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Topic: Depression--"tis the season"
sushi's photo
Mon 12/04/06 01:47 PM
This is really meant to be a serious topic. Along about this time of
year, we all get a bit weepy about the ghosts of Christmas past. That's
normal, as is getting depressed 'cause the car needs repair, the kid is
sick, the dog died, etc.All of these things will put anyone in a serious
funk. But that's not the downers I'm referring to'cause these things
will all pass. The depression I'm talking about is the gut-wrenching
feeling of hopeless, failure, that never goes away. You hate your house,
you hate your job, you hate you hair,you hate your body, and the list
goes on. You dwell on some hurt you did 30 years ago that noone even
remembers. You can sleep alot; it's still there when you awake. You
can drink and pass out, and when awaken it comes back at you in spades.
Exercise does help, but who wants to spend 24 hour a day on the tread
mill. The only solution is to get HELP. This is the serious, real kind,
not the self-help you read about in those books. Call a real MD, not a
psychologist or acupuncturist. Visit a county mental health society or a
private physician. If you can't pay, believe me they will work out a
payment plan that you can't refuse. If you're really hurtin' they'll
help you for free. There are few MDs in this country that will refuse
to treat the hurtin'.

no photo
Mon 12/04/06 01:50 PM
Well you're just a litle ray of sunshine now aren'tcha

karmafury's photo
Mon 12/04/06 01:51 PM
She's so very right. Look at the stats on suicide. There is a marked
increase at this time of year. Just remember that no matter how bad
things may seem there is help. Both medical and your friends.

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:02 PM
fuck that, if ur gonna kill urself do it in a seoriusly cool way. now
im sure its gonna start happening soon. what i mean is people are gonng
go down guns a blazing, GTA style, and eveyrones gonna blame grand theft
auto cause someone gonna go a real rampage stealing cars and killing
cops. but damn, that would be fucking awesome.

karmafury's photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:08 PM
You are truly an ASS. I'm trying to figure out why you come to a site
that's for meeting people when all you can do is insult them. If you
feel the need to be angry with paople and show how bad and tough you are
then I suggest you join the armed forces (pick your branch) and get paid
for it. At least in this manner you would serve a purpose to society.

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:11 PM
U are truly and idiot. I am willing to bet that sooner rather than
later the circumstances i have laid out will come to pass. there have
already been events semi like it, but not full blown with more than one
person involved and not killing a signifigant amount of people or
causeing significgant damage. however, just think about it. GTA in
real life, its just a matter of time before someone snaps and loads up
7.62's for his AK, gets some grenades and other explosives and really
has a rampage. im telin u people, its not far off, this world is more
and more fucked up by the day.

no photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:11 PM
he would be good for target practice.

no photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:12 PM
heh well now... I know this a serious thing and all but some of us deal
with this no matter what time of year it is.Yeah talking hlps to friends
or a professional , meds hlp too but its never goona be like you will b
otally cured, sorry but that shit don't happen.

now Tony..ya sayin us "old folks" don't know shit,, boy learn something
called respect and you just might get it in return.

imtonyskaboni's photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:14 PM
NEONE older than 35 doenst belong on the internet unless SHE is really
hot. i mean u can go on, but dont go on dating sites and stuff u hot
bag of douche.

no photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:17 PM
You have just showed these nice people that you were not taught about
respect. Karma is right, you are truly an ass.

ASnd If you want to slam me about my weight you stupid punk, then start
your own thread. And I WILL be there.

no photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:18 PM
SUSHI, I am truly sorry for that.

My apologies.

no photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:30 PM
Porcelian any male that dogs a woman cuz of her weiht is a shallow assed
mutha so not worthy of the time of day, besides we both know that us big
gurls got it goin on :)

redmange420's photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:30 PM
Tony, don't make me clown your gay ass again. Stick with the men-only
sites and leave us straight people alone. You might want to go ahead and
stick to myspace, like your boyfriends stuck to your ass. Whats the
matter, are ya cryin? Did mommy and daddy not show your yuppy little ass
enogh paddling when you were younger? Take your mouth off your
boyfriends nuts, and proceed to your nearest music store and get your
favorite New Kids cd!! Other than that, you're a waste of useful peoples

redmange420's photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:31 PM
Also sounds to me like you need the mental help sushi was refering to.
Its called COUNSELING. I'm quite sure you and your boyfriend know what
I'm talkin about.

Morena350's photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:32 PM
kaboni, sushi is a realy nice woman, why don't you show some respect,
that is not much to ask, if you where ever tought to respect others that

no photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:33 PM
Thanks CCP i wonder if he thinks he hurt me by bringing up the weight?
I's not like I am hiding anything!
And everyone has already figured out that I am heavy, but has accepted
me anyway.

I HATE it when I get FLEAS in my fur!!!

Morena350's photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:33 PM
Im a counselor and deal with people like you everyday
so, stop your bs. and accept that you have serius issues

Morena350's photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:35 PM
hello CCP and Porcelain? was up !!!!!!!!!!!

spay's photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:35 PM

Morena350's photo
Mon 12/04/06 02:37 PM
was up man Just chilling lol,lol

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