Community > Posts By > REDGIRL67

REDGIRL67's photo
Sat 12/13/08 06:45 PM

I'll give you a hint, it begins with a "Z"

REDGIRL67's photo
Sat 12/13/08 06:35 PM

What is Darth Vadors name?

I don't knowhappy

REDGIRL67's photo
Sat 12/13/08 06:34 PM

Nope, try again

REDGIRL67's photo
Sat 12/13/08 06:33 PM

you watching it on regular TV or your own movie?

I love this movie
In Denver it's on channel 9flowerforyou And here is my favorite part.

George steps on Donna Reeds bathrobelaugh laugh laugh

REDGIRL67's photo
Sat 12/13/08 06:22 PM

Hi cuz.waving

How r u? long time no c...I was worried about u
Yeah, haven't been posting lately but i'm okflowerforyou Thanks

You are welcome..:smile:
We all missed youflowerforyou
AWWWW, really? that's so

REDGIRL67's photo
Sat 12/13/08 06:21 PM

Clarence was the angels name

[/quoteYes:banana: I'm watching it right now.

Which daughter had the petels?

REDGIRL67's photo
Sat 12/13/08 06:17 PM

Hi cuz.waving

How r u? long time no c...I was worried about u
Yeah, haven't been posting lately but i'm okflowerforyou Thanks

REDGIRL67's photo
Sat 12/13/08 06:11 PM

Hi cuz.waving

REDGIRL67's photo
Sat 12/13/08 06:06 PM
Let's play a game. What was the name of the angel in "It's a Wonderful Life"?

Let's play movie or tv trivia game. Throw your triva what at us

REDGIRL67's photo
Sat 12/13/08 05:23 PM
I was when I was younger but my tastebuds have changed. Now I don't like it that much.

REDGIRL67's photo
Sat 12/13/08 04:32 PM
If you were born in 1980 I have 13 years on youlaugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

REDGIRL67's photo
Sat 12/13/08 04:25 PM

Are these online relationships ? If so, my feeling is that they are iffy at best, so I wouldn't beat myself up about it.
True, I didn't look at it like that

REDGIRL67's photo
Sat 12/13/08 04:01 PM

I do this a lot too.
:smile: Yeah Im starting to think I may have this problem too.:smile:I can't seem to stay interested in maintaining a relationship.:smile: I get bored with it.:smile: I like the first parts of a relationship when I am still getting to know the other person but after I get to know them I seem to lose interest.flowerforyou
flowerforyou Thank you Mirror, that is exactly my problem.

But the even worse part is that I find myself doing this sooner in a relationship the older I get. I lose my patients so quickly and just give up. tears brokenheart What the he** is wrong with me?

REDGIRL67's photo
Sat 12/13/08 03:43 PM
Why is it that when I have a good thing going with any kind of relationship I have to sabotage it?

I push people away. Recently I did this to someone I was really starting to care about and I feel horrible about it.

Who else out there catches themselves doing this with a lot of relationships? Any suggestions? Please be nice.

REDGIRL67's photo
Fri 12/05/08 05:10 PM

Can you please tell me exactly what President Bush is guilty of and how he has killed thousands of people. Becauise I am sure you will not mention the Iraq wae considering it is not the President who declares was but rather Congress and since they did not open thier mouths, they are to blame. Also we can look past that. But If your argument is that he lied to us and took led us into a war based on lies, you can not say that. He acted on misguided information perhaps, but he never lied.
I'm sorry sweetie, we will have to agree to disagree on this. I think Bush is a bold faced liar.

REDGIRL67's photo
Fri 12/05/08 04:46 PM

I lost my Cousin Joseph in Tower 1 and on the day they found his body his wife Patricia committed suicide.

I blame Bin Laden for both their deaths and I have been wanting his assisination ever since.

That man is responsible for THOUSANDSsad maybe MILLIONS of deaths. He needs to be eliminated for the greater good of this world. I'm sorryflowerforyou but that is how I feel and I will stand behind it until my last breath
beautiful redgirl, don't stop at blaming Bin Laden. Blame the actual cause of the whole problem as well, greedy self serving people of any discipline in life! Sorrows for your loss, you will see them again, guaranteed, flowers
You're right martymark I can't stop at blaming him. Dam*it the White House new it was going to happen and did nothingmad

REDGIRL67's photo
Fri 12/05/08 03:14 PM

Thanks!! elwoodsully is coming to visit again. Meeting my family this time.

woo hoo!!!
flowerforyou drinker Happy for you

REDGIRL67's photo
Fri 12/05/08 02:57 PM
I lost my Cousin Joseph in Tower 1 and on the day they found his body his wife Patricia committed suicide.

I blame Bin Laden for both their deaths and I have been wanting his assisination ever since.

That man is responsible for THOUSANDSsad maybe MILLIONS of deaths. He needs to be eliminated for the greater good of this world. I'm sorryflowerforyou but that is how I feel and I will stand behind it until my last breath

REDGIRL67's photo
Fri 12/05/08 02:48 PM
Wow Heather. I unfortunatly don't know what to tell you but I want you to know that I know exactly what you are going through.

I had a 7 year relationship that fell apart and it took me another 5 yrs. to find someone I fell in love with and he cheated within a week after saying "I love you" to me. Oh yeah, he also cheated on me while I was in the E.R.grumble grumble grumble

After that one I find myself REALLY pushing people away.

Terrified of getting hurt againscared scared scared

REDGIRL67's photo
Fri 12/05/08 02:37 PM
Edited by REDGIRL67 on Fri 12/05/08 02:51 PM

I recently just read a post by a woman attacking those who believe in assaination and it blew my mind. Whether democrat, republican, Independant or whatever are you saying that assasination is not ok. In the late 90's, we had foriegn intellignece saying where Bin Laden was and we knew exactly what building he was in. You wouldn't have pounced on the oppurtunity to have taken him out. The argument that often rebuttles this is, "well we didn't know what he was going to do." Maybe we didn't, but we did know what he has done. The bombings in Kenya, the previous bombing of the Wrold Trade Center, and the attack on the U.S.S. Cole. I can understand if you do not want to assasinate a foriegn politian that represents a democratic nation, but to be against assasination as a whole I don't understand. Were you against the assasination attempt against Hitler that failed. I sure hope not
I LOVE THIS POSTflowers Thank you. And I am all for assasination if it is for the greater good of something. I :heart: :heart: :heart: controversial subjects:banana: :banana: :banana:

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