Community > Posts By > lonestar572

lonestar572's photo
Fri 04/06/07 09:19 PM
Hey Double !
You are exactly 100% right about this pissy site. I been a member for 7
or 8 months and sent probably 200 invitations out to women and in all
that time I have ONE reply and ONE acceptance!!! On AFF my mailbox was
stuffed with offers almost daily and I met 23 of those offers in person
over a 4yr period.
The people I've had the opportunity (or mis-fortune) to get responses
from to my posting in this "Community" ALL seem to have the
"stuck-up,snobbish, and spoiled" aura about them.Like they all think
they're better than you are somehow.
I said F*&% this S#@%-Hole site a long time ago.

lonestar572's photo
Fri 03/16/07 07:00 AM
Yes,by all means!! Leave this site

lonestar572's photo
Fri 02/02/07 10:33 PM
You know what?
this site is such a pitiful failure as far as actual hook-ups are
concerned (or even getting a response from someone) that I seriously
doubt its possible to even persuade one person to join.

lonestar572's photo
Fri 01/12/07 08:59 PM
You must not have checked out my profile yet honey.
As far as gold digging is concerned? Hey, it's a dirty job,but somebodys
gotta do it! Right? LOL

lonestar572's photo
Fri 01/12/07 08:50 PM
AA's go to those meetings cause they truly believe in their hearts that
they have a serious problem and need beyond all else to fix it somehow.
There is strength in numbers and AA as an organization of like minded
individuals ought to,try to provide the help and support to all who seek
it. You know thats gotta be a God send to some hopeless S.O.B.
But the problem is not the folks IN A.A. it's all those bastards still
out there driving drunk and killing people that gives the rest of us
such a bad name.
Never ONCE have I heard of a fatal DUI accident being caused by a pot
smoker. Not even one. Seems to me the law targets the wrong group of
people. Pot has never caused a man to beat his wife nor has it ever
caused a man to spend his entire paycheck in one night at a bar and come
home broke again to his wife and kids has it? I've never heard of a
brawl being caused by a pot smoker and I've never heard of cirrhosis or
hepatitis being the end result of longterm pot use. Pot doesn't seem to
transform people into Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde mood changes like alcohol does
So just applaud the people in A.A. for recognizing the REAL menace on
our society when even the Federal government can't seem to grasp it.

lonestar572's photo
Fri 01/12/07 08:28 PM
Sex and Drugs and Rock&Roll is a body needs. No?
Just jokin!!...sorta.
How about creation? Thats what I like to do. I create things that have
never existed on the face of this planet since it was first formed.
Rendered my creations in steel and various other metals for 30 years or
so. Things that will never die. Now, after 6 yrs. Of re-creating myself,
I create still, on a daily basis, but now it is digital. Sometimes
cyber. I love to create custom softwares.
And I like design database systems. I love to create things that are
useful to people and beautiful at the same time. Elegant from a
programming point of view.

lonestar572's photo
Thu 01/04/07 12:56 AM
seems to me everybody on this site is looking for chuckee

lonestar572's photo
Thu 01/04/07 12:53 AM
Dude I was on Adult FriendFinder for 4 1/2 years. Just let it expire a
couple days ago. On AFF I met tons of women. Had encounters with roughly
100 of em over those years. Not all good encounters but mostly. Even
fell in love with one of them. Unfortunately she wanted more than just
one man, as do 90% of the women there. Every one of those women told me
they got between 20 to 50 new emails every single day. I'm sure it
happens like that here too. I just made a similar posting here a day or
2 ago. I've been here for 5 wks and 2 days.sent out about 50 invites to
women I kinda liked. Thats 10 per week since I've been here. I have
gotten back one single reply and that was from a woman who politely told
me to get lost! Watch what happens since you made this posting. Bet they
start coming outta the woodwork. And if not? then they just proved us
right and we dont need their prima donna little asses anyway.

lonestar572's photo
Wed 01/03/07 01:24 AM
I was just wondering how come, after 5 wks and umpteen dozens of
invitations sent.....I still have zero accepted and only one lady
bothered to respond at all(bless her heart)and that was to tell me I
wasn't her type? I mean come on? Is it just me or what? why do I
apparently turn you "Just say hi" chicks off? I'll level with you and
say, this isn't my first dip into online dating. Or whatever you want to
call it. AFF for 4 yrs to name just one. Some are better than
others,granted, but this one people, this one is far and away the least
friendly I've ever encountered.

lonestar572's photo
Sun 12/24/06 09:45 PM
and sadly thats a small place to be

lonestar572's photo
Sun 12/24/06 09:44 PM
santa my friend, is in your mind

lonestar572's photo
Mon 11/27/06 12:15 AM
made me kinda sick