53 PM

A question just came to me from a post on another thread.

For atheists who are hard core and non-spriitual:

If you believe that when you are dead, you are dead forever, never to live again... then why care about the survival of your species?

Why care about having any decedents?

Why worry about the future of the human race or the future of the world when you die and you are gone... none of that matters to you.

And why would an animal work so hard to pass on his genes? What does he care? Does he even think about dieing or the survival of his species. (I doubt it.)

If he doesn't, then how did he obtain that kind of programing? Genetic memory? If genetic memory is involved, then what does that say in regards to the idea of reincarnation? Will his memory live in his decedents? Does he remember the lives of his ancestors?

Because one does not believe in a god/deity does not preclude one from caring for other people and what happens to
the species nor planet. Indeed, that caring is most frequently heightened,
because we do not believe "it is in god's hands". Alternatively,
we feel more innately responsible for our actions. However, other agnostics & atheists may feel differently. All Christians/Muslims/Buddhists (etc..) do not feel the same way on all topics either.

May I suggest putting questions about a thread ON that thread, where the question might be more likely discovered and answers might be more accurately addressed.

JimNastics4u's photo
Thu 10/29/09 03:38 PM

There is no afterlife. Admittedly, that may shock some of you. However, a hereafter is at best a nice fairy tale and at worst a giant hoax on most of society. This life is all you have. So, make the most of it.

Unless you know this to be a fact, why state it as such?

Isn't that just as big of a hoax as any other hoax? spock

A far better speech would have been to just suggest that it doesn't matter one way or the other.

I certainly agree with many of the attitudes that you have suggested. But still, your absolute claim to the truth of the idea that there is no afterlife and that this life is all we have, is dogma in it's own right.

So why preach something you can't possibly know to be true?

You're just as bad as the religious fundamentalists. tongue2

You have apparently missed part of the point. Worshiping a deity that doesn't exist is at least a waste of very precious time. Regardless, I am only indicating my personal beliefs. Unlike religious fundamentalists, my intention is not to convert someone. I feel that EVERYONE has a right to believe whatever they want to believe (Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, God, Devil, ghosts, etc..), as long as the practice of that belief does not harm anyone. Happy Halloween ! biggrin

JimNastics4u's photo
Thu 10/29/09 12:30 PM

....yak it up in celebration of the release of her new CD.


JimNastics4u's photo
Thu 10/29/09 09:53 AM
The Meaning of Life (according to JimNastics)

Philosophers have LONGGGGGGGGGGGG debated, what the meaning of our presence here on earth means. Why are we here and what is our purpose ? I'm going to finally solve these ongoing mysteries right here in this blog and right now for all those who embrace it. Now, you may disagree with this and are more than welcomed to do so. There is plenty of room for you to pontificate below.

It's time to face the facts. Life is a very temporary occurrence; about 70 to 120 years maximum, if you are very lucky. There is no afterlife. Admittedly, that may shock some of you. However, a hereafter is at best a nice fairy tale and at worst a giant hoax on most of society. This life is all you have. So, make the most of it. Focus on preserving your health as long as possible, because all the money in the world is less important than your health. You may not agree with that now, but unfortunately, there will come a day, when you fully recognize the truth in these words.

Thus, during this very transient existence, it would be fun to focus on the people and things that you love. If you do that, life will be a tremendous fun filled journey. Do whatever makes you happy, as long as you don't harm others. Don't waste time lamenting about the past or your eventual demise, because frankly you can't do anything about either. Now, don't get me wrong, you can learn from your mistakes and that can be a very good thing and you can delay your demise by preserving and improving your health. However, wasting time in mental misery because of past mistakes is a foolish waste of very precious limited time, our most unreplinishable resource. Instead, having learned your lessons, re-focus on what & who makes you truly happy and avoid those that/who make you unhappy.

The meaning of life is to simply fully experience and appreciate life and all it temporarily offers you. Also, appreciate the luck that you can do so. The fact that you are here at all is sheer blissful luck. You can thank your parents mostly for that. While there will always be those who are better off than you, there also will be many who are much worse off. Regardless, you are a totally unique individual with a mixture of both talents and flaws (just like everyone else bigsmile ). If you can, improve those flaws of yours. It can be done. However, most importantly, utilize and exploit your talents. They are gifts that can enhance your life and others. Where you can, help others.
It will not only leave a lasting positive impression on those that you directly help, but like ripples in a pond will likely indirectly positively affect many others. Indeed, when you help others, ask those you help to help someone else. If when you leave this life, that you have created a net positive effect on the planet, then you have fulfilled your purpose and will be remembered positively. Now go forth & enjoy ! shades :banana: flowerforyou