Community > Posts By > speechless1985

speechless1985's photo
Sat 10/04/08 05:22 PM
i usually try for casual and work my way up instead of starting off with high goals and ending on a down slope.

speechless1985's photo
Sat 10/04/08 05:20 PM
im a face person so looking at the face altogether starting with the eyes. eyes are what catch my attention the most.

speechless1985's photo
Sat 10/04/08 05:18 PM
basically someone able to hold my attention and have good laugh with. but if theres no respect then nothing else matters.

speechless1985's photo
Sat 10/04/08 01:25 PM
experience is the best teacher really. i mean if i didnt do the things ive done i would have never gained knowledge from it.

speechless1985's photo
Sat 10/04/08 01:09 PM
i always have a good day or try.

speechless1985's photo
Fri 10/03/08 10:28 AM
aw i love circles of friends as long as i dont get to dizzy... :P how is everyone? i am having a better day then usual.. maybe because im actually venturing out today haha.

speechless1985's photo
Fri 10/03/08 09:29 AM
it is a respect thing yes and yes counciling helps most. i tried that as well and learned what i already knew. he wasnt ready to grow up and he still had his single life in mind and i couldnt change that. He went so far as to tell the councelor he didnt love me anymore cause i wouldnt let him hang out with the boys all hours of the night. I said i have no control what you do but when it comes to who you did thats when we have a problem.

speechless1985's photo
Fri 10/03/08 12:16 AM
i have to say after watching my exes new wife go back to her ex husband before their divorce was final was enough to make me not trust people who are simply seperated.

but your right who ever said its just like takeing the risk of someone you meet going back to an old flame.. except i dont want to play "the other woman" i want to be the only woman heh.

speechless1985's photo
Fri 10/03/08 12:04 AM
i did believe in giving second chances until my ex hubby screwed with my trust. we had been together seven years and he decided it was time to move on i guess to some other girl.. why its beyond me (and no it wasnt becuz of the sex lol) and i welcomed him back into my life after a months seperation. then come to find out he was seeing the wife of the couple he was staying with .. so that totally ruined any plans we ever made of fixing everything. sometimes its best to get out when u first find out.

speechless1985's photo
Thu 10/02/08 10:23 AM
new people are always fun . welcome and feel free to chat anytime i love meeting new people.

speechless1985's photo
Thu 10/02/08 10:22 AM
they all ran away to Phoenix.. but i hear we are nice people lol.. well some of us on our good days.

speechless1985's photo
Thu 10/02/08 10:21 AM
WOOT WOOT lol, i am Joye and i am from right here in Phoenix , Az.

speechless1985's photo
Thu 10/02/08 10:19 AM
it all depends on what you are into. we have a few things here and there but different people have different tastes. Im always up for meeting new people and i have been living here forever! lol

speechless1985's photo
Thu 10/02/08 09:30 AM
i used to be a member of a different type of forum website a few years back and just loved how different everyone was. you had the ones who were serious and up for conversating and then you had the ones who just loved a good laugh. i was a part of that site for about four years and saw almost every type of person and you just learn which ones are serious about conversating and which ones are just there to waste time. I however love a good conversation or a good laugh :)

speechless1985's photo
Wed 10/01/08 11:22 PM

If God had half a brain he would have created women as mutes.

He would have given them a brain thing can comprehend only three things: Housework, cooking, and sex.

Clearly God is an idiot and he has no clue how to design a decent universe.

DANG!!! thats all im saying to that lol

speechless1985's photo
Wed 10/01/08 11:14 PM
no not at all ... at least not yet.

speechless1985's photo
Wed 10/01/08 10:58 PM

there isn't a question ON here that hasn't been asked before .. we don't hold hostages bigsmile

We shoot them right?

How about If you met an alien and he was a nice guy do you think he could get a date or would he finish last also?

aw whys there gotta be shooting involved lol. im the innocent one.

speechless1985's photo
Wed 10/01/08 09:22 PM

I will never ever never allow a man to live with me unless we are married. The hows and whys are a long story so I'll skip it.

i have learned this one from several people so that i dont end up doing it...

what i have really learned is never take for granted what you have and when something looks bad chances are youre probably gonna get ambushed heh... took me seven years to learn that lesson.

speechless1985's photo
Wed 10/01/08 05:19 PM
he loves us all the same. its weather or not we love him enough to follow Him no matter what may come.

God does not wish us to Hell it is our choice and acts that we as humans do that control where we go.

speechless1985's photo
Wed 10/01/08 05:16 PM
HEH... kay im religious and i had a "discussion" with a fellow friend of mine about women leaders. I may be religious but the "proud to be an American" side of me takes over when i hear women shouldnt take the lead. if they honestly have the ability to lead and the brains and strenghth to do so .. why should gender matter?

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