I think this is more of a facebook lite than a real dating site. I live in an area where women outnumber men by about 7 to 1. Expat women complain that Anglo men prefer Latino women. I have heard more than one Anglo woman say, "Every man I meet is married, gay, or leaving next Tuesday." That said, I have had 2 matches but no contact from Latino ladies.
I have to be doing something wrong. I enjoy the give and take in the forums, but 99.9% are from far far away. About where Shrek and Fiona went. |
Adami619, Love is blind. Take off the blinders. Stop helping her set you up for a gigantic fall. She is sending you mixed signals but she is only doing what you allow her to do. Love her, but be in love with her from afar. It sounds to me like you are the security blanket. The one she runs to when whatever else she has got going on is not working out. If you are going to be in one another's lives then be a friend to her which means do what platonic friends do not what couples/lovers do. Believe it. Does she want you or need you? If it is want then proceed with caution. If it is need cut it off yesterday and run, do not walk, away. |
Ah, I have to disagree with you, again. I have met Jesus and in a very personal and definitive way. Read my post "How did you come to Christ." You may or may not believe it and that is fine. There is so much ore to my conversion than I could ever put in a post. It covers the 8 years after leaving the Navy where I spent 9 years. There were also hints and nudges before that.
It took me 2 years of researching before I bought a flat screen TV. It took me until 1 month ago to fonally buy a tablet (Kindle). I researched and asked questions. The same thing happened with me "losing my religion." Your understanding and mine on what religion is may not agree completely, but they are different. I see religion as a set of rules and policies. The liturgy in many churches amplify that. I sit and argue with God over stupid things. I talk to Him every day. I see his hand in many places. Am I a "good" person? No. Am I perfect? No. Am I saved from my sin? YES! |
If you are serious let me recommend a book by stormer non-beliver by the name of Josh McDowell. Evidence that Demands a Verdict. Faith is difficult thing to define, it is hope in a promise not fulfilled. An interesting thing is that in Spanish hope and wait are the same root word,, "espero ". I attended Ministry School yet don't find myself qualified to answer most questions from adamant non-belivers. The book I recommended is available at most libraries and possibly on kindle/nook. I do enjoy or discussions because you make me think and search. I can't prove quantitavely that God exiss. The same goes for Love. I meant to say Former. You would think that after 20+ years programming computers I could touch type but I can't. I have to look at the key board. If I look up I freeze. Looking down my fingers move fairly fast. |
when will people realize the traits of respect or mutual agreement don't equate to being 'told how to think' ?? there is not a church I have attended which doesn't have bible study time for those questions people may have should someone disrupt a card reading, spell casting, or other occasion with questions? there is a time and place, there is nothing that should be particularly disturbing or new about that fact What does my post have to do with card readings? (Those are one on one two way conversations, like therapy.) Specifically, I am referring to people here on mingle who will preach the gospel (according to them) but will not discuss or debate the reasoning of what they are preaching, and comparing it to a preacher on Sunday standing behind a pulpit preaching to a crowd. He does not want to discuss anything, he just wants to influence people to agree with him. Its why I don't go to church. "Bible Study" is a better approach, but all is still subject to the interpretation of the Church or the preacher in charge. If you don't agree with them or him, you are free to go to another church or start your own church. That is why there are so many different denominations. So preachers who say, "It's my way or the highway" are the cause of so much separation of people and religions. ************************ Most of the differences in the protestant denominations lie in the sacraments. Should we have wine or grape juice? Should we baptize infants or adults? Should we ban dancing and alcohol? The one common thread that ties us all together (like it or not) is our faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the only path to eternal life. All the rest is window dressing. I expect to see many people from different denominations when I die and the differences we had previously will not even be remembered. *************************** I agree, prechers who say its any way but the bibles way, or Gods way contribute to separation doesn't that lend itself to separation too? There's still a problem there, as Christians, no matter what denomination you subscribe to, the Bible is treated as the ULTIMATE authority on right and wrong....you cannot question it or challenge it without it coming on you as not having enough faith or whatever way you wish to put it. If that doesn't limit discussion and debate I don't know what does. How can you freely talk about the validity of something when you HAVE to agree ahead of time that what you're challenging is true as written or you are wrong? You can't. No that is not true at all. You just do not understand who they are who who is? Christians? Christian is a term non believers called them. kind of like what you may like to call us and we say huh that sounds good we will call ourselves Christians Acts 11:25-26 25 Then Barnabas departed for Tarsus to seek Saul. 26 And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch NKJV Antioch were not believers. This is like what you all call believers and other names. The Way is closer to what the people /believers called themselves John 14:6-7 6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him." NIV He is the WAY the TRUTH and THE LIFE. Yahshua never said he was the Christ u could say anointed on. But Yahshua said himself he was THE WAY. Their have been groups who have called them this yet they seemed to have passed somewhat. bad religion. So would are the People on earth they are THe Way The Truth and THE LIFE. They also preach this as Prophecy has said EliYah must come. They will proclaim not only this but also the for runner to Yahshua's coming back and this WAY will be hated by all most all. Luke 4:18-19 18 "The Spirit of Yahweh is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, 19 to proclaim the year of Yahweh's favor." NIV John taught Repentance the new EliYah will preach compassion, will preach to the poor and will pray or provide thoughs who they can to get medical care. This is the WAY of Yahshua. I am a Yahwists. It means Yahweh's Wisdom. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Into days world most people who are serious will find the WAY as the original language is their and not that hard to study. Knowledge comes from questioning. from having to go through... Believers know they will have to be killed asa witness to the world. Matt 5:10 10 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. NKJV Have to have a pretty strong in your faith to be willing to be killed for your faith. Rev 6:9-11 When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. 10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying,"How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?" 11 Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed. NKJV Many Believers will be killed and they know why they were killed. Christian in my self is an insult but used to it. I am a Yahwists because we do question and each of us prove the scriptures to ourselves not just because the preacher said so. Most find us as the Holy Spirit leads them and they see more and more what the world teaches is a LIE |
Choice of what to believe is free but the consequence is inevitable.Wish you well sure glad you call it Freedom! Others would call it Catch-22! Some Freedom in:"You either believe in God(Whatever The Preacher Tells you),or he will punish the crap out of you"! God does not punish. You punish yourself. If you are drowning and I throw you a green life preserver and you don't like green and ignore it and drown. I did not drown you, you let yourself drown. God is the same way, He gave us a life preserver. Grab it and live or say I want a different color and die. |
So many people who post here who want to preach or "spread the gospel" (according to them) have said that they do not want to have a discussion or debate about what they spew as truth. This is why I don't go to church. The preacher stands up there on his pulpit or stage and preaches what he wants or interprets to a somewhat captive audience and there is no discussion, no debate etc. If anyone dares to question the preacher they are viewed as disruptive or argumentative. Sometimes even "anti-God." How dare they question God or the Bible. News flash, that preacher is not God, and the Bible is used by hundreds of sects and religions who are at war with each other. I will question all of it. When are people going to come into their own power and start thinking for themselves and stop letting religious leaders on pulpits tell them how to think and believe? When? This is a "Christian forum". What did you expect to find? We are certainly not going to be extolling the tenets of Islam, or Hindu or atheism. I am perfectly willing to discuss questios and if I don't no the answer (too many times for a Ministry School Graduate) I will say so and try to find a suitable answer, or sent you in a direction to get that answer. Arguing is fruitless. When I meet someone who says, "You can't make me a believer." I agree, it ain't my job. Doesn't change what I know to be the truth. If someone doesn't believe in gravity they are still going to get hurt when they fall off a 10ft ledge on their head. Yes, I did say "know to be the truth." It took me a long time and a lot of research to realize this. We are not an accident. There is too much empirical evidence that gets swept under the rug but is still out there, to not believe. |
Paul addressed that in one of his letters and I am paraphrasing here. "I am permitted to all things but, all things are not profitable." I am trying to find it with no luck. Probably about 2amI'll wake and say "That's it" then go back to sleep and forget again.
Edited by
Fri 11/08/13 09:45 AM
interesting question it occurs to me that because something is legal though, doesn't make it mandatory its legal to smoke, yet I don't, I don't know that church, but following the lead of Christ , I wouldn't imagine such a thing would not be frowned upon , even if our mortal flesh and blood government did decide to make it 'legal' Well, as you know, the old Testament does not follow the lead of Christ. So when a preacher asks, "What does the Bible say?" and he does not exclude the Old Testament, I have to wonder if he is following the lead of Christ by including the Old Testament. my understanding is the old testament is before Christ and therefore cannot be following his teaching but the old testament, meant for the chosen people, was fulfilled upon Christs return when he eliminated the chosen status, and the new testament became the law John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. OK that said I will add that in other places in the NT. Christ said "I am the Word." Christ has never not existed nor has the Holy Spirit. Given that claim from Christ the OT does follow Jesus. Do I understand all this? Not completely but something deep inside speaks to me and says it is true. I have the freedom to speak and act on my beliefs just as all others do. It is not my intention to "cram" anything down anybody's throat. This forum is geared towards Christianity and by default Judaism. Like it or not the two are linked. Jesus is a Jew. |
If you are serious let me recommend a book by stormer non-beliver by the name of Josh McDowell. Evidence that Demands a Verdict.
Faith is difficult thing to define, it is hope in a promise not fulfilled. An interesting thing is that in Spanish hope and wait are the same root word,, "espero ". I attended Ministry School yet don't find myself qualified to answer most questions from adamant non-belivers. The book I recommended is available at most libraries and possibly on kindle/nook. I do enjoy or discussions because you make me think and search. I can't prove quantitavely that God exiss. The same goes for Love. |
Edited by
Mon 11/04/13 09:48 PM
okay so my GF of 3 years has been "friends" with an ex for a while and heck I have even met him. However recently, she was int he hospital and they were taking her back for some tests and asked me to send her friend a text just keeping him updated. I thought nothing of it so I opened her phone and went to where she was texting him. Funny thing, those text message windows. You can always see several previous messages on the screen. I saw one that said "Romance me completely" Obviously I was going to read further. I wont go into details but earlier in the week she had told me that she had a meeting at her job a couple of hours before her shift (which was in fact true) and that she was going to hang out with him during the break. At that time I trusted her and was okay with it. So as I read the other texts, she was telling him how she was bringing her lingerie and asked him about his room and told him how she wanted him to kiss her and lay her on his bed and pretty much how to do EVERYTHING!...Yeah I got pissed. Anyways, I am ending it 100% but want to do something as a "going away" gift. See, her family does not like nor trust the guy. She was told by her mom that he wasn't allowed in or near the house, around her son, or anything. When the guy showed up at her work that was a big fight with her family as well. SO...... My plan is to buy a very crappy bouquet of flowers and have the card written to say something about how incredible she was last week and how I can't wait to get her alone again etc. Sign the other guys name on the card and have it delivered to her house while she is at work and her mom (who is extremely snoopy) is home knowing that she would read the card and get pissed! Then, from that point walk away and never speak to my now ex gf again. PERIOD! My question to everyone is, is this going too far? Don't stoop to that level. You wrote out what you want to do and that is fine, leave it at that. Tell her why you are leaving the relationship and leave. Be thankful you didn't marry her. |
Want Vs Need
Edited by
Mon 11/04/13 09:43 PM
It is refreshing to see that I am not always wrong. To me need implies a lack of choice, want implies a concious choice. When the need is gone so is the person. I am not so sure about the codependent label. That would only be true if each one needed the other.
Want Vs Need
He's my baby. An Akita 2 yrs old in June and about 41 Kilos.
If he can't control his impulses then why put him in a prison where he can kill again? What do you do with a rabid dog? You don't send it to a kennel, you put it down immediately. He will probably outlive us all even if he does get the death penalty. I know of at least one DR inmate that was sentenced in 1994 and is still writing blogs for Mensa.
Want Vs Need
Want Vs Need
Would you rather be wanted or needed, and why?
Failed Relationships
In my case, my ex got upset because I didn't "need" her. That is true, I didn't., but I wanted her. When she stopped needing me she left. I want to be wanted not needed. I want to meet a woman that does not want to be needed. Hint.
You get this as well then. I think South America, Africa and Asia should be banned from Mingle. I can't understand a word they say anyway. Almost spat my chocolate milk over the monitor, thank you Does that include Mexico? I only ask this because thee about a million expats living in Mexico. Where I live we outnumber Mexicans during the winter months. My neighbors are from Germany. A friend is from South Africa. The world is becoming more homogenized as more of us seasoned folks go where the weather is nice. My electric bill runs about $10 every 2 months. My monthly food bill is about $200. Fruit is cheap, citrus.is free as are avacados and mangoes (in back yard). |
Men Who Play Emotional Games
I live in an area where women out number men about 7--1. I hear complaints that "every man I meet is married, gay, or leaving next Wednesday."
Some are on Mingle. Try and strike up a conversation and you treated as a stalker. Where is the honesty there? It isn't just the expats, but the local women also. I think the gals play more games than the guys. The only conversations I seem to attract is over my dog. |
i will give you a guideline that s if you ar good christian open the book of john ch 10 v 10-14 you will get the answer,which say iam not a God bt iwas sent by God to the people of israil, so jesus is a massenger bt not a God,, What version are you quoting from? John 10 v10 -14, addressesthefact that Jesus is one with God. "Jam the good shepherd, not a hired hand." SLIGHTLY condensed. If I knew how to cut and paste between apps on my kindle I would have done that. |