Community > Posts By > MindyMindy

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Mon 11/17/08 10:10 PM

dude...dude is a non-sex based comment due to the fact of its usage intodays language, so dude its like ok, dude

Many girls me.

If a girl implies you shouldn't call her dude....and then you call her will not get the girl....

I know you don't want me.....I am just informing you for those future girls you do want.

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Mon 11/17/08 10:05 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Mon 11/17/08 10:08 PM

wow you are abslutely gorgous. almost fake lol. why in the world are you looking on the internet for a date. unless all the guys where you live are gay,then they should be beating your door down! man!

Why on the internet for a date:

1: See profile

2: I don't consider the web dating down. The web lets me see more guys from more places.

3: Boss man says I can use my computer between rushes at work (I am a waitress). Posting on forums is more fun than watching youtube for the one millionth time.

4: Calling a girl fake does not make the girl like you.

thx for the compliment though

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Mon 11/17/08 10:02 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Mon 11/17/08 10:06 PM

Dude?!?! i never saw those, and i was one of the first ones too see ur profile!

dude? I am no dude I assure you. Boyshorts are not worn by boys.


Waves to calleigh12. thx for the back up

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Mon 11/17/08 09:36 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Mon 11/17/08 09:43 PM
If he refuses shelter then he is probably has some mental problems. Most street people do. Homeless people without mental problems usually use shelters.

He probably doesn't get to interact with people in a normal social way like we do. He probably has little concept of what proper manners are and he probably has few social skills.

I use to volunteer in a homeless shelter while in High School. I was shocked at the way the street people acted at first but then later I realized they usually didn't know they were being rude. Many have no social skills.

I bet he didn't even know what he said or realize how it sounded.

You can't judge him by normal civilized standards. He lives in a different world.

In the shelter I worked in we were told never to feed homeless people on the street. It keeps them from going to the shelters to get proper help and it encourages them to live on the street where they don't get help and where they are exposed to the elements and crime. ....but I still do sometimes.

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Mon 11/17/08 09:27 PM

I think I'm gonna shoot for being a crazy old cat lady.

Anyone have a cat I can borrow?

We already have one of those on the forum.

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Mon 11/17/08 09:27 PM

best thing don`t put to much out there it mightcome back to haunt you.:smile:

I know. I took out the photos of me in my boyshorts and bra.

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Mon 11/17/08 09:15 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Mon 11/17/08 09:16 PM
You need a longer profile than one sentence. Girls like profiles with stuff in them. If you had a longer profile you would be easier to see.

You seem handsome enough (out of my age range though) but some girls (like me) won't messages guys with one sentence profiles unless you look like a celebrity.

edit to change then to than....and I am still not sure if it's right.

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Mon 11/17/08 08:51 PM
that is awesome rofl

What is with the new pic? It's odd in a good funny way.

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Mon 11/17/08 08:49 PM

well miss Mindy, have a nice night, I am off to, well eat lunch and pick my kid up from school... not very exciting...

Good night pete

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Mon 11/17/08 08:36 PM

no matter how many times I proof read I always have to edit for typos....aughhhhh

lol ... A lot of my edits are to respace my sentences or correct the number of dots in my post. I am a little OCD or whatever they call it.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 08:33 PM

chili cheese fries i want sum

lol lol lol

That is the order I just ran out to a customer before I logged back on.

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Mon 11/17/08 08:31 PM


what a pitty, i was talking about my 76 chevy that I like to take down the back roads late at night

90% of the guys who said what you said..... mean something else.

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Mon 11/17/08 08:25 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Mon 11/17/08 08:28 PM

and you have close to 500 posts in 4 days wich is amazing since you work full time as a waitress, help your mom with house work and babysit a 15 year old

I opened the account on my day off. That's when I made most of my post.
I post from work between rushes. (boss man lets me use my applemac when it's slow)

I help mom in between post.
I babysit once every two weeks

The forums are new and exciting. Soon I'll get bored and just be here every other day.

Unless I find a guy then I won't have time for posting.

Any other questions?

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Mon 11/17/08 08:21 PM

2nd in line for the fries! this is a fun place!!!

dont tell anyone but its only cause im herebigsmile

LOL....This thread was a rockin' long before you got here.

That's because it's a Mindy thread and when Mindy's thread is a rockin' the forum people come a knockin'

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Mon 11/17/08 08:19 PM

I just wonder if u could even handle my stick shift

My car is a stick. Sticks are cheaper. I'm saving my $$$ for a house. I will always drive a used beat up stick until I buy a house. Cars depreciate ...houses appreciate and also become homes to raise a family in.

I know that's not what you were talking about when you said ...."handle my stick shift" ......but the guys that talk to me about what I just talked about....those are the guys I respond to.

Keep you stick shift. I am looking for Love, A home, A family, and a Happily Ever After"

*hears guys leaving thread in a*

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Mon 11/17/08 08:13 PM

who likes mountain dew?
likes it :thumbsup:

too much caffeine. Twice the amount of regular soft drinks. I would be climbing the walls.

If I drink mountain dew I would be named MindyMindyMindyMindyMindy

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Mon 11/17/08 08:11 PM


Cool .....LOL....that's great. I am going to use that one later. thx BonnieMiss

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Mon 11/17/08 08:09 PM

So, when the pond dries up, and the evil geese are gone, shall we do the deed in the mud whilst drinking Dr. Pepper? I will gladly pay for that trip!!

You don't even know anything about me. I might be an evil mean girl who just dates guys for the car they drive. (lol ...inside joke....I make myself laugh)

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Mon 11/17/08 07:51 PM

HEY!!! The last 10 or so post have been off topic.

You can talk about Dr. Pepper....or something dirty.....or ME....or any combination ....that's it!...ka pesh?

My OP in case you forgot

Just so there is no misunderstanding. This thread is about me.
You don't HAVE to talk about me but the thread will still be about me.

Anyone else like Dr. Pepper?

Anyone want to talk about something dirty?

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Mon 11/17/08 07:07 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Mon 11/17/08 07:47 PM

There is no point, its a waste of money and brain cells.

I don't pay for my drinks :wink:
I don't need brain cells when I'm blonde

There is a rush coming in to the diner....I gotta go briefly......don't let bad things happen to my new OP about "web guy friends"

I am holding you personally responsible Pete

I can still edit this much later? cool
I made dinner into diner