Community > Posts By > loveinuniverse

loveinuniverse's photo
Sat 08/16/14 03:51 PM
Titanic. Going down on everyone LOL J/K!

loveinuniverse's photo
Sun 10/06/13 05:19 AM
Hey now...don't pick on the Rhinelander girl. Thats my home area too.

loveinuniverse's photo
Sat 10/05/13 07:56 PM
I'm happy to see we gal pals aren't the only ones who receive this crap Lmao!

loveinuniverse's photo
Sat 10/05/13 07:50 PM

Didn't think any women would respond to this, women hate being proven wrong

Silly human. Don't you know that a woman is always right, even when she is wrong?



loveinuniverse's photo
Fri 10/04/13 11:29 AM
Crystalfairy thats exactly what they do. I am leary of anyone who is widowed. Sad because if there are men on here who are truly widowed they may not be trusted at first. Also add to the list...
-Gives you a phone number but its Google number or some other internet number.
-Or will only text you on the phone number but refuses to call you or receives calls and only makes up excuses.
- they seem quick to fall for you. How they feel they known you all their life and want a future with you when its been like uh a week.
I am so glad I keep alert to these red flags. So crazy how they work this and probably take advantage of vulnerable women. I guess there are women scammers too doing the same thing. A friends of mine told me that her Sister's BF brother just gave $5,000 to a lady he never met online because she gave him some BS story. Guess what! He never heard from her. I just can't believe ppl actually are giving money to ppl they never met. If ppl would just stop doing would put these scammers out of business.

LOVE is not based on a $ amount! Sheesh! LOL

loveinuniverse's photo
Thu 10/03/13 06:49 PM
I'm laughing hard at this whole thread!

loveinuniverse's photo
Thu 10/03/13 06:17 PM
Thats because they actually succeed sometimes because ppl foolishly gave them money :(

loveinuniverse's photo
Thu 10/03/13 06:02 PM
Believe u me...I do report them. I just want to get word out there and put these guys out of business.

loveinuniverse's photo
Thu 10/03/13 04:02 PM
I'm Kim...I'm sexy succulent..ok I'm also a comedian LOL. I like this place heehee.

loveinuniverse's photo
Thu 10/03/13 03:59 PM

loveinuniverse's photo
Thu 10/03/13 03:30 PM
How does this work if using Mobile?

loveinuniverse's photo
Thu 10/03/13 02:46 PM
Say what?? For real?

loveinuniverse's photo
Thu 10/03/13 08:34 AM
Thanks guys I never fall for the scams either but get irritated when these ppl come online and waste my time. :(

loveinuniverse's photo
Thu 10/03/13 05:24 AM
Also don't be afraid to question their actions...if your not getting straight answers be suspicious. These scammers are also not up to date on current events or latest popular trends. Don't be afraid to test. We are hear for good honest relationships. Do what it takes to make sure your speaking to the right people.

Happy mingling!

loveinuniverse's photo
Thu 10/03/13 05:20 AM
Anyone else having issues where u are being contacted by these guys? Beware and be ahead of their game. Watch closely for red flags. Anyone who asks u for money and tells u to prove your love to them are not real. These people will make excuses why they cant call or video chat. They will message you at odd ours. They act quick to fall in love etc. Don't buy into this. Be careful. Be safe!
