Community > Posts By > Californication

Californication's photo
Tue 10/21/08 10:59 AM
Measured and marked,
by obsessions, old and new,
life is a series of them,
with brief intermissions.

With each one's coming and going,
heart racing, hands shaking, irregular breathing,
With its death comes ambivalence,
and a desire to start anew.

And with each one's passing,
A new figure in your closet,
seemingly still,
it can't hurt to remember.

Californication's photo
Tue 10/21/08 01:50 AM
I kill myself the quickest in this forum. Bow down to me.

Californication's photo
Tue 10/21/08 01:34 AM

for the lose, lol

Californication's photo
Tue 10/21/08 01:32 AM

Californication's photo
Tue 10/21/08 01:30 AM
stubble is ftl imho

Californication's photo
Tue 10/21/08 01:25 AM
Mail order and 2$ hooker are both good suggestions.

As for wow, I had a 70 UD pvp assassination rogue and a female BE pve holy paladin, I raided on both characters up to BT and got my rogue to slot 25 on 2v2 and 19 on 3v3 in arena, so I kinda got bored with it.

Californication's photo
Tue 10/21/08 01:22 AM
Who's scruffy lookin'?

Californication's photo
Tue 10/21/08 01:16 AM
Wow got really boring after hitting top 30 in 2v2 and 3v3.

Warhammer online imho

And the only way I'm quitting smoking is if sex at least once a day for an undetermined amount of time left to my discretion is part of the deal.

Californication's photo
Tue 10/21/08 01:13 AM
LOL! I got it, I was just saying, lol.

foot----> <------------Mouth

Californication's photo
Tue 10/21/08 01:11 AM
Palin, seriously? So what do you have against Harry Potter? And you believe that women should have to pay for their rape kits? And what if a 13 year old is a victim of incest and gets pregnant? She should be forced to keep it?

You must've skipped my entire post but the last bit, I was being sarcastic.

Californication's photo
Tue 10/21/08 01:03 AM
Edited by Californication on Tue 10/21/08 01:08 AM

Agreed but that's why the state gave them civil (something idk) but it give them all the rights of marriage but not the tittle that is sacred

Forgive me for speaking bluntly, but the statement "Marriage is sacred" is complete bull****. Britney Spears' 55 hour marriage, Las Vegas, city hall marriages, and the immense divorce rate of this country are ALL testament to the fact that marriage is one thing:

A piece of paper.

If your imaginary person in the sky disagrees, then that's fine, in your mind, your marriage will be real and the rest will be affronts that will land the horrible perpetrators in hell to burn for all eternity.

As for this "Man and woman" business, I'd like those of you who don't already, to know that there aren't two genders, there are three. The third is called "Intersexual" And occurs naturally in 1% of the population, and in some cultures are considered spiritually sacred. When someone is born intersexual, their parents are strongly advised to give their child hormone therapy to push him/her inthe direction of one sex.

As a side note, I'd like to comment on the humor of the fact that our society has ostracized these people so much and so far, that we don't even have a pronoun to describe them in the third person.

And by the way, being homosexual is not a choice, a choice is remaining ignorant and uninformed on a subject and still posting on a forum complaining about the world moving towards being a remotely fair and peaceful place.

Californication's photo
Tue 10/21/08 12:50 AM
And what're you doing up so late?

Californication's photo
Tue 10/21/08 12:42 AM
I've only heard rumors, but I have heard from George Carlin (Rest in peace) that his wife was quite the stomach-turner.

Californication's photo
Tue 10/21/08 12:36 AM

*stares out tea-room window and looks for shifty-eyed Russians and Moose* laugh

I rofl'd rofl

Californication's photo
Tue 10/21/08 12:31 AM
Edited by Californication on Tue 10/21/08 12:31 AM

I've never rejected God in my entire life. Therefore I know the story is a lie. I don't need to worry about having faith one way or another. I can clearly see that it's a lie.

A bard after my own heart.

Otto's Irresistible Dance, please.

Californication's photo
Tue 10/21/08 12:23 AM


Not one person here aside from yourself has anything RIGHT, WRONG, CONFUSED, CLULESS, INFINITELY WISE, ETC ETC ETC to offer to this discussion. We're all just offering up our observations, opinions, thoughts, and feelings, seeing as the concept of god's existence is, by it's own nature, unprovable, and said god's desire/plan/scheme/storyline is also unknowable, so if you'd be so kind as to take your condescending, overzealous tone and bring it down, I'm sure your god would appreciate the humility.

-On the Christian concept of God-

I personally don't feel that, if there is a god, which all existing evidence wouldn't support anyway, he's incompetent at best.

The world is in shambles, ignorance runs rampant like an infectious disease, infectious disease runs rampant like... well... infectious disease, death, poverty, famine, and war coat our planet like a film of oil. And we're all supposed to believe that, although this god could peel off the film with ease, that it's all part of his plan. The master plan. God's will. A curious concept, really. A plan that involves every Human Being in existence, while simultaneously allowing for free will to exist.

Free will can't exist if the outcome is predetermined, and of course god, being omniscient, can fathom such paradoxes that my pathetic human brain would explode trying to understand.

The aforementioned statement is the best rationalization I've ever been given to explain why some things are so unfathomable and how god understands it all.

-Off the Christian Concept of God-

I may come off as a bit harsh to the christian faith, even though by my own belief I shouldn't, but it's incredibly hard not to be critical of the organization responsible for more Human suffering and death than any organization ever founded.

The truth is, whatever your religion, so long as it doesn't restrict your or anyone else's growth as a human being, can be a wonderful thing. The problem is that people have yet to separate faith from reality, belief from knowledge, allegory from history.

I, for one, believe that god, if it exists, is the web of human interaction and relationships, but that's a whole 'nother story.

Californication's photo
Tue 10/21/08 12:02 AM

Californication's photo
Mon 10/20/08 11:57 PM
Edited by Californication on Tue 10/21/08 12:01 AM
But I really can't, for the life of me, figure out what it is about either candidate that people are so excited about.

They're both liars, albeit motivational, but liars nonetheless. I'm so appalled by the complete inadequacy of our own country to find candidates worth serving as president that I was, until somewhat recently anyway, planning on not voting. I guess I hoped that my vote, or lack thereof anyway, would get through to whatever social circle I have and really show them how pathetic the direction this country has gone is.

That all changed when Mccain chose what I can only guess is the closest living descendant of what I thought to be extinct: the Homo neanderthalensis, to be his running mate.

Sarah Palin is, by a wide margin, the stupidest person I have yet to see run for any office higher than middle school secretary of student government. So, after some deliberation, I decided I have to vote if for no other reason than to do my part in keeping her out of the White House, and in Alaska, where word is she can put all her extensive foreign policy experience to good use.

Overwhelming sarcasm and insults to Sarah Palin notwithstanding, she really isn't someone I want even thinking about possibly looking at anything that could even remotely be considered running this country. With John Mccain, the oldest person to get elected to office in American history if he does do so, and what I'm going to air on the side of caution and assume is recurring skin cancer, she'd be, quite literally, a heartbeat away from being president.

So no, I don't like Obama or Biden, and I'm not fond of Mccain, and Hillary is just as bad as all three, but Palin, I must say, has definitely gotten my vote.

I would have voted Ron Paul given the chance.

Californication's photo
Mon 10/20/08 11:33 PM
As one with personal experience on hand:
The chest that carries the masks that you wear
There is, among them, a trait they all share.
Sitting at the mirror, your reflection is you,
Whether warped and cracked, it only changes your view.
The darkness holds in it, a glimmer of light
let go of reality, perception, and lies,
And truth will cease to slip through your hand,
The masks you love, you hate, and you fear
They're all part of you, so please hold them dear.

Californication's photo
Mon 10/20/08 10:51 PM

Eyes red and read over.
Pierced by investigative glances,
Covered with a settling fatigue.
The smell of smoke, liquor, and vomit.
Dizzy from the spinning,
spiraling outward and downward.
Lost all concept of time.
Am I dead?
Maybe this is what dying feels like.
My hands are soggy,
I just want to lay down,
Maybe die.
If they're right, I should wake up in heaven.
I wonder if I'll still have a hangover.