A women in her 40's.....
Hello Ladies,
Speaking as a 52YO man... The wit was scarcastic, (BTW, I love scarcasm), BUT absolutelty true regarding older women being sexier and more desirable. The fact that older 40's, (and 50's), women are more desirable is nothing new to a 52YO man. Ralph |
I don't avoid 30's/ 40's age bracket per se.
I would like/ participate in a 40's chat group. Ralph |
Older women make good...
Original Question, older women make better lovers?
True or False? My answer, is "somewhat", or "generally", BUT not necessarilly. Throughout my life, I've always had relationships with women who were up to plus 5 years, or up to minus 10 years of my own age. In the last 8 years since my divorce, I've known 2 women who weren't "enthusiastic" lovers. One was because she was just a selfish person. The other was probably because she didn't know to get past the "dirty sex" she was taught when she was young in her parents religious household. But my point, is that although a mature/ older woman will generally improve like fine wine; its not a guarantee. Ralph |
Men answer this truthfully!
Hi Faith,
Let's see, to paraphrase your question: as you get older, you've found that men treat you like a sexual object with no feelings? Well, speaking for myself, yes, (when in a relationship) with a woman, I am very sexual. BUT key word is relationship. I'm looking for a woman who is emotionally available to share our lives together. This includes romantic evenings, walks in the parks, and the mundane like grocery shopping and chores. I don't think that should be so difficult, but its been 8 years and I'm still looking. Faith, I seem to be encountering from women, the opposite from your experience with men. Ralph |
oil heating....
![]() ![]() Yes Hoov, you are right that a wood stove is cheaper (then either oil or gas), IF IF IF you have one of the newer 60% burning efficiency wood stoves. (A standard fireplace is only 10% to 20% max efficient) BUT a lot of people don't want the hassel that goes along with burning wood, ie, store large quanties of seasoned wood, and hauling/ loading/ fueling the wood stove AND CAREFULLY removing the embers & ashes. Ralph |
oil heating....
Oil is cheaper, historically, 7 out of ANY 10 year peroid you want to pick in the last 40 years.
Disclaimer: I have no special interest nor bennefit from the sale of either oil nor natural gas. I am abel to offer the following information because I used to teach energy efficency for a non profit public interest organization. So, you have to realize, that there are many confusing varriables that make an comparison difficult. First, there are 140,000 BTU potential in a gallon of oil, VS, 100,000 raw BTU's in 1 Therm (the unit that natural gas is sold in), of natural gas. Secondly, oil prices are allowed to float at the market prices, while natural gas is price regulated. Thirdly, in my area, and probably everywhere these days, natural gas is no longer sold on a flat rate. Now the price of transporting natural gas through the pipes is seperate line item from what you are ALSO charged for using the units of natural gas. Fourth, and then what happens is a world market disruption causes a price spike in heating oil. While natural gas CANNOT ask for a rate increase until their next regulatory cycle. And trust me, if the price of oil has jumped up, natural gas providers WILL ask for equivalent parity, (plus about 10% MORE/ above the equivalent heating value of oil); they just have to wait for the next regulatory application peroid. And if oil prices has spiked a great deal; the regulatory agency typically takes 2 cycles before they WILL allow parity price increase. And to anyone comtemplating ripping out their oil furnace in favor of new gas equipment; BAD MOVE. If you really want to save money on your heating expense, it is FAR cheaper to either simply upgrade/ modify your existing oil furnace. Its even cheaper to enitrely replace your oil furnace with a new super efficient oil furnace, rather than chasing an illusion and changing over to natural gas! Why? Because when you remove an existing oil furnace, you ALSO have to bear the NEW expense to 1) pay to have the oil tank removed by a scavanger, (very expensive), 2) pay to have NEW gas plumbing installed, and 3) typically you have to modify/ upgrade the oil chiminy to comply with more stringent natural gas regulations. |
I can relate from personal experience to everything you wrote about, because it recently happened to me.
Now let me preface by saying I can identify "borderline personality" disorder. I can also identify Bi-Polar and others. My GF was far nmore complex, and yet subtle. She would give a lot of mixed messages. She would ask me to sleep overnight, go shopping for funiture with her, snuggle watching a DVD, grab my hand while we were walking; and this was all things I liked. But she had a lot of subtle and yet obsessive quirks. She was a clean freak. She would only eat chicken. Things like that. She would go out of her way to do favours for people, and yet (I now realize), she would silently resent doing it. When she visited my home the first time, she blurted out that it wasn't large enough for "both of us". So I said I could sell it and we could buy a larger home together. She then flipped and said "I was crowding her". I could go on, but I'm just paiting the pix that its easy to arm chair quaterback offer an opinion. But not so easy to identify/ deal with it when you are personally involved. Anyway, while I was with her, I gradually noticed her behaviors. I wasn't too alarmed, partly because I thought I could cajole and coax her with patience and discussions. I loved her and was willing to partly work to understand, and partly accept her foibles as a part of life, because no one is perfect. I now understand she is incapable of ever having a real love relationship. And in her heart, she probably knows that too. And yet she is lonely, and wants LIMITED companionship; as long as it doesn't make her emotionally vulnerable in the slightest degree. Well, its over, even though I tried to discuss it with her. And its left a hole in my heart that will take some time to heal. So to the people who haven't experienced what Interpid00 has gone though, I would say you'll never understand until this particular situation until it has happened to you. Ralph |