Community > Posts By > peekapoo31

peekapoo31's photo
Wed 12/11/13 05:00 PM
Well Miss Lady who started this post... I for one think you are a very beautiful woman. Most of the men I have encountered on here... are not great catches lol...I would rather have no winks nor kisses nor nudges than all the mindless bantering of hey sex a$$ or hey you wanna F??k.... I mean come on.... I don't care about race and so many others don't either... I think black women in general have really got it going on!!! Some of the most beautiful women in the world are women of color, that is just my own personal opinion. I am using other dating sites as well in conjuction with this one. I get different results with each one.
I have a little advice, though you haven't asked for it.
Be proud of who you are. Love yourself. If you are tired of this or that, shake it up!! You have so much potential to make YOURSELF happy!! get all dressed up and go out with your girls and be a little cocky.... a little sassy attitude gets attention!! I wish you all the best of luck... and love....

And for those downers, who live to call others liars and whiners and so on, I guess it does make you feel good to kick some one when they are down. Sheesh. Be kind to others. It don't cost nothing :) (Yes I am aware it is an oxymoron, moron)

peekapoo31's photo
Wed 12/11/13 12:39 PM
My point exactly. I mean, am I supposed to request a semen, blood, hair, and urine sample up front? It's crazy. LOL. I should just make a big questionare for them to answer on the first date lol.

peekapoo31's photo
Wed 12/11/13 05:46 AM
A lot of men don't wear them because of their profession also. Mechanics tend to not wear them, it can cause major injury to their fingers. Coal miners, yes I am in coal country people, tend not to wear their as well, for the same reason. Hey I have known all kinds of women who would cheat on their husbands. They would just slide a fashion ring on in place of their band to hide the mark it made lol.

peekapoo31's photo
Wed 12/11/13 05:43 AM
Exactly. I am very untrusting now. I don't believe anything lol. I may smile and listen and make nice but in my head I am making a mental list of facts that need checked out lol. That is horrible.

peekapoo31's photo
Wed 12/11/13 05:24 AM
Edited by peekapoo31 on Wed 12/11/13 05:27 AM
Another thing. I don't dig into a person's past unless I distrust them. That requires too much time and energy I could be using for doing something constructive.
He had no mark nor indentation where a band would have been worn. That is of course one of the first things I look at upon meeting a man. He didn't have a busy phone or anything of that nature. He was 100% absorbed when we were together. I didn't really consider us as serious enough to intro to family. My kids never met him. Like I said, he was just a casual date.

peekapoo31's photo
Wed 12/11/13 05:23 AM
Okay. It's like the Salem witch trials here. We exchanged the usual information before we ever went out. Hello. This was like 5 years ago. I was not nearly was internet savvy. He said he had never been married, no kids. He actually told me he was unable to have kids. HA!
I was reluctant to take him to my apartment, as with any man, at first. I have kids and don't want just anyone in my home. We always went out and that was a treat for me. Crap... I worked 60 hours a week. Why wouldn't it be? ANd why I feel like I need to defend myself is beyond me. I can honestly say, there was never any indication that sparked my suspicions about said sleazeball. I didn't care about going to his house because most men think when they get you to into their comfort zone that it means they can get you in the sack. And I wasn't prepared to give it up and I am very glad I didn't. IDC what your opinion of me is, I was just simply commenting on this post. SHeesh.

peekapoo31's photo
Tue 12/10/13 06:05 PM
I was dating a guy for a while. Well. Just a few months. Just casually. Meeting once a week for dinner and a movie... some times making out but we never went all sexual. We were out of town one evening, at a nice restaurant, this little child comes over and says, "Daddy who is that woman?" I was floored. Then three more children come to the table, followed by a very beautiful woman. She quietly gathered her children, leading him by the arm, out of the place. I was stuck paying the bill, a whopping 80 bucks, but feeling very rich in the fact of knowing I had done nothing wrong. I never had a clue. He was very good at what he did. I have never heard from him again. I am glad he left it alone. I commend this woman, the jilted wife, there was no drama, no screaming, none of that ghetto trashy crap. And I wouldn't blame her if she beat the living crap outta him after they got home.

peekapoo31's photo
Tue 12/10/13 03:28 PM
Yes... slurping a milkshake incessantly for about 15 minutes to make sure the last tablespoonful of liquid was out of the cup.... yeah... a ruffian...shiver....

peekapoo31's photo
Tue 12/10/13 05:38 AM
Yeah, I felt.... somewhat violated. He kept trying to put the moves on me and all I could do was try to refrain from puking. I can stand ugly sometimes, if they have an astronomically great personality, but warn me first, and I cannot stand nasty. And that sweaty, armpit yuck he was exuding..... horrid. I mean... he was pouring... and the smell.... I felt bad for him but I felt worse for me.... I was like um.. you look a lot different in person, he is like uh yeah all the ladies love me... I about choked on my tongue....

peekapoo31's photo
Mon 12/09/13 07:35 PM
Okay so I met this guy on another site. His pic showed him as tall, dark, well built and killer dimples.
Well what I got after him being late to the date from hell.... this tall, lumpy, blonde mullet wearing, sweaty person. He came up and starts talking to me and I am like who the heck are you?? He says I am such and such. I am like the hell you say!! It was a nightmare. I tried to stick it out and it just got worse and worse. Shew.

peekapoo31's photo
Thu 12/05/13 05:21 AM
I hated to just drop that brand of men in a box. I have long time friends who are also drivers. You can't always tell, however, from the outside what is happening there in the inside. From what I have heard, just on this forum, it is as with any other profession. Good and bad. Thanks for your POV.

peekapoo31's photo
Tue 12/03/13 06:17 PM
My grandfather was also a truck driver. My mother said he would go and stay gone for a year at a time and then just come home. From my understanding, he had several wives and children my mother never knew about until she was grown. THere could be several still that are unknown.

peekapoo31's photo
Tue 12/03/13 04:03 PM
Edited by peekapoo31 on Tue 12/03/13 04:04 PM
Okay. So I met this man who is a truck driver. Owner/operator. And he is all I love you and he gives me the cash and all lovey dovey and this and that. Its all good. Then find out... he is still married.... also has womens in 5 other states..... I am like aw heck naw.... so are all truck driving mens like this... or is this isolated....

peekapoo31's photo
Tue 12/03/13 02:53 PM
I personally am not turned off by seeing a picture of a man's children on here. I love kids. I, myself, have great kids. But. I do not nor will I ever approve of putting my children's picture online in any association with my love/dating life. I do disclose, in fact, that I have children. I do not volunteer names or anything, unless I am asked. I actually do not bring my kids into the mix of a relationship unless I feel it is getting to be of a very serious nature. If you bring your children in the middle of every relationship you have, they get hurt as well, should it not work out.