Community > Posts By > alchmey2009

alchmey2009's photo
Fri 06/05/09 03:21 PM
has anyone been down this road before?
you are in love with someone but someone from your past
just shows up again out of the blue and wants you back.
you know that they have hurt you and done you horibly wrong
yet you just cant seem to shake the feeling that they maybe difrent this time. now the real submission hold here is that you and this someone have a kid together.

what is a man to do
be with the woman he loves or
out of obligation to the woman he has a child with
try and work it out with her.

alchmey2009's photo
Sun 05/10/09 09:22 PM
i think you might be right
they do have one or two things in common at best.
but thanks for the advice i think i might use this to develop a new method.

alchmey2009's photo
Sun 05/10/09 07:54 PM
hey all
i'm curious about this whole scenario i've been in my entire life
and maybe someone can answer a question i've had for a long time.
what is it about descent god fearing men that causes them to wind up in dead end relationships?
i just don't get it
i do things any descent man would do but always end up being cheated on. or if not cheated on then just broken up with. well if someone has an idea what iti am doing wrong please let me know.

alchmey2009's photo
Sat 05/09/09 08:46 PM

alchmey2009's photo
Sat 05/09/09 08:45 PM
caught in a decision that shouldn't be hard
of love or reguard.
the love of my life,or the respect of the man who raised me.
she was everything i could imagine, but to him the color of her skin was all he could see.
why couldn't we just be in love
with our passions flying high like doves.
my mother stood by me no matter what
but to this day my fathers rage stills cuts away at me.
i know hes passed onand i hope to heal whatever the cost
from amother losing a husband and a fathers loss.

alchmey2009's photo
Sat 05/09/09 07:52 PM
when i looked out over the
hills and the valley i see a familiar face
a face of a friend, or prehaps a foe from times long lost.
my heart is beating faster and faster as i walk closer to this person. and with determination i must remember this being.
suddenly more of the person apears a woman whom i am stricken with disbelief as to whom she is a love lost long ago
i shutter and tremble at the memories now flooding my mind and scream out in vain as to not succumb to the maddening they bring
finaly the memories fade away and as i gather my thoughts i find myself standing in front of her. with a gleam in her eyes and a sultry smile how can i not take the invitation to be intimate with her? although she cheated and decieved me all the while leaving me unaware of what was truly happening.
this was a senario from my life a few years ago
i am leaving it on edgelike this to let the reader determine what they would do if they were there.

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