NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:45 AM
About time someone thought of doing that. It's a good thing I'm not a hacker. It's horribly easy to destroy someones computer for good with some simple code.

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:42 AM
It didn't seem necessarily to be aimed at christians specifically, just at blind religious devotion in general. At least thats my interpretation of this thread.

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:40 AM

I have a hard time with people who claim to be pro-life who are also pro-war.

The reason many people have a hard time with people being pro-life and pro-war is because of the silly and untruthful labels we give people.

Pro-life?? So other people are anti-life? NOT. Most Pro-choice people don't believe a fetus is life, that's why they feel abortion should be a woman's right.

Anti-abortion?? So other people are pro-abortion?? NOT. Pro-choice people don't wish people to have abortions. They just wish people to have the right to choose what they do with their bodies.

Pro-choice?? So others are anti-choice? NOT. Pro-life people feel choice only applies to your own life and since they feel a fetus is a person you should not be able to abort it.

Pro-war?? Are there really PRO war people?? Maybe some nutcases but mostly no. Many people feel war is an necessary evil and must sometimes be waged. Those who wanted to invade Iraq were not PRO war. They didn't want people to die. They just felt (rightly or wrongly) that the war was necessary to save more lives in the future.

People will start understanding each other better when people stop labeling each other with a broad brush.

Thank you. There's the important part of this discussion that needs grasped first. People take terms and apply them incorrectly then start attempting to get ideas based on their falsely interpreted terminologies.

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:32 AM
If it's a holey wall, you might pee on the people on the other side of the wall.

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:23 AM
Well... the church's wall would still be a wall. We didn't cover what wall he was using earlier.

And I'm sure there has been. Old man having a heart-attack? Or maybe someone just being smothered by a massive pair of knockers.

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:22 AM
This was written over a year ago and is in no way related to anything that has occurred since then, just fyi.
This is a far cry from a fair trade

The red dawn coated from the black night's deceits

Stained with the cover-up of yesterdays defeats

This is a far cry from an honest truth

Words thrown with intention for misdirection

But this curve ball of the tongue evades closer inspection

This is a far cry from a good sleep

Locking what was always open before

But still one eye to the bed and one to the door

This is not a far cry from a swift end

When excessive measures are taken and results still not seen

When the actions motivation is nothing more than green

This is a far cry from a fair trade

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:19 AM
everyone who isn't down...

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:19 AM
"FACT: Rahm Emanuel is a NeoCon in Leftist clothing. "

I have no idea who the hell that guy is or I'd debate.

What is he when he is naked in the shower?

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:17 AM
What if you need to meditate and aren't near a tree?

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:16 AM
It all seems a little off one way or another.

As far as the paying of the bill, things like that are a classic ploy used by men proficient with the "exchange principle". Which basically states if I do something for you, you feel obligated to do something in return. Wanting to dote over a potential love interest is normal, but quite often out of the ordinary assistance or gifts are just a baiting technique. Not necessarily the case, but is something to think about.

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Tue 11/11/08 03:03 AM
Are you trying to tell me pissing up against a wall ISN'T meditating?

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Tue 11/11/08 02:56 AM

While you're in a situation where you have no time for experimentation it may be hard to get passed your current dilemma. On the other hand, for the time being, I'd advise reading while you have all that spare time online at work. Maybe make a list of random things you don't know much about and start researching. Then when you do get a little spare time outside of work or school, you might have a better idea of what you would want to try.
Excellent idea!!!bigsmile

Thank you.

Now I can't really be sure if that will help, but I think people have a tendency of getting lost in life when they find their time too crowded.

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Tue 11/11/08 02:53 AM
If you ever mean as much to me as she did
I would be surprised
If you ever mean as much to me as she did
I would be surprised at the way this all turned out
And I will break into a melody and sing this life away
About how things catch you at your least expected moment
It would make the ladies cry and the men will sit and sigh
Cause no one saw the chorus coming

If you ever mean as much to me as she did
I would not deny the truth as I see it
If you ever mean as much to me as she did
I would be surprised at the way I didn't see it coming
Until the desert opened up and rained upon my words
I just watched the water falling to the earth
So just listen to the song of how the unexpected dreams
Could never let you know ahead of time they were coming

The lyrics could fill this desert as the words fall from the sky
And as the rain drops from my pen onto my paper
And in the storm you'll hear the song, you will never wonder why
That you never see the sand dunes in my singing
If you ever mean as much to me as she did
This song will be anointed in our eyes
If you ever mean as much to me as she did
I will watch over you until I die

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Tue 11/11/08 02:47 AM
Should we take bets as to if we get any responses in here?

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Tue 11/11/08 02:46 AM
While you're in a situation where you have no time for experimentation it may be hard to get passed your current dilemma. On the other hand, for the time being, I'd advise reading while you have all that spare time online at work. Maybe make a list of random things you don't know much about and start researching. Then when you do get a little spare time outside of work or school, you might have a better idea of what you would want to try.

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Tue 11/11/08 02:42 AM
Edited by NinjasNeedLoveToo on Tue 11/11/08 02:43 AM
well.. there's two of them. so people will get a second chance.

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Sun 11/09/08 10:41 PM
Education and taxes.

America is getting dumber exponentially. (Watch Idoicracy, it makes a good point.) Our education system is slipping. Our standards, students desire to learn, parents job at enforcing their kids attendance effort. Education is the key to a successful country. The smarter we are as a whole, the better we do, and the smarter we get.

Secondly our tax system is screwed up six ways from sunday.

I've seen (not in detail) studies that suggest that a 2-4% flat tax would generate more revenue than we get now and is completely fair to any economic class. Which would assist our overall economy and our countries debt significantly.

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Sun 11/09/08 10:35 PM

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Fri 11/07/08 02:52 PM
I'd like to play an antihero. I think traditional roles get redundant.

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Fri 11/07/08 02:47 PM
Edited by NinjasNeedLoveToo on Fri 11/07/08 02:48 PM

Haha, the girl i like is off out tonight to try and win the affections of the guy she likes. And i've been trying to help! That might make me single by choice.

I'd have to agree that makes you single by choice.

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