The Creator God YHWH does exist, my proof is all of creation seen are the beautiful works of His divine hands
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Hebrew Israelites
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True friendship
Edited by
Sun 10/07/12 10:12 PM
Sweet but unrealistic, and everything will eventually end even your life
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Now your in the right spirit. your name says it all. Get rid of that selfish, and inconsiderate, manipulative bum and take care of yourself and your lil daughter. The right man will soon come.
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It's perfectly fine and creates a perfectly Balanced hue-man
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Do you believe in Satan?
He's real alright
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Welcome this Site is very entertaining.
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Is it a sin?
If u cannot control this it is not a sin
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Perhaps the devil and the angels are without gender, or maybe they are both male/female having both of male and female,traits who can really know, the bible been butchered and some of its truth has been omitted by the wicked church whose agenda is to keep u ignorant so you will never come to the knowledge of the truth. It is all possible.
Being without physical disability does not mean one is perfect,some people are mentaly/moraly/spiritualy or emotionaly disable and that could be worse than being physicaly disable. Well said! ![]() |
X-Tianity brainwashes people and turns them into idol worshipping zombies. It casts it evil spell on the unsuspecting eager and gulleable worshipper with its man made traditions and customs,mesmerizing them while filling their itchy ears with sweet and cuddly teddy bear lies of doctrines of demons. No wonder the Most High Command in the book of revelation "come out of her my people lest you share of her sins and plagues" X-Tianity is riddled with homo pastors and priest who have no business on the pulpit calling themselves to do the Master's work.what an abomination. christian woman usurp the authority over man with positions of leadership praying and prophsying with their head uncovered.The greedy pastors steal money from their congregants growing richer while their church members get poorer. and they dont offer money when someone needs help.The woman come to church poorly dressed, half naked jumping up and down fallin out all over people. the entire church take trips to casinos and gamble all their tithe money away.pastors become multi millionares ,they church grows bigger and they con money out of people makin them feel guilty if they dont give anything. what a joke. Is this what you call religion. Is this what will get you into heaven. I dont think so. wake up people those blind pastors leading the blind flock right into the hot pit. The thread was not meant to be negative. People are flawed and therefore make mistakes, whether they claim Christianity or not. But there are doctrines of Christianity that encourage love, charity, and responsbility that are good philosophies regardless of who takes credit. As for me, I do not care how rich someone becomes so long as they are using their riches to help others and bring them closer to God. you live in a bubble that will one day burst and then your eyes will truly be opened. I live in the world that you do,, hopefully all our eyes will be opened while there is still time if your not willing to take your shades off ![]() |
X-Tianity is good for nothing.
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Edited by
Sun 12/27/09 07:34 PM
X-Tianity brainwashes people and turns them into idol worshipping zombies. It casts it evil spell on the unsuspecting eager and gulleable worshipper with its man made traditions and customs,mesmerizing them while filling their itchy ears with sweet and cuddly teddy bear lies of doctrines of demons. No wonder the Most High Command in the book of revelation "come out of her my people lest you share of her sins and plagues" X-Tianity is riddled with homo pastors and priest who have no business on the pulpit calling themselves to do the Master's work.what an abomination. christian woman usurp the authority over man with positions of leadership praying and prophsying with their head uncovered.The greedy pastors steal money from their congregants growing richer while their church members get poorer. and they dont offer money when someone needs help.The woman come to church poorly dressed, half naked jumping up and down fallin out all over people. the entire church take trips to casinos and gamble all their tithe money away.pastors become multi millionares ,they church grows bigger and they con money out of people makin them feel guilty if they dont give anything. what a joke. Is this what you call religion. Is this what will get you into heaven. I dont think so. wake up people those blind pastors leading the blind flock right into the hot pit. The thread was not meant to be negative. People are flawed and therefore make mistakes, whether they claim Christianity or not. But there are doctrines of Christianity that encourage love, charity, and responsbility that are good philosophies regardless of who takes credit. As for me, I do not care how rich someone becomes so long as they are using their riches to help others and bring them closer to God. you live in a bubble that will one day burst ![]() |
spiritual but not religious
I have done alot of thinking over the holidays and have talked with my roommate and best friend alot. I have come to realize I am not a total atheist. I am spiritual but not religious, I believe in the possibility but I am not a blind faith follower. I like my life the way it is, I am honest, trusting, caring and have morals and values without having religion in my life. I am keeping an open mind and heart to the possibilities. One possibility that I am interested in Wicca. I am going to start looking into it and see where it takes me. It will take you straight into the fiery pit ![]() |
I wanna know....
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you wouldnt know if your part of the remnant because you dont even know when He is returning.
What is Religion?
we dont have a truth. our hearts are deceitful and wicked above all things. we are prone to lie. the truth is not in no one. No not one.
God's Spirit is Truth. That is the only truth we have and will ever know. ![]() |
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