Who's a Servant?
A True Servant helps others with a cheerful heart with no expectations. It is strictly in Love. That person is filled with the Spirit of Love.
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Slain in the Spirit
I hope your better now martymark ![]() Praise Yah for your deliverance. HalleluYah! I can see that you have been enlightened. I pray that you continue to be a light in the darkness that so many are in and may the Holy Spirit use you beyond your imagination. |
Morningsong, be not decieved all that you see is not as you think. Even scripture warns us as martymark stated that we may not know if we are entertaining angels, and even in 1corinthians it warns women to cover their heads because of the angels. Who then was the Almighty referring to?
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Not puttin God first, plus all of the above
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I thought about this topic a lot last night, I can not really for certain say this, but will throw it in the ring as a thought. It could very well be that most of us are "fallen angels" and "angels" and their offspring! We just do not have the ability to understand this! quite possible martymark and not far fetched! |
Slain in the Spirit
I hope your better now martymark
![]() Praise Yah for your deliverance. |
What did the Holy Spirit say
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Slain in the Spirit
The Scriptures does not use the term "slain in the spirit" just as it does not use the word "trinity" or "rapture". It does say "crucify your flesh" "die to self"..
Slain in the spirit is a phrase or term people uses to explain a supernatural experience beyond their control that they have with the Almighty. Mostly an experience that humbles their prideful selves. In any case noted accounts of healings in the scripture does not entail people being wacked on the foreheads and falling over backwards when in the presence of Holy Spirit.Yahushua simply commanded the sickness to leave and it left. In demonic deliverances it is noted in scripture people convuslse, have spontaneous utterances,falling or throwing themselves into something. If a person falls backwards and start shaking, twisting, convulsing, screaming,etc beyond their control it more than likely demonic and satan is present. ![]() |
Take cover, the Aliens are coming, the Aliens are coming
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How do you love God?
And this is how you love the Creator, Almighty God;
John 14:15 "If you love Me ,keep My Commandments". John 14:21 "He that hath My Commandments,and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me, and he that loveth Me shall be loved of My Father,and I will love him and manifest myself to him". You can also read John 14:20-22 and John 14 the whole chapter. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Angels with "swords"?
Yahushua will soon come riding on a cloud 'The Lion of the Tribe of Judah' and all things will be brought to Light! Praise Yah!
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Come out of Babylon. This is the Babylon Beast System. This is not Yahuweh's Kingdom. This is satans kingdom and he's behind all this deception.
Let those who have ears hear what the Spirit of the Lord sayeth. |
No one can argue the simple truths that X-MAS or even Easter for that matter has come from any authority stated in the Holy Scripture. Even the name "Christmas" shows its origin, which comes from the "Mass of Christ" . These traditions of man comes from the Catholic Church not Almighty God whose the Final Authority.
Nevertheless Yahushua(Jesus) stated plainly," many are called but few are chosen" Deception is at the very heart of the problem in this season. If Yahushua would come today I doubt if you could leave this world behind to go with Him because you are too attached to this worlds traditions and customs.You would convince Him that you would have to stay to celebrate His Birthday.I called of YHWH to speak His Truths and to proclaim Repent, The Reign of the Almighty King is near. ![]() |
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Thu 11/20/08 03:13 PM
Consider these quotes from the Catholic Encyclopedia 1911 edition, under "christmas".
Christmas was not among the early festivals of the church...the first eveidence is from Egypt". Further, "Pagan customs centering around the January calends gravitated to christmas under "Natal Day," Origen, an early catholic writer admitted,"..In the Scriptures no one is recorded to have kept a feast or held a great banquet on his birthday." It is only sinners like (Pharaoh and Herod) who make great rejoicings over the day in which they were born into this world. Yahshua said " But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.(Mathew 15:9) CHRIST-MAS IS NOT A COMMANDMENT OF GOD - IT IS A TRADITION OF MEN. Yahshua continued "Full well you reject the Commandment of God that you keep your own traditon.(Mark 7:9) Every year throughout the world on DECEMBER 25, hundreds of millions disobedient folks do just that. YHWH plainly commends,"Follow not the way of the Heathen," But most people do not fear GOD and He allows them to make their choice. WOE TO THOSE WHO IGNORE THE PLAIN WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD! December 25, was not selected because it was the Birth of Yahshua, or because His birth was near this date but only because it coincided with the idolatrous pagan mid winter festival-Saturnalia, which should be carefully examined. In any event we do not know the exact date of our Messiah's birthday, while YHWH could have certainly made it known ,He chose to hide it from the world's eyes. Be Blessed! ....Yamin ![]() ..Blessings....Yamin ![]() |
"Lay up in your ears these words,
But they did not understand this saying,and it was veiled from them so that they did not perceive it." "Truly, Truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master,nor is an emissary greater than he who sent him." " If you know these teachings, blessed are you if you do them." "I do not speak concerning all of you . I know who I have chosen." "Truly, Truly, I say to you, he who receives whomever I send, receives Me. And he who receives Me, receives Him who sent Me." Luke9:45 John 13:16-18,20 ![]() "If you Love Me, keep My Commandments" John 14:15 .........Be Blessed! ....Yamin |
Are you a type of woman
A first time for everything
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Wed 11/19/08 02:49 PM
christmas is an abomination and is full of lies. it is not Yahshua's birthday, it is Tammuz birthday, the pagan sun god. Yahshua was not born during the winter soltice. YHWH(Almighty God) hates christmas. Dont celebrate this pagan holiday otherwise you will be worshipping the sun. Jeremiah 10 ummmm... "Merry Christmas".... or, should it be more politically correct for you if I say... "Merry X-mas", then we can just take Jesus out of it all together... ... yes, that is much better for some... ..But as for me and my house, its gonna stay "Merry Christmas"... ...with a big fat CHRIST stuck right in the middle there.... Knock yourself out with your idols of (Jesus) carved images, and your photos of (Jesus) since you so believe that to be his likeness. Worship the idols just as the children of Yisrael did when they were in the desert, and see where it will get you. You,just as many others have your own god, you rather worship a statue made of stone or wood rather than the Creator, thats your choice and you will answer for that. I hope you have a good explanation. ![]() |
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Wed 11/19/08 01:32 PM
You people are something else. Everytime the truth is told about christmas, your replies are basically that you will do whatever you want to with the truth. If you are told the truth but you wont accept the truth then the truth is wasted on you, and you are making up your religion as you go along. What are you going to do when you hear the truth about easter? Probobly ignore the truth proving that you cant handle the truth. HalleluYah! ![]() DDejon..As it is written the "The Truth shall set you free". Many people will remain in spiritual bondage if they dont accept Yahushua' Truth. Scripture say :Deuteronomy 12:8 "Everyone doing whatever is right in their own eyes" Mark 7:8 "For laying aside the Commandments of God,you hold the tradition of men.." John14:15 Yahushua said " If you Love me keep My Commandments".. There you have it. You people are pharisees. you honor the Lord with your mouth and not your hearts Mathew 15:8 ......Yamin |
HI MILES: So in your estimation when is jesus' birthday then? what day and year? and what hours? [most likely] i only can present what i see so you'll have to tell me yours as to day and year my friend. ![]() this day of atonement - is this his day also? and when was it then? before or after my speculations? answer please? The birth of the Messiah can not be pinned down by our calender. It changes every year depending on when Barley is 1st spotted. Then in the 7th month the 1st day of the month starts at the sighting of the new moons. Signs in the Heavens. His birth always has to be if this is correct the Day of Trumpets which I believe to be. You are watching for this every month if you are following Biblical law/calender. Thier is no equilivent to ours today. Even if 3bc is correct and you equated that to a date that always is. Still biblically would be incorrect alot of the time because the signs in Heaven is what gives us the actual day that is exact every year. Hence no leap year. So the correction factor down to the hour could not be correct in my estimations.Tribo. this day of atonement - is this his day also? and when was it then? before or after my speculations? answer please? The Day of Atonement is his day as he goes into the Holy of Holies to offer up the sins of the people. as the people fast and pray forgiveness not thinking about anyones elses sins but worrying and asking forgiveness from Yahweh. Which Yahshua offers up for us. Is this his day his? Yes by my studies but for a different reason. Peter calls us a peculiar people a Royal Priesthood. Yahshua came a a King. We are of a Royal Priesthood. But not the Royal Priesthood. This is speaking of the saints of the Most High. Now in the Law the Priest had no inheritance. Yahweh was thier inheritance. We are also told in the NT you are not of this world. As Yahshua said he was not of this world or his armies would fight for him. Thus all the Religious fighting. must be of this world. Huh. So with this in mind when Yahshua comes back what do we become? Priests. Who's inheritance is not of this world. Yahshua is our inheritance as he comes to fight for us and set up the Millinium Regiegn. The 50 year Jubilee that last for 1 year that the heavens says 1 day to Yahweh is as 1000 years to Yahweh. Thier are many thoughts about this. Either way the saints are changed and are given thier inheritance of Eternal life as Yahshua is coming back. This inheritance and his coming back say s alot it these verses short chapter of Isa. Isa 58:1-59:1 "Cry aloud, spare not;Lift up your voice like a trumpet;Tell My people their transgression,And the house of Jacob their sins. 2 Yet they seek Me daily,And delight to know My ways,As a nation that did righteousness,And did not forsake the ordinance of their Elohim.They ask of Me the ordinances of justice;They take delight in approaching Elohim. 3'Why have we fasted,' they say, 'and You have not seen?Why have we afflicted our souls, and You take no notice?' "In fact, in the day of your fast you find pleasure,And exploit all your laborers. 4 Indeed you fast for strife and debate,And to strike with the fist of wickedness.You will not fast as you do this day,To make your voice heard on high. 5 Is it a fast that I have chosen,A day for a man to afflict his soul?Is it to bow down his head like a bulrush,And to spread out sackcloth and ashes?Would you call this a fast,And an acceptable day to Yahweh? 6 "Is this not the fast that I have chosen:To loose the bonds of wickedness,To undo the heavy burdens,To let the oppressed go free,And that you break every yoke? 7 Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out;When you see the naked, that you cover him,And not hide yourself from your own flesh? 8 Then your light shall break forth like the morning,Your healing shall spring forth speedily,And your righteousness shall go before you;The glory of Yahweh shall be your rear guard. 9 Then you shall call, and Yahweh will answer;You shall cry, and He will say, 'Here I am.' "If you take away the yoke from your midst,The pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness, 10 If you extend your soul to the hungryAnd satisfy the afflicted soul,Then your light shall dawn in the darkness,And your darkness shall be as the noonday. 11 Yahweh will guide you continually,And satisfy your soul in drought,And strengthen your bones;You shall be like a watered garden,And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. 12 Those from among youShall build the old waste places;You shall raise up the foundations of many generations;And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach,The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In. 13 "If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath,From doing your pleasure on My holy day,And call the Sabbath a delight,The holy day of Yahweh honorable,And shall honor Him, not doing your own ways,Nor finding your own pleasure,Nor speaking your own words, 14 Then you shall delight yourself in Yahweh;And I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth,And feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father.The mouth of Yahweh has spoken." This is Pure end time prophecy and we should be practicing this as we or the chosen will is who this is mainly to. It is comfort. Read closely and think what is to happen and Pray to Yahweh for understanding and you night will turn to day. Blessings of Shalom...Miles NKJV Baruch Hashem YHWH! ![]() You are so on point miles....Yamin |
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