Community > Posts By > MindyMindy

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Mon 11/17/08 11:35 AM

I like cherry vanilla when I'm eating snack foods.
Go enjoy your puke green uniform

lol thx....signing off now. Have fun cutie

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 11:19 AM
Edited by MindyMindy on Mon 11/17/08 11:20 AM

Diet Cherry vanilla Dr Pepper rocks.
Tarantuals aren't too bad either once you get past the OMG factor.

I only had Diet Cherry vanilla once. It was odd. You can't find it in my town. We only have a small Acme and the manager won't carry my favorite Diet Dr. Pepper because my mom won't sleep with him and he wants to get back at her by depriving me.

Okay that's not really true. He says they don't have the shelf space but I like my story better.

Hi ya beachbum069. I have to go to work in 30 minutes and wait the dinner rush at the restaurant so excuse me if I don't respond to your response until tonight.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 11:09 AM
Think of how she feels. The women and the ones that have to usually worry about weirdos.

If you are not going to meet the girl then why be here?

I know a little about how you feel. I will be having my first meeting with a guy I met online (here) on Saturday. I am nervous but that's why I am meet guys.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 10:49 AM

Can't you put beads on the hem? laugh

It will still be puke green. I do cover myself with buttons (boss man calls them flairs....he got the name from some t.v. show) . Right now I am covered with Phillies buttons.

Guys are always asking if they can push my buttons. It was funny the first few times. Now that I have heard it a million times it's old. I still laugh though. Got to make the tips.

You should come to my work and tell boss man how crappy I look in puke green and make him change uniforms. You sound like a sweet talker.

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Mon 11/17/08 10:29 AM
Spam is way too salty unless you mix it with something. I don't know why boos man keeps it on the menu here at work. Very few people order it.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 10:27 AM
....I look at myself as Romeo seeking his Juliet...who knows?

Leaves me name is Mindy.

I hope you find that Juliet girl

Have fun on Mingle2 Mr. Romeo. It's pretty cool here.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 10:20 AM
Congratulations. (I think)

I might make 20,000 by next week the way I'm going. (kidding)

It is addicting

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 10:15 AM

Would you like me to dye it another colour? laugh

We are not allowed. I asked.

My co-worked is really pretty and I am invisible standing next to her. She looks good in the puke green and she is the reason boss man won't change the uniform. She likes it and she likes that I hate it. Boss man likes her so he does what she tells him to do.

She is nice and I like her but darn......this skirt makes me look like shrek.

I am wearing it now because I have to go to work in a little while.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 09:58 AM

whow pete you changed photos. I was startled. There is a big difference from the dark one of you in the background to the one with your face clearly showing.

I thought some new dude was i my thread.

Did you think the new dude was hot?

You're cute Pete but there is still an ocean and a whole country between us.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 09:54 AM

I have been known to rearrange my "junk" public

Not really sure it's a habit.....more like a Hobby....:smile:

As long as you don't unbuckle your pants to do it we girls understand. I mean I have to pull my panties out my butt every so often. Sometimes you just have to make adjustments.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 09:45 AM
Edited by MindyMindy on Mon 11/17/08 09:46 AM
I think if you make OP post to talk about those type people you are basically proving that the place does revolve around them.

If you constantly tell people they are not the center of MAKE them the center of attention.


I can't make my emoticon wave. sad lol

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 09:42 AM

I will break out in song and dance in the middle of the street.:banana:

That would make you Mick Jagger or David Bowie and you would be Dancing in the Street.

My mom has that video recorded back from the days when she says that MTV use to play music videos 24 hours a day. I think she exaggerates. I can't imagine a station playing nothing but music videos 24 hours a day but I don't argue with her.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 09:38 AM

Most of mine is contemporary & pop stuff from work. But you like Beethoven ever heard of Trans-Siberian Orchestra. They do an 80's electric version of Beethoven's last night. OMG to die for!!!

I have that one. I love it. I like the new music too especially for dancing.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 09:35 AM

I need some lunch time service. Where the ladies at?

I usually don't work during lunch beachbum069 but what can I get you?

Try not to look at the puke green skirt that boss man makes me wear at work.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 09:23 AM
Edited by MindyMindy on Mon 11/17/08 09:24 AM
Not a habit exactly but I am a little obsessive about having things in order. OCD or OCB or weird freak I think is the official name for it. It is great for house cleaning and will make me a great house wife one day but it's not good on my job.

I don't like it when the customers have their coffee cup handles turned the wrong way or when their silverware is crocked before the food comes. I am always walking past and turning the coffee cup handles the right way.

Lucky most of my customers are regualrs and they think it's cute. They are always messing with me by turning the handles the wrong way and switching the silverware around on other tables. It drives me nuts.

One day my boss went around and turned every coffee cup handle the wrong way and turned all the silverware upside down. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't. I had to make everything perfect.

ramble ramble ....more than you wanted to know.

That's why almost every single one of my post have edits. I even edit my post if the words aren't spaced right. They have to be spaced jussssst right.

edit for typos and spacing

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 12:29 AM
Good night everyone. I am tired. I will play in this same thread again tomorrow night.

This will be my clique thread.

It will be all about Diet Dr. Pepper and Mindy Mindy

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 12:26 AM
whow pete you changed photos. I was startled. There is a big difference from the dark one of you in the background to the one with your face clearly showing.

I thought some new dude was i my thread.

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 12:23 AM
Edited by MindyMindy on Mon 11/17/08 12:24 AM

The insanely cute Bridget Jones one! I think its the look in your face mostly though. I think she looks horrible when shes all super skinny like that.

I don't like the skinny one myself. I like her in between the skinny and the Bridget Jones.

thx for the compliment. Still doesn't give you the right to perv me with emotions.

If I suddenly stop posting it's because I fell asleep. I am in bed with my applemac propped up on my breast. It keeps hitting me in the head when I doze off.

edit just to edit

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 12:19 AM

I never thought I would ever have to result to this but look hear I am. might as well try it. I lived in Ga for 8 years now and the people I meet are people I meet at work. mmm I work in a portrait business so ya all the moms and dads of my area are the ones I mainly deal with. I guess it has been hard to meet singles in this area I don't know where to start.

Hi. You are resorting to anything. This can be a better way to find someone. I think finding people in a bar or nightclub should be considered "resorting."

Post on the forums. It's a good way to get to know people.

Good luck

no photo
Mon 11/17/08 12:16 AM
This thread has no Dr. Pepper.


*doesn't let door hit her in ass on way out*