Community > Posts By > leonie

leonie's photo
Mon 04/11/22 04:51 AM
OK little boy wise up, every one here is real, some lie and they all walk the same streets you do. If your in the UK then you sat SS or social sceinces as core.

When you see some cat cat in a £1000.00 suit, dont be impressed by the suit, ask where the fat cat got the £1000.00.

I am real and if we ever meet just ask me to prove i exist, ill kick you between the legs, and watch you roll around the floor like a pigglet, squealing.

People lie, watch HOUSE, socipaths are common, triust every body, but verify every thing, then maybe if your any good, you wont be hurt quite as offten, and if you vote, dont be supprised when the bribe taking poloticiaN RAISES TAXES SO HE SHE OR IT CAN GET AN OBCEAN PAY RISE.


leonie's photo
Sun 04/10/22 10:08 AM
OK in simple, when you made your profile, you created prefs, IE i bet you didnt put down your looking for a relationship with an ANT, am i right ?

The mTCHING ALLOWS YOU TO VIEW A LIST OF PEOPLE WHO MEET YOUR PREFS, AND IF YOU CLICK ON A PERSON, THEY GET notified that a potential match / person intrested in them is out there.

On my phones its slow, but other wise a nice idea, you get to see profiles you might not otherwise get to see. and who knows, you might just find the right elphant, you know the one your looking for.

leona the brat

leonie's photo
Sun 04/10/22 08:31 AM
Profile ?

What you missed was me eating to boxes of 6 chock eclairs from Iclands for lunch.

Thats way more important.

Welcome to the site.

leona the brat

leonie's photo
Sun 04/10/22 07:35 AM
Nope love blinds you and drives you crazy.

If your ratinal enough to think coherntly, your not in love.

When all you can do is think of a person, you eaither want to make babies with em, or kill em.

leona the brat

leonie's photo
Sun 04/10/22 04:24 AM


leonie's photo
Sun 04/10/22 04:00 AM

One dose a day, keep the grumps away.


leonie's photo
Fri 04/08/22 11:06 AM
Not that hard, when you are at the top of the search page, you have first your gendar and then the gendar your looking for.

Then you have a boc marked "WITHIN", this box means with in what doistance you are looking for a partner or play mate.

So if you want to find any one with in say 100 kilometers, you just enter 100 KM in tis box.

Hope that helps leona

leonie's photo
Thu 04/07/22 01:16 PM
That no fair. if i call you names in English you know what i mean, you could be getting away with any thing with them sqiggles. you have to teach me.

leona the brat

leonie's photo
Thu 04/07/22 07:05 AM
Hi i had a few problems myself, Firstly the instructions say not to use a large pic, download GIMP, its free and almost as good as photoshop, reduce the pic size, you can sharpen crop and remove chromatic abberations ETC its quite easy, there are a lot of how tos for free on YOU TUBE.

They threw out a pic of mine because it was a plant, yet people here have a bundel of money, cartoons, hats Etc, IE not a pic with a face on it.

So im guessing there are more than one person doing the vetting, and they do not follow the same rules.

To be safe, make your pic small, make it contain only a single person of age 18 or more, no sexual infreences.

that should help.

Hope this helps leona

leonie's photo
Wed 04/06/22 09:17 PM
Not a thing wrong with you, like me if you were god you would change a hell of a lot of things, since your not a devine, you have to put up with what mere humans come up with.

Nect tiome come back as a kitten, at least you can get away with scratching people with out getting arested.

Take care, leona the brat

leonie's photo
Wed 04/06/22 09:44 AM
Are you saying my Korean dicinary got it wrong ?

OK that never worled with my last form teach any way, spelling is a convention, when i submit stuff i take the trouble, what i posted was understandable.

Bit thank you any way, i am me and i claim to be the worlds worst speller, were all good at some thing right ?


leonie's photo
Wed 04/06/22 09:41 AM
I will not post em cause your just get jelly, but have a look at the sizt of dildos, you lot would need to be reincarnated as an elephant to compete.


leonie's photo
Wed 04/06/22 09:39 AM
I did the first one, but no feed back,so i asumed that it was allowed, any way, claiming your a female, then posting a male face complete with woskers seems bizare, i dont think thgeer are many blind people on Mingle2.

Thanks leona

leonie's photo
Wed 04/06/22 05:41 AM
With a pick up line like that, your better off getting a puppie.

Girls and some men want to be thought of as special, not loafs of bread on a super markey shelf.

Take the time and trouble to find some one, the distance seems to be a factor for you, so do a search with say 25 kilometers as the search range.

You have 10 contacts a day, so do not name crawl, be selective, and take time with your opening comments, thats the first impression a person will get on this and most sites.

Your not my type and im way outa range, but i wish you all the luck. leona

leonie's photo
Wed 04/06/22 05:22 AM
Not bad, but to long winded for me, i am just chaos incarnated.

have a nice day. leona

leonie's photo
Wed 04/06/22 05:19 AM
If i had a rounders bat i would hit you up, but my school made me give it back when i left.

I am in the south west to, but a lesbian.

Welcome to my world.

leona, Brat Lesbian Nerd Submissive

Be scared be very scared.

leonie's photo
Wed 04/06/22 04:00 AM
I have now encountered 4 females with male pics, and no info what so ever. is this common to the site ?

Or is there a problem with the data base, keeping the right pics matched to the right profile ?

I am sitting my finals in computer sceince this summer, if you want me to check the code i can, i do not need acess to people data.

leona Confused. Being hairy went out in the stone age, any men pretending to be females, please shave.


leonie's photo
Wed 04/06/22 02:19 AM
When was the last time you wanted to do it with an ANT or an Elphant ?

Any FETISH or Prefrance is systermatic of the personality, it is not logical, some people seek smelly feet, if you dont belive me look at a good FEYTISH BOARD, and so many other to.

People are drawn to the oddest things, there is no logic, so your question is as pointless as asking why some one likes omne colout instead of anougher, the same goes for food, and every thing else.

It is impossible for any one to understand some one elses fetis unless they share it.

I am 22 years old, and seeking an older female as a life mate.

Ill bet you cant under stand that, guess what, i cant eaither, i just want an older lady as my life mate.

Have a nice day. leona

leonie's photo
Tue 04/05/22 09:08 AM
Sorry im a changling from Mars, your av nerd lesbian brat submissive.

Leona the brat

leonie's photo
Mon 04/04/22 02:14 AM
Your on a dating site, so ill assume your looking for company at home, the best and worst thing about the web is it covers the whole planet.

What you can do is join in any local groups, from sports to helping with a charity shop, if you can drive, the health sevice needs volenree drivers, to free up amblances. and lots of other things.

Try posting in your local paper.

Join web sites like NEXTDOOR, a community based resorce, free to join.

If you in the LIFE STYLE you can go to meets, not sure how many other groups do this, buyt worth a look.

If you have a hobby or intrest, check to see if there are any groups near you.

You might not get a bed partner, but if lonlness is a real deal for you, they will help.
