Community > Posts By > Seamonster
I can't believe you guys keep falling for this op's act.. maybe the little sister trick will work.. if we all ignore this drive-by posting habit of his, maybe he'll give it up eventually.. Drive by.....? Oh yeah a rushism, You people realy can not think for yourselves can you? who? rush is always saying drive by media. So it's just another person worshiping at the altar of rush and just regergitating whatever he says. who do you worship sigmond? no-one but those boys that keep me safe from my evil family in their back yard fort. |
I can't believe you guys keep falling for this op's act.. maybe the little sister trick will work.. if we all ignore this drive-by posting habit of his, maybe he'll give it up eventually.. Drive by.....? Oh yeah a rushism, You people realy can not think for yourselves can you? who? rush is always saying drive by media. So it's just another person worshiping at the altar of rush and just regergitating whatever he says. |
honest question....
thomasbj... seamonster... if you do not understand the words, then they are as ignornace to you, and indeed rightfully so, they were not written to you, nor hold any meaning or insight, into the belief's both of you have have expressed... do all the words you speak, that another does not understand, mean your words were in error??? you may not understand them, but make no mistake, not one word will fail to come to pass, before your very eye's. so what else did you drop by for??? um..... ![]() |
I can't believe you guys keep falling for this op's act.. maybe the little sister trick will work.. if we all ignore this drive-by posting habit of his, maybe he'll give it up eventually.. Drive by.....? Oh yeah a rushism, You people realy can not think for yourselves can you? |
T2.....have you dated all the races in the world???? no. so why not? no i haven't that's only because there hasn't been enough different races cross my path or believe me, i would've. as far as dating a man, nope i'm a malephobic. i've dated bisexual women and have a very good friend of mine that is a gay woman. i would date her if she would let me, but, you can pretty much figure that one out. Then you are a Homophobe and a bigot, when useing your logic. And until you have crazy man sex then you will always be a bigot. Now do you see where your logic breaks down? no, break it down for me please, i'm slow when it comes to someone inferring something by just posting words. ![]() Well you see....... |
T2.....have you dated all the races in the world???? no. so why not? no i haven't that's only because there hasn't been enough different races cross my path or believe me, i would've. as far as dating a man, nope i'm a malephobic. i've dated bisexual women and have a very good friend of mine that is a gay woman. i would date her if she would let me, but, you can pretty much figure that one out. Then you are a Homophobe and a bigot, when useing your logic. And until you have crazy man sex then you will always be a bigot. Now do you see where your logic breaks down? |
how many of you have dated a black person? i have. if you haven't then tell me why you haven't, it's not like there isn't plenty around to choose from. tell me you're real reasons for not doing it. bet none of ya will tell. Have you ever dated a man? If not then your a homophobe. ![]() psst....beat ya to it lol lol yeah I see that now. |
how many of you have dated a black person? i have. if you haven't then tell me why you haven't, it's not like there isn't plenty around to choose from. tell me you're real reasons for not doing it. bet none of ya will tell. Have you ever dated a man? If not then your a homophobe. ![]() |
The Quick and Easy Answer
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.............. With a detached eye, you offered the same thing a religious person did... with a different label. Church = Science. How about just getting on with being fully present in this moment, with all the heart you were given/created/prepossessed,etc.? Get out of the head, and into the heart...feel...instead of think. Who gives a rats razzoo about how or why or where this existance came from... how about just BEING IN IT? So don't think just be? I like the idea of exploring and finding out the answers to questions. We may never know the answers to the big questions but the answers we get along the way are worth the search. |
The Quick and Easy Answer
Often times a Christian will demand that I explain why something is the world is the way it is or how come people behave a certain way. Their view is that God made it that way. But their demand takes it a step further, if I can’t explain exactly how science explains something with 100% certainty, than God must have done it.
How come we look at a painting and see beauty in it? How come we feel guilty when we lie or steal? How can science explain love? The fact is that science does have answers for all these questions. But are we 100% certain of those answers? No. Is there one answer which can easily explain the entire universe? Aside from 42, I don’t think there is. We can say that “God did it,” but that doesn’t make it true. We can say that we are 100% certain that “God did it,” but that doesn’t make it true. Instead, all that really does is to cut short our search for the real answers. Some people want a quick and easy answer to all the questions they can think of. They want that all-in-one answer so badly that they are willing to make it up and be satisfied with that. Personally, I think that is pretty boring and not very satisfying. Not to mention, it wouldn’t be true. We live in an uncertain world and we are just beginning to understand how some aspects of this universe work. Through science, we are learning more and more each day and while I cannot answer all of the questions of the universe with 100% certainty, I think the scientific method is doing a pretty good job so far. If you want a quick and easy answer, go to Church. That doesn’t mean that their answer is true, jus that it is an answer. If you want to really learn about the Universe and the people in it, than start by taking a few science classes and learn how we know what we know and to what certainty we know it. |
Edited by
Tue 03/10/09 05:16 PM
wy does anyone sound surprised. how many times do i have to say it??? he's a shock jock and in it for the ratings. he is getting publicity from all sides. Agreed, He's Howard Stern Except less funny |
He is without a doubt a racist pig.
Wow a 'black' 'female' '''conservative''' doesn't like Obama or his policies. Wow!! Next! Man, I don't remember if the losers last time B$tched this much.. It's a part of life, win some lose some. But it's not like all the condesending remarks are going to change the fact that Obama is our president, right or wrong. There's twits on both sides of the isle, and always will be. Someone will always be the winner and someone the loser, not sure how all this liberal attacking is going to really make you feel better, but if it makes ya happy I will jump out and let you have at it until it wears ya out. ![]() ![]() Complacency kills. Look at the boat you are in. If you think rolling overt and accepting bad service is the answer then you get what you pay for. Freedom is not free! Freedom is not free? How bumperstickerish of you. You found a black woman that spoke out against Obama and then you parade her around like it's some kind of weird victory. His aproval raiting is 61% higher than Bush Clinton and Reagan at this time. Bush has damn near destroyed this country and you cant seem to wait to help destroy whats left. Good Job. |
honest question....
if the God of the Old Testament was ever debunked as myth would that automatically make Christianity debunked by extension? (I ask because some christians tell me that they ignore the old testament and focus on jesus's teachings) The Old Testament is the history of the creations of YAHWEH, (Of which mankind is meant to be the crown jewel) and how GOD interacted with mankind until the coming of Messiah. The writings tell of the struggle between Mankind and GOD... Mankind, made in the Spiritual image of GOD, let envy and the desires of his heart get between him and GOD... Since GOD is SPIRIT, therefore invisible to the eyes of mankind, many don't ever get it. JESUS, The Messiah (The Anointed One) was born as mankind, but bears The Spirit of His Father, YAHWEH. As to OT laws, there are only TEN that Christians are required to live under, that is; The Ten Commandments given to the chil;dren of Israel: The Book of Exodus 20:3-17 3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. 7 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. 8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. 12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. 13 Thou shalt not kill. 14 Thou shalt not commit adultery. 15 Thou shalt not steal. 16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. 17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's. *The rest of The Law was added, because the Israelites could/would not understand the meanings of The Ten Commandments. Jesus, The Messiah explained OT Law in this manner: The book of Matthew 22:35-40 35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, 36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. The OT should be used as a guideline for study in The NT, much like our American History books are used in school. ![]() Apparently god excludes himself from these commandments. The god of OT IS THE SAME as the god of the NT. The laws were given for mankind. These laws logically flow from His very nature. nubby... if god is god, and words of god are indeed prohecy, then how are these laws, and not prophecy, of what WILL BE from within, if ONE SEE WHAT IS TRUE, within, if god is uncovered from within??? then these things would simply be revealed from the nature of a person, and not as some natrue of something in the sky??? what uncover the nature of love, which is god, within, if one is trying to be as god??? can a human "act itself" into a representation of a infinite all powerful god??? what was surrender then spoken of, or "not my will but yours"??? why did jesus tell "scripture" to get behind him, even with anger??? is that not the same as saying, scripture does not guide me??? each act of a human, does not change, as some tell of good or bad, but rather the motive of the heart, whether it be most for self, or most for the love of other's, and only this decide WHAT all words and actions create??? is this why even jesus, was not the sweet old grandpa he is professed to be??? did it not say, to go and be as this one??? the only true knowing of any god, is not asking to be some rightouess thing, or good thing, or clean thing, but rather only asking HOW to love other's, and if this was anything that humannity already had thru good doctrine, would not LOVE PREVAIL, and evil by now have been abolished, and all things hold hands in harmony??? what more is of god, then forsaking the nature of the mind, that only naturally seek to recieve unto itself, only the good words from the one's it claim to love??? are not ALL BAD WORDS RAN FROM, and only the body, and brian, and spirit, only drawn to what say it is good??? so then religion become only a cloaking device??? so then the same as running from god, running from the negative, spoken of self, from the peoples around each other??? how is unconditional love, anything more than hearing all the words of those within our own families and communities, and not just the good words of self, leaving off all the bad of course, by seeking to find fault in another, lol... what more creates any delusion than this??? was not satan only said to be "thinking" that CREATE DELUSION??? if each in the world deny ALL THE NEGATIVE SPOKEN OF ITSELF, then where all come to??? then do not all wlak together towrds a cliff, all pointing the finger at each other??? but only each other can see into another, as self is in self??? it is not some doctrine that save, some dogama, that convert to greater sight, to the simple knowing of the brain, and how it is electrically charged, and magnetically controlled, showing what data and therefore what emotions it will "seek"??? why will the brain do as such??? if the brain, called the carnel mind, was said to be "evil", then HOW will it create evil??? is not the mind a electromagnetic device, that if SELF WILL, this will create ENERGY, or power, and this being put to it, by self will, will create a power draw, a polorization, just like a magnet and DRAW ITSELF TO THE OPPOSITE POLARITY??? this, why jesus said, not my will??? this, why said to surrender??? this why it said, when i "will" to do good, "evil" is present??? this, why it said, "no good deeds can please god"??? and who is god??? is it not people??? all are "children of god"??? all "ye are gods"??? but to think as self as like god, would do what??? electriclly charge the brain to "trying to be righteouss", damned as "self righteouss"??? and why it said, to get to "god", or truth within, one must become as turning the other cheeck??? what is this, more than actually believing the negative stuff said of self??? please man, it right there in front of the eyes... why jesus NEVER DARED CLAIM HE WAS ANYTHING??? why he cursed, and told scritpture to GET BEHIND HIM??? no scripture followed can save anything mortal!!! if god is said to nothing more than the least of these, then this would be then all humans??? is this not the way all brains are set up, as it did say god was just and fair??? just seems to be many things not yet connected, that create the only true or real to come forth, of anything greater??? this is brought up, as if these laws could create good, by WILLING self to be them, then THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPNEDED BY NOW, AS BILLIONS SEEK DAILY, WITH ALL THEIR HEART, TO BE GOOD??? is it only self that long to be good, and of god, that is actually drawn to evil??? what the hell is the only evil that exist, the only thining in it's infancy, that allow one to harm another??? that self IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANOTHER HUMAN BEING??? is not seeking to get into heaven, all about saving self??? is it no self absorbed??? what righeouss thing, IF IT SEE IT'S OWN SHORTCOMING, STAND AND SAY, SEND ME TO HELL, I AM GUILTY!!! then one see what HELL really is, and it is an illusion, the things that all seek for themself, say it is!!! to actually SEEK, and "will self", to do good, WILL MAKE THE OPPOSITE OF GOD, A DOG, THAT IS ONLY CONTROLLED BY IT'S MASTER, and the master of willed goodness, is disastor, the carnel mind, HUMAN BRAIN??? WHAT IS THE MASTER, THEN CONTROLLER OF ALL HUMAN BEHAVIUOR??? THE BRAIN!!! is that what we see all around us??? what is the decpetion of religion??? is it not, to WILL oneself to be good??? was it what another human, just as self seen, called paul, that said, "when i "will" to do good, evil is present??? that statement told the self seeking do gooder, to try harder, and led as lamb to the slaugther??? but the LAMN, lay down with the LION, THE MIND CALLED A ROAIUGN LION, THE LAMB CALLED GOD, HEAVEN WIHTIN, AND BECOME WHAT??? WISE AS SERPENTS!!! but, as serpent was called as bad too??? ideas my friend, but nothing can be true, less it is given consideration, as remember, there was once many called as blinded, and to think this age, is not just as primitive, in it's own right, as former man, leave current man just as blind and primitive??? it was once ignorance to say, that the world was round, and it went against all that was believed in that day??? is not all better knowing the same way??? peace bro... Forgive me, but I have to ask. Is english your first language? I seem to have a lot of difficult understanding your posts. Agreed, WTF? |
never have, but I guess I would.
As long as shes not all fire and brimstone waiving a bible around condemning people. That could get annoying real fast. |
Would you date...
I am an Atheist, so.........yeah
and as the Earth spins a full circle in 24 hours and around the sun in 365 days we contemplate what could have been or what could happen, yet we don't think of how we should be with one another. Let us for the sake of any religion, life, or good will remember those who have sacrificed freedoms, so we can now have them as a people, to allow us to practice what we deem to be peaceful for our souls. Let us appreciate the ability to love, cry, smile, think, argue, disaprove, agree, walk, talk, feel, smell, taste, and see as a gift to us. May we encourage the importance of peace and show our children that it is the only solution for the survival of mankind. The many people who spend time here on mingle2 are primarily lonely who seek somekind of attention. We should appreciate that each individual contributes in some way to make us feel important even if it is for just a second. Be thankful and greatful each and everyday. This will be my last post here on Mingle2 for a different path has called me in a new direction and I thank everyone who has contributed in answering or replying to the many questions I have posted since I have joined. May you live a prosperous, peaceful and loving life and most important of all "never give up!" and as a gift I offer this song Hate to see you go, realy. And great song. |
honest question....
Edited by
Tue 03/10/09 03:39 PM
Let me first ask you what pagan thought are you referring to? TB Rich have you studied Jewish theology? If you have to study Jewish theoligy to understand the bible then god did a piss poor job of getting it written. It is the most confusing books ever, god failed when he put that book out as a refrence. Just 1 of his many failures |
u can stab it , u can spit, but they wont be fixing it.... "Their liein' and lazy" Take it away bob. ![]() |
metal heads
Back in the day it was.. Overkill, Slayer, Anthrax, Testament, Megadeth, Metallica, Suicidal Tendencies, Cannibal Corpse, Kiss, Ozzy, Gwar, Priest, Maiden, Flotsam and Jetsam, Pantera, King Diamond, Helloween, Prong, Nuclear Assault, Corrosion on Conformity, S.O.D ,,M.O.D , Twisted Sister, Quiet Riot, Vio-lence, Kreator, Exhorder, Exodus, Death Angel,,,and many many more... these are off the top of my head... Good list, I would add Celtic Frost, Venom, Hellstar, Slayer and Merciful Fate. |