Community > Posts By > Laura10

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Thu 03/26/09 01:19 PM
long and rainy

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Thu 03/26/09 01:16 PM

OH I love remembering these songsflowerforyou ty to those that have posted in here. it has brightened my day

yw-It has been fun and brightened my day as well. Thank you yellowrose and RainbowTroutflowerforyou

Here's a good one we still sing!

This little light of mine

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!

Hide it under a bushel, NO! I'm gonna let it shine...

All around the neighborhood, I'm gonna let it shine...

Don't let Satan pfft- it out! I'm gonna let it shine...

Let it shine 'til Jesus comes. I'm gonna let it shine...

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Thu 03/26/09 12:10 PM

I think my son was about 4 during that time. My grandmother watched him for me while I worked. when she ran errands with him, she would sing those songs to him in the car. He started learning the songs and would sing...Do La Do La Do member me. it was the cutest and sweetest thing. He tried. my grandmother (after a while of listening) tried to correct him but she said it was so hard because it was the cutest thing


Memories like that are so precious!

My 8yr old son the other day was trying to get by his younger brother and scaled the back of his chair at the dinner table.

I said, "Bradley, stop that. Don't climb on the back of his chair."

And Bradley replied, "There is no mountain that will get in my way!"

He was thinking of Mark 11:22-24 which we had been talking about a while back.

I let him know that that is not what that verse was referring too, but I couldn't help but laugh!slaphead


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Thu 03/26/09 11:55 AM
happy Do La flowerforyou Too Cute flowerforyou

Here is my daughters favorite:

Jesus Loves the Little Children

Jesus Loves the Little Children - The Song
The song Jesus Loves the Little Children has been listed as a hymn, a prayer, and a nursery rhyme. It is one of the first songs small children learn in church, perhaps second only to Jesus Loves Me. Most children and adults know the words to the chorus:

Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Red and yellow, black and white,
All are precious in His sight.
Jesus loves the little children of the world.

The tune was written by George Frederick Root as an 1864 Civil War tune titled “Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, the Boys are Marching.” Later the words of “Jesus Love the Little Children” were written for the tune by one of Root’s favorite lyricists, Clare Herbert Woolston.

Jesus Loves the Little Children - The Writers
Root (1820-1895), the composer of the tune for “Jesus Loves the Little Children,” was born in Sheffield, Massachusetts. He studied in Boston, New York, and Paris. He became an established music educator and composer, noted for sacred and patriotic music. Among his credits are “The Battle Cry of Freedom,” “Just Before the Battle, Mother,” “The Shining Shore,” and “The First Gun Is Fired” which was written in April 1861 after the firing on Fort Sumter.

In 1853, with William Bradbury, Root established the New York Institute for “affordable instruction and especially quality teachers of music.” The Institute was in business until 1871 when it was destroyed by fire. Named after George Frideric Handel, Root died at his summer home in Bailey Island, Maine at the age of 75. In 1970, he was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame.

There is little information about Chicago-born C. Herbert Woolston (1856-1927). However, the songwriter is said to have been inspired by Matthew 1:14 where Jesus says, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.” In this verse, the disciples were afraid the children would bother Jesus, but Jesus wants children to come to him.

Jesus Loves the Little Children - The Faith
The sentiments expressed in Woolston’s lyrics for “Jesus Loves the Little Children” are drawn from Scripture and reflect reality. “Faith is natural to a child, for complete physical dependence is accompanied by absolute emotional confidence,” wrote Christian educator Lois LeBar in her classic book, Children in the Bible.

While children come to Jesus readily, there is more hesitancy for adults to respond. Grown-ups seem to lose the innocent faith and trusting nature that children possess. Yet in Matthew 18:4-6, Jesus invites us to come to Him “like little children” and says “whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”


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Thu 03/26/09 11:35 AM

God of this City - Chris Tomlin

You're the God of this city
You're the King of these people
You're the Lord of this nation
You Are

Your the light in this darkness
Your the hope to the hopeless
Your the peace to the restless
You Are

There is no one like our God
There is no one like our God

Chorus 1:
For greater things have yet to come
Greater things are still to be done
In this city
Greater things are have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done
In this city

Greater things have yet to come
And greater things are still being done
In this City

Jesus is Lord over Tusla!
:heart: flowerforyou

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Thu 03/26/09 10:27 AM
woman is thankful

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Thu 03/26/09 10:22 AM
I have been meditating on these verses the last 2 days and they have blessed and challanged me.

Romans 12:9-13 (New Living Translation)

9 Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. 10 Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. 11 Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. 12 Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. 13 When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.

And verse 11 in the Amplified says:

11Never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavor; be aglow and burning with the Spirit, serving the Lord.

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

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Sun 03/15/09 02:26 PM

One of my favorites to sing with my children. Oh, OK...I sometimes sing it alone too=) Thanks for the interesting information!flowerforyou

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Sun 03/15/09 02:05 PM

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

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Fri 02/27/09 12:22 PM
hugs and kisses

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Fri 02/27/09 12:21 PM
Pride & Prejudice

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Tue 02/24/09 02:42 PM

Weeds Of Seeds

Three years ago began a trip toward lands to me unknown
This trip began by chopping down the weeds of seeds I'd sown
Those weeds of seeds and sinful deeds had left me scared and cold
So I lost my life, forgot the strife, and left for lands untold

Now along this journey, the road forked many ways
Sometimes I'd make the wrong choice, and camp out there for days
Then pack my bags of filthy rags, go back and try again
I need some sort of map to read, a guide, or just a friend.

Sometimes I'd ask directions, from someone strange to me.
But then they'd ask for money; I thought advice was free
Silver or gold, I had none, so on my way I went
Another fork, another choice, now right back in my tent.

I keep on pushing somewhere, the place I do not know
I've heard some others speak of it, where milk and honey flow
I wish I had a partner, someone to act as guide
I cannot make this trip alone, I'm weak and petrified

But wait, what's that I see ahead? It looks like some strange book
With great anticipation, I decide to take a look
What in the world does this book say, I thought with my first peek
I cannot comprehend this book, the words they must be Greek.

I cannot use this little book. I need some sort of map
Now tired and exhausted I reclined and took a nap
But in my sleep I had a dream and then I heard this voice
It said that book, it is your map, but you must make the choice

Instantly I sprang awake and jumped up to my feet
I grabbed the book, and flipped a page, and then began to read
The page was titled Proverbs, the chapter labeled three
Then in verse five it came alive, this book it spoke to me

It said that you must trust in me, no need to understand
I'll guide your way, with every day, reach out and take my hand
Wow! I can't believe this, this little book can speak.
It said I'll give you what you need, just make it Me you seek.

I'm still upon this journey, of this I'm proud to say
I know I wont get lost again, this book, it leads my way
And now my destination is of less concern to me
As long as this book guides me, then I know I will be free

Friends this little message is not far from my life
Have weeds of seeds been choking you? Is your life filled with strife?
Then my friends I say to you, chop down those weeds of sin
Take this book, no second look, and let your life begin!


Amen Michael!! I'm never looking back except to give my testimony!:smile:
I heard we should believe for a crop failure on every bad seed sown and a bumper crop on all good seeds sown. I'm so glad He gives us beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.(Isa. 61:3)


Thanks for sharing.flowerforyou

Proverbs 3:5-6 (New International Version)

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;

6 in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

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Mon 02/23/09 07:41 PM
Edited by Laura10 on Mon 02/23/09 07:42 PM
pizza with pepperoni

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Mon 02/23/09 07:32 PM
Edited by Laura10 on Mon 02/23/09 07:32 PM
attention changed directions

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Mon 02/23/09 07:28 PM
mother teaches kids

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Mon 02/23/09 07:18 PM
madness when hurried

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Sun 02/22/09 06:56 PM

The last time I went to church was this last Wednesday. The minister was talking about prayer and mentioned what could be called the Lord's prayer. Matthew 6:9-13 - Luke 11:2-4 gives this prayer. In going to church some have said that it is erroneously titled since even though the Lord spoke the prayer that as Christians that it should be our prayer.

Some call it the Disciple's Prayer

In my AA and NA meetings we use this prayer along with the serenity prayer. In the two meetings outside of church it has lately made me think of what we call "a conscious contact with the God of our understanding". Lately, I have heard that prayer is talking to God and meditation is listening to God. The pastor also mentioned that there are different types of prayer. He called the prayer that we as a congregation should be most cognizant of is "praying through." He mentioned the verses where Jesus prayed in the garden and how his sweat was as drops of blood. He talked about the part in Acts where the disciples prayed for ten days until they got power from on high and the verse where one could say to this mountain be thou moved.:smile:


Meditation can also be memorizing the Word of God and thinking of its meaning and how to apply it to our life. Sometimes I just meditate on His goodness. On bad days it helps me to meditate on all the miracles He has performed in my life, where He has brought me from, and that His promises are true! (I’ll be sure to remind myself of that on my next bad day=)

There are many types of prayer. I am only learning of them more myself. I got a book last week called The Principles of Prayer by Billy Joe Daughtery that I am wanting to start reading it soon. I am thankful for a God that just wants us to be real with Him and that it is all about relationship! Here are some other types of prayer I can think of…
-Corporate Prayer
-Prayer of Agreement
-Intercessory Prayer
-Prayer of Commitment or Dedication
-Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving


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Sun 02/22/09 06:22 PM

Hi and welcome!:smile:

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Sun 02/22/09 06:12 PM

Hello Friends flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

I am praising the Lord for intervening :thumbsup: with needs for My Mama yesterday :cry:

and for getting her to the hospital :angel: in time when i am soo far away tears

she was close to being in a diabetic coma sad sad sad

& i got a hold of the paramedics just in time bigsmile drinker flowerforyou drinker bigsmile

Thank God for His divine intervention and for the leading of the Holy Spirit. Prayers for your Mother and your family.

:heart: flowerforyou

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Sun 02/22/09 06:04 PM
Voice of Truth - Casting Crowns

The Bible says 'Do not be afraid' or 'fear not' 365 for each day!