Community > Posts By > imtonyskaboni

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 05:33 PM
michael kramer is my dad. what can i say.

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 05:28 PM
cool now were all here, one big happy family all u fucking asshole sand
niggers, and regular niggers and just plain old fucking spics. ur
fucking shit heads, i hate u and this site, im deleting my profile,

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 05:08 PM
i put up new pics for any cute girls to enjoy, or make fun of. either
or. but yeah this site really seems to suck so hopefully someone around
here can change my opinion. cuase so far all i get is a bunch of emo
poerty queers yellin at me for tellin ya'll how it is. and you cant
handle it. cause ur weak. neways, hit me back on my page, send
friend request, somethin.

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:14 PM
NEONE older than 35 doenst belong on the internet unless SHE is really
hot. i mean u can go on, but dont go on dating sites and stuff u hot
bag of douche.

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:13 PM
U are truly and idiot. I am willing to bet that sooner rather than
later the circumstances i have laid out will come to pass. there have
already been events semi like it, but not full blown with more than one
person involved and not killing a signifigant amount of people or
causeing significgant damage. however, just think about it. GTA in
real life, its just a matter of time before someone snaps and loads up
7.62's for his AK, gets some grenades and other explosives and really
has a rampage. im telin u people, its not far off, this world is more
and more fucked up by the day.

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:11 PM
U are truly and idiot. I am willing to bet that sooner rather than
later the circumstances i have laid out will come to pass. there have
already been events semi like it, but not full blown with more than one
person involved and not killing a signifigant amount of people or
causeing significgant damage. however, just think about it. GTA in
real life, its just a matter of time before someone snaps and loads up
7.62's for his AK, gets some grenades and other explosives and really
has a rampage. im telin u people, its not far off, this world is more
and more fucked up by the day.

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:02 PM
fuck that, if ur gonna kill urself do it in a seoriusly cool way. now
im sure its gonna start happening soon. what i mean is people are gonng
go down guns a blazing, GTA style, and eveyrones gonna blame grand theft
auto cause someone gonna go a real rampage stealing cars and killing
cops. but damn, that would be fucking awesome.

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 01:39 PM
i find it truly satirical that you would compare youth to a disease. in
ur old and crinkled state u must not realize that u indeed are the
diseased ones whereas i am the young almighty poetry pervaing machine.
suck on those charms, before i take ur whale of a wife, chain her upside
down and drain her blubber to make soap. dick munch

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 01:35 PM
because unlike U, i have diverse sexual expieriences, so its not that
big a deal to see someone elses, which for u, would be a first, since ur
flab prevents u from seeing ur own

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 01:34 PM
wever got a dropout, fat ass, piece of crap, whos prolly never gotten
laid. prolly flippin throuhg between this board and WOW. god i cant
stand people like u livin off ur mom and dad and stuff. please jump in
front of a bus. all of u who are insulting me, seroiusly, get hurt real
bad, cause that would be real awesome ;)

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 01:32 PM
god i would love to hurt u so very very bad

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 01:20 PM
btw, i love that ur so ugly u put a tiger as ur pic. must suck not to
be able to put a REAL pic on a site. do u have elephantitis er
something? er whats going on there?

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 01:19 PM
its fun getting teamed up on by a bunch of internet misfits. a real
motley crew the lot of you are. its funny that when u want to attack
someone u go straight for penis size. id love to leave a big old
mushroom stamp and beat ur face around with my manhood ; then hear u
describe as "worm".

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 01:10 PM
these kids nowadays will be running this country when you are old and
wrinkly (if u arent already). so wake up, dont just dismiss youth as
frugal, naive rabbit dicks. open ur eyes and wipe the smudges off ur
glasses. lol, this country;s goin down fast.. but yeah tahts a nice
poem, but a rhyme scheme woulda been better.

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 01:02 PM
learn to rhyme? nice poem though

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 12:51 PM
cmon im decent looking, even more than that, but im being modest, but
seems like people dont kjnow how to activate ims and accept friend
requests on this site. prolly will just stick with myspace.

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 12:20 PM
dont be jealous im young and fresh and a damn good chef.

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 12:02 PM
if there are hot girls on this site, check out my page cuase im cute
and want hot girls as friends to talk with and hang out with and stuff.
if u want to have threesomes and stuff i know some girls around here to
do that kind of thing, or guys if u like that. no gay stuff though.