so done with it all
With the majority by far, of guys at date sites going without whilst the same 2% of male profiles are chased by all the women there, have considered perchance why you decided to chase a married guy you didn't know was married rather than the dozens and dozens of single guys that can't seem to get a date at these sites?
Do you think maybe memes play a greater role in your selection of dating potential profiles than more humanist considerations like I don't know, serendipity? It's sort of like the sleazebag that travels to asia to pedophile little farmers daughters and winds up instead, in bed with a transvestite who promptly tells him, you knew long before we got naked so don't whinge about it now. In for a penny in for a pound, means you make the bed you find yourself sleeping in. You did it. Choices, with the right ones, these things never happen. They really don't. |
How do you keep a man happy?
well that thought made me happy :)
when some people think of love they paint a self portrait of their face without any skin on it then weirdo artsy types bid 30,000 for it at an auction but others when they think of love just don't understand what a big black woman is doing chasing them down the road screaming something about okay she lied about her profile pictures but you shouldn't be chasing skinny white blondes at your age anyway.
this poem is entitled "modern love" o_O |
if she laughs at your cattleprod joke marry her immediately because most women turn violent when you stick 'em with a cattleprod.
How do you keep a man happy?
estelle, when you find the guy who really loves your personality and style, all those skills you've been developing to make others happy are just going to totally blow him away and absolutely get returned in kind, with the same dedication to making you happy. One of you will be laying out workclothes for the other whilst they're making your breakfast, it'll go that way.
sometimes it's a numbers game, it's definitely not about technique if you're sincere. Compatability is the core of a relationship, not a technique to create one. Trying doesn't work when there's nothing really there to start with, then all the technique in the world just makes it all sadder. Seek compatability, someone who loves the way you do and think. To find them, typically the sentiment is mutual, so you pick by personalities you love and intellects you're impressed by. |
Do men like pregnant women
It depends. Is the pregnant lady setting fire to kittens at the time because I don't like that very much -_-
What makes You Happy
Is boobs an answer?
:D |
Blondey for the win.
See, if he's a math professor with his tenure up for review he might need to put his personal life on hold for a few weeks to concentrate on that. He might actually like a clingy girlfriend, but sometimes life gets in the way of what we like. If he's a guy standing in a bar he might just want to sleep with someone else for a bit. The break is simply to justify not feeling guilty about his train wreck lifestyle. So the same statement means entirely different things between different people at different times, it's a mistake to go around assuming everybody is one kind of person in the same kind of situation. Hence, an explanation is a perfectly reasonable request for clarification. It doesn't bode well that he didn't offer an explanation in the first place, but you might be super clingy and not big on chit chat so there could be a reason for that too. |
the truth about the media
Listen, anyone can see a bad employer a mile away, they blow a damn trumpet. So first thing anyone with a brain does is immediately starts lining up other work. Never have "needing this job" the compelling reason for how you perform the job.
Always have your standards the compelling reason for how you perform the job. Your standards. Not anybody else's. Otherwise, you don't belong there, and you'll never get anywhere or earn a fair amount being somewhere you don't belong, you don't belong, nobody wants you there, it's like a favour to be there, they'll never pay or treat you right. This is all so high school intuition. True but it's adult confidence. So be an adult about your employment. You're the boss. You were always the boss. |
the truth about the media
So this journalist clearly believes he's still in the 19th century.
Does he actually know what an employment contract is? That's where I am always the boss of me, even if I work for you. Call it, I dunno, we're no longer serfs. Hire me as a journalist, print what you want to print as the editor, I have no say in that, tell me what to write as a journalist however and I'm just not going to take it seriously. What are you going to do, beat me? Good luck with that. I write what I write, you print what you print, and cross that line and I'm going to put my arm around you and walk you down the street to a nice little cafe and give you a little scare. Now keeping your job, that's about the quality of your work, don't kid yourself about it being anything else. If someone convinced you it's about sucking the employer's member, they're just scamming you into less pay for more work, they only care about the work you do. They lie about caring about anything else, including having their egos served. |
Edited by
Fri 09/05/14 05:16 AM
fyi I've been around muslim extremists before, one stabbed his own cousin at a dinner with a steak knife, something like 30 times over an argument (okay okay it was more like half a dozen but in a couple of seconds). I found them, infantile, easily combated or dominated with little more than actually having been in a knife fight before and finding it less than inspirational and more of a chore.
They're retards. You're scared of retards. Are you retarded? |
Edited by
Fri 09/05/14 05:11 AM
In other words if you can't police your own state without turning it into a police state, that's your problem, nobody else but you is causing that.
And if you could police your own state then you'd never have anything to fear from any criminal, whether they call themselves a muslim terrorist or a packet of beef jerky. your fears are nothing but a mirror of yourselves, which is what you fear. |
Perchance those who've never truly experienced objective hardships can simply never understand the difference between malevolent aliens and desperate neighbours.
Fear is in the mirror, the thing you fear is what you see that you know you would also do, attacking it is an act of self loathing. Solving the problem is about invulnerability and patience, not vengeance and potency. ie. fundamentalist islamic government is an early mediaeval form of government, it predates all modern democracy and resides in the era of absolutist monarchies and despotic dictatorships, it is unevolved and that is the problem, it is not a psychological issue. Education will solve the problem, your problem is just not being attacked by retards in the meantime, and that is a question of your own vulnerability/invulnerability and really neither the fault nor the responsibility of retards like islamic extremists. So stop blaming them, it just makes you as much retarded. |
It's like he hasn't figured out the whole game about daddy issues or something o_O
If he's bleeding from the eyes, nose and mouth at the time it's a distinct possibility O_O comes right after the question "are you a great white shark wearing a cosplay human-suit?" *thumbs up* |
The Russians are coming!
well he could give them all a constitutional right to bear arms and watch them degenerate into a bunch of tobacco chewing daytime soap watching drunken hicks with the combined IQ of a bowl of turkey jerky gunning each other down in the streets and constantly arguing about starting another race war over the death penalty in the name of an old testament god with a 3 strike stand your ground about rich/famous people can't be criminal rule but that's been tried.
I guess those crazy russians would just rather do things their way and decide what right and wrong is for themselves instead of a bunch of tobacco chewing daytime soap watching drunken hicks, etc. telling them what right and wrong is from over the other side of the world. Perchance, hmmmm? |
Dr Manhattan, no-brainer. His superpower is omnipotence.
If he's bleeding from the eyes, nose and mouth at the time it's a distinct possibility O_O
I am totally an expert on everything. Go ahead, ask me something.
Yes, she did sleep with him. Ask me something else. O_o |
I'm guessing you're going to become very annoying, Reet when you figure out clapping your hands when nobody is expecting it makes a startling noise.
I just hope you remember to wear a nametag so in case you get lost on an outing people know which care centre to phone to come get you. |