Community > Posts By > MindyMindy

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Mon 11/17/08 06:59 PM

laugh laugh laugh maybe it needed some captain morgan in itlaugh

I only drink orange juice and vodka when I drink.
I don't drink often though. I don't see the point.

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Mon 11/17/08 06:33 PM
me too tongue2

*crosses RareEntity off informal friends list in notepad next to computer*


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Mon 11/17/08 05:47 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Mon 11/17/08 05:48 PM

No, that was a Christine girl. :wink:

You can't prove that. All my post have edits. You can't prove what it said the first time. Even quotes from others can be altered. :laughing:

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Mon 11/17/08 05:46 PM

drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool drool

Emoticon perv

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Mon 11/17/08 05:38 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Mon 11/17/08 05:40 PM

Dr Pepper makes me think of sex.

Same here. I always have a Dr Pepper after sex. I won't even have sex if I don't have any Dr. Pepper around (okay I will but I won't enjoy it as much).

I usually have it on the night stand so I don't have to get out of bed for it.
It taste so good drinking it after I've done the deed.
It's even better if it's warm because then that means the guy went for a while.

Unfortunately it's been a while since I've enjoyed a Dr. Pepper in that way. frown

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Mon 11/17/08 05:05 PM

Owww Mindys a HOTTTTYlove drool flowers smitten

Why do guys keep ooogling and perving me with emoticons ? (emoticons are these things > :smile: )

Aww a new way of being shot down.....

I'm sorry I usually hold passionate words at bay for the right time.

You were not being shot at. I just seem to see a lot of those emoticons drooling at me.

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Mon 11/17/08 04:58 PM
......... A Joke? My friend is dying and needs to see Dr. Pepper right away!!!"

LOL....That was pretty good. Better than the blue square with the ? (is that just my browser or does everyone see that in the other post?)

My turn....

What is brown, black, and blue, and found laying in the gutter?

A brunette who's told one too many dumb blonde jokes.

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Mon 11/17/08 04:52 PM

K, friends, I think the pain meds are about to do me in and before I start typing really stupid stuff or start trying to hit on every guy on mingle, even if I don't like him, this girl is saying

"Good Night"

((((((((((to all my friends))))))))

Good night. :wave:

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 04:45 PM

Will you let your boss know that I send him my love and will you also tell him that if he doesn't allow you to change that horrid green skirt I will have to get on my broom stick and come meet him................ For a coffee bigsmile It is nice to hear you are working in a relaxed atmosphere.

lol you are funny. It's only relaxed until midnight then the drunks run me in circles.....not just from their meal orders but from having to run from their horny hands. They like to slap and pinch.

Women's libbers say it's sexual discrimination. I say not because they are so drunk they would pinch even a guy in a skirt.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 04:40 PM

Owww Mindys a HOTTTTYlove drool flowers smitten

Why do guys keep ooogling and perving me with emoticons ? (emoticons are these things > :smile: )

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Mon 11/17/08 04:35 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Mon 11/17/08 04:36 PM

thank youflowers I have been hearing this for over 2 years

It's not any easier for me. True I can get a guy easy...but not the right guy....the guy I match up with.

Some people are looking for that special shiny marble in the middle of a dense forrest. Other people have to look for that special shiny marble hidden in the middle of a million other not so special shiny marbles.

Weird saying I know. It comes from my childhood.

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Mon 11/17/08 04:28 PM

I want some chocolate chip cookie dough with chocolate chunks... and you want ????

I want exactly what you want.....with a Diet Dr. Pepper to wash it down with.

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Mon 11/17/08 04:26 PM
Sorry to hear that. I hope you have more luck in the future.

I don't reject anyone. Either we are a match or we are not. I don't make the decision.

I am who I am.
You are who you are.
We match or we don't.

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Mon 11/17/08 04:21 PM


Your boss would be putty in my hands and he would change my uniform in a heart beat when I ask him for a long green skirt with fringes and tassels on the hem, Hawaiian flip flops, a white shirt knotted at my midriff ( not forgetting afro wig and white sunglasses huge ones) devil

I showed boss man your post (I am allowed to post from work when it's slow) and he said you should stay away. He already has one diva. He was talking about "Lisa" the gorgeous girl I work with. He said it in a friendly way. He is always joking about how it seems he is not the boss in his own business.

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Mon 11/17/08 04:06 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Mon 11/17/08 04:08 PM

Hi cottenelle
All I see is a little blue square with a ?


I made a note in my profile promising to answer my backed up mail tonight so I'll be a little slow in forum posting for a while.

o0O Diet Dr. Pepper is yummy. (must stay on topic and not thread jack my own thread)

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Mon 11/17/08 04:05 PM

neat, good bidness deal there :laughing:

Well I only make two dollars and change per hour which all goes to taxes. My money comes from tips. If there are no customers then I am not missing out by not being on the clock. Bossman doesn't have to pay matching taxes if I am not on the clock so he saves 3 dollars and something per hour....minus the bacon I eat.

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Mon 11/17/08 04:03 PM

Although, I still don't understand why you are limiting yourself to such a small geographic area. In this day and age, no where is more then 24 hours away. I know I have made those trips to meet people. Sadly, my meeting people from the net experiences are pretty bad... I hate liars.

You live in JAPAN.

I have a globe. No matter which way I go....East ...West....or over the north pole are on the other side of the world.

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Mon 11/17/08 04:01 PM

Yah, Mindy is back, that was a short shift!

"random" I have fish, but I am getting rid of my freshwater tank and making it into a sea horse tank for my daughter. You can train the to eat out of your hand.

I am still at work. It's a small restaurant and I am allowed to play on my applemac laptop when business is slow (dinner rush is over).

I made a deal with bossman. I said I would hang around off the clock when business is slow if he would get wifi for the restaurant and let me munch on bacon free of charge while I wait for the next customer rush.

The seahorse thing sounds cool.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 03:56 PM

I just want to be friends, your to cute for me! Plus your from Jerseysick laugh

Okay Pete we are friends.....I don't sleep with friend....just so you know.... :wink:

You too RareEntity...we are friends if you will have me.

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Mon 11/17/08 03:52 PM
Edited by MindyMindy on Mon 11/17/08 03:52 PM

I love Dr. Pepper. But not the diet.

No ones perfect LexFonteyne.

Aren't you a mod? I hope this isn't a business call. If you run off with my thread I will hunt you down and .........aaaaaahhhhhhh.......tell you I am logging off for good and going to the fishy