She Said We's Just Old
always enjoy my visits here...... I so enjoy your company, thank you. |
We Shared
'precious write' we are tender here, these vulnerable seeds we good to see you. |
We Shared
Still, we share. If only and just for a moment we shared the same heart Lovely Sadie... I guess it is Easter, all the memories flood...moments..that's all...Thank you for sharing here. |
We Shared
Thank you all, KiK, Day..Kevin. I come from a not so small family. I am always in awe of how we are all so different, how we see life so unlike each other. I am miles away and I miss them. Thank you ...each one of you for gracing my heart touching my soul briefly but so powerfully..
We Shared
We Shared
...the same room playful joys for a time, home. Life cutting stained glass forming pattern through which we viewed childish dreams rose tinted laughter crimson tears spattering the stairs we climbed the rail we slid down to land sometimes on both feet. Hope Never wanting to grow old without each other... at least for me. But we have grown. Older, that is, sharing with someone else... Change... leaving us aghast with need that mesmerizes beyond ourselves to our little ones reach. Still, we share. Our room having expanded to a world not always visible or kind to each other. If only and just for a moment we shared the same heart realizing full well you remember...differently. SadieLu© 2013 |
She Said We's Just Old
Azure, a perfect silence crystallized in tattletale eyes lulling distance with ease. Quiet relinquish familiar surround where void has chosen to reside. A home unable to welcome anything else. There were times everything...nothing was but a pretense, a charade to minimize the pounding of life. Vistas unfocused world...reality...unreachable landlocked. Her song lures. Cold this siren's soul the lying complacent of the deep, unbeknownst abyss. Tattle tale blue crying tears of silent truth ...yours alone. SadieLu ©2013 |
Rise and Shine - part 13
Mornin...It has been so long since I've been able to see yous all..My hyacinth are opening up..fragrant...Such a way to encourage the day. Have a wonderful.. Ciao
magnificent sadie, you bring such depth to your writes, and to this forum. we are so lucky you allow us this. Each time we come together and share our hearts, the hope, sorrow, joy and goodness of our lives..WE are blessed to know each other for the time that is OURS...wonderful to see you. |
Very thought Provoking, nice write for sure.... Thank you for your thoughts. This is a wonderful place to share. |
ah ms. Sadie always so nice to find you here... I am here when the signal permits...I try to keep up with you. I love what you are doing. |
The beauty of your words communicates even the harshest realities with serenity and grace...Another beautiful piece, Sadie.... Your thoughts encourage me, Thank you, Vicki. |
a lovely piece. You are lovely, thank you. |
Thank you, Jeff...should I be wearin green? |
Mornin..and I thank you. |
Thank you. |
So lovely to read you again Sadie..I could relate to this piece..♥ Wonderful to see you, again. I cherish you. |
I am spiritually moved by particular lines in this poem. Powerful finish. Thank you. I appreciate you sharing, reading. |
Azure, a perfect silence crystallized in tattletale eyes lulling distance with ease. Quiet relinquish familiar surround where void has chosen to reside. A home unable to welcome anything else. There were times everything...nothing was but a pretense, a charade to minimize the pounding of life. Vistas unfocused world...reality...unreachable landlocked. Her song lures. Cold this siren's soul the lying complacent of the deep, unbeknownst abyss. Tattle tale blue crying tears of silent truth ...yours alone. SadieLu ©2013 |
Hey Sadie!! How are you?? Warming up...hopefully. Still without my car...didn't think it would bother me as much...but is. My signal is in and out..nice to catch up with y'all |
Rise and Shine - part 13
Broke jeep??? ........ what happened?? U-joint for L.F. wheel went bad, if I drove it more, I could just do more EXPENSIVE damage. Needs special tools to repair, so finding a shop to do the work. LIFE IS GRAND. Aww man!! I'm sorry! Jeep wasn't as bad as could have been. First thought $1000.00 to $1200.00, actual cost under $900.00. But the snow is melting & all the lots are cleared. better news...for you glad to hear. |