Community > Posts By > Dresden8621

Dresden8621's photo
Mon 12/29/08 12:13 PM
Our Last Night

Our lives went different ways, our lives weren't the same. I loved her and she loved me, but that was not enough, other forces decided to intervene. We had to leave, say goodbye. It hurts deep down and I will never forget that last night we had together.

"We laid down, holding hands, knowing it will never happen again for many years, whispering 'I love you'.On both sides of the bed, clenching our hands, foreheads touching, knees resting side by side. Looking into her eyes, never before has mind been so full of thoughts yet silent at the same time. Stretching out necks, we began to kiss, tears running down my face. Wanting to hold her so badly, reaching my arm and drawing her close to feel her warmth, her breath, her heart beat, her skin, her essence. Sucking up all i could for this is a night that may remain in my mind for... forever. Our legs crossed and entangled. Our arms wrapped and met its twin around each other. Holding firmly and gently and sweetly.My mouth wandered, kissing her the corner of her lip, the side of her cheek, the end of her jaw, the nape of her neck, the tip of her shoulder, and up, to the bottom of her ear, the top of it, the center of her forehead, the end of her nose, then back to her lips breathing in, trying to draw in her soul which I couldn't take with me. Withdrawing, we stared into each other's eyes, staring into each other's soul. A few seconds stretching to infinity, lifetimes passing, moments flashing, hearts breaking, then returning to kiss her sweet, soft lips and to feel that that soft tongue with its gentle strokes. I felt an urge of Roman hands and Russian fingers, grasping onto the beauty that lay before me. Then lifting up to the brim of her pants, and back down just enough so they tips of my pinkies could feel the heat that was radiant. Following it around to its front, softly unbuttoning and unzipping. While she pulls down and reveals the beauty within, I do the same, removing my shirt and my pants just in time to help her lift her shirt. I held her arms above her head with the ring of the shirt still covering her eyes but not her mouth, I steal a kiss. Laying her back down, escorting her head to the pillow. Kissing her again and again. Fully aroused, I slide above her and discreetly insert myself into her beauty. She let off a great, silent sigh, then bites her lips in pleasure. Me caringly and forcefully work back and forth, up and down. Heavey panting consuming the air, heat rising exponentially. Again and Again and Again. Sweat dripping from our bodies, our eyes fixed until... Pure ecstacy takes over both of us, silent screams and loud moans. I lay back down and wrap my right arm around her, kiss her deeply once more. Pull the covers up to mid-body and drift away into bliss, while a tear runs down my cheek."

Our last night...together, may have happened in one night, but will last a lifetime.

For more stories, I several on my profile, enjoy!

Dresden8621's photo
Mon 12/29/08 10:54 AM
What dreams are made of... Not for younger readers!

I looked deeply into your eyes in this dim lighted room. I reached my left hand out to you, grasping you and drawing you closer. Holding your hip with my right hand, I press your body against mine. I let go of your hand and wrap my left arm around your back as you lay both your hands on my shoulders. I lean in for a kiss, short and sweet, then pausing for a moment, letting that turbulant energy flow between us.

Seeing you enjoyed the kiss, I lean in for another, this one both longer and deeper. Opening my mouth slightly and licking your lips lightly, inviting yours to come out as well. The tips of ours tongue touch, gliding across each other, then back again. Both of them rolling over each other in a deep, sensual kiss...

I lift my right hand from your hip up to the top of your back. Drawing back from your lips, I hold you firmly to me, then kiss the corner of your mouth, then over to the side kissing your cheek, even further to your ear, stopping for a little nibble of your ear. You rest your hands from my shoulders and gently start rubbing my back as I continue kissing from your ear, down your neck, and to the tips of your shoulder.

I take both my hands and reach down below your shirt lifting it up then over your head, then throw it aside as I rip apart my button down shirt and letting it glide of my shoulders onto the ground. I take you into my arms again... our stomachs touch. I start kissing again on the other side, from your neck down to your upper chest as I reach down with my hands to your butt and reach underneath as I pick you up and lay you on the silk bedsheets, which are as soft as your skin.

I climp on top of you, knees between your legs and hands beside your chest. I reach up for a quick kiss of your lips, then I draw back and kiss your upper chest. I put all my weight on my left so I can grasp your bra with my right as I undo it to reveal your breasts. I out my right back down and lay on my elbows to get closer up. I begin to kiss between your breasts then move to the right. I kiss the side, above, and below your right breast until I come back up to kiss the nipple. After kissing the nipple, I wrap my lips around it, lick it, then gently nibble it. Once it becomes completely hard, I move to the left breast, kissing all-around and to the center, licking and nibbling again until it's hard as well.

So I continue downwards, kissing you stomach, stopping only once to give a little lick around your belly button. When I reached your pants, I take my knees off the bed and kneel on the floor as I begin to rub and massage your theighs upward, then up to the top of your pants, undoing the button. I reach down and with my teeth I bite the zipper playfully and slowly unzip it down. I grab onto the sides of your pants and underwear and slide them down past your theighs, knees, legs, ankles, and feet until they are completely, which I then throw them to my side.

I take your right leg in my hands, kiss the heel, the ankle, and up to your leg, knee, theigh, and upper theigh. As I make it between your legs, I lay my hands above your clit and use my thumbs to rub on the sides. I lean in and lick your vagina, once, twice, thrice. Then I take my thumbs and spread it apart and lick again deeper. I hear you moan a little and I stare up into your gorgeous face. Then I look back down to continue my work. I lick again then stick my tongue in there deep as I can twirling it around once it's inside. Drawing back out to lick again, once, twice, thrice, then sticking it in deeply again and holding it there. Then I withdraw again.

I begin to stand up, using the bed to help lift me. I take hold of your legs and slide you to the edge of the bed as I remove my pants. Once down, you see my penis spring up, now fully erect. I gently insert it into you. Slow at first, going deeper and deeper, letting you take all of me. Until I am completely within you, I hold it there for a second. Still holding it a little more, then I bring it back out slowly until just the head remains inside, never going all the way out. Then I go back in a little faster, harder, and stronger, back out then in again. Each time going faster and faster, each thrust stronger and stronger. I begin to feel the muscles around your clit flex and contract wildly.

I start to feel that urge build, small at first but exponentially stronger and bigger. I keep goingm trying to out run it. Thrusting faster, and stronger, but, alas, it is inevitable. It builds like a volcano ready to erupt. I feel one with you and dreading the moment that eruption tears that apart...

All of my energy finally blows like an explosion, draining into you. I feel my strength leave me as it does, but I do not regret it...

I crawl onto the bed, lay next to you, put my arms around you, and give you one sweet kiss. I lay your head on my chest and we both drift into sleep.

Dresden8621's photo
Mon 12/29/08 06:56 AM
The Predator

A man who has always kept to himself, quiet and withdrawn whom likes to remain hidden... the watcher. He is thought to be quite smart, brilliant even, maybe lacking physically but enough so that he can have some fun. He works at a small video store, unknown to most unless you're a local, and he's been an employee there for the better part of a decade. A sad example of a genius stuck with no future, not enough money to pursue a goal or the determination to go against the odds. To be honest, I think he prefers a simple life, just making enough to get by and do as he pleases, no ambition to go beyond his means.
Every morning, He wakes up before dawn, takes a shower, gets ready, and drives to work. You can see him every day behind the counter of the video store from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, probably reading a book, magezine, or newspaper, and helping the occasional customer or two. After work, he drives around taking care of various errands if need be, then drives home. When he walks in the door, he takes off his watch, empties his pockets, and sets all his things on the entry-way table. He walks into the kitchen to make himself a ham sandwhich with mayo and mustard and grabs a glass of milk then sits at the table alone and eats to himself. Once he's finished, he takes his dishes to the sink, rinses them with water, and walks away to take his afternoon shower. He steps in, turns on the water, switches it to the shower head, rinses himself off, shampoos his hair, rinses, puts conditioner in his hair, washes his body with AXE Bodywash, rinses again, stands there a while to let the water drip over his face and body, slowly increasing the temperature until it's almost unbearable, turns off the water, steps out to dry off, and brushes his teeth. He turns on the radio to a little soft rock station, sits in his favorite chair, picks up his book, and starts reading again. Before you know it, it starts to get dark outside, so he gets up, eyes blurry from reading, and stumbles to the kitchen. He opens the freezer, takes out a TV dinner, nukes it in the microwave, and sits down to eat again, alone. He throws the tray in the trash once he's done, walks into his room, lays in his bed, picks up his remote to turn on the television, and watches old shows until he falls asleep to let the cycle begin again. This is his simple, mundane life.

It was just another ordinary tuesday at work, he sat, he read, and helped when needed. Until around 1:23 pm, when she walked in, the most beautiful brunette walked through the door. He sat there and stared through his newspaper, watching her as she walked through the store, weaving in and out of each aisle which were only about shoulders' heighth. He never tooks his eyes off., studying her, her low-cut, bossom-filled, red tank top, her red and black plaid mini-skirt, and her long legs supported by a pair of 4-inch high heels. Her image being imprinted into his mind.
A few minutes later, his eyes never leaving her, she came up to the counter with a movie in hand. He readily jumps up and smiles at her, taking the movie from her hand and scanning it into the machine. He asks for her code to verify, and she tells him. The printer starts whizzing to make the receipt, he takes it and gives it to her along with a pen, she signs it, he gives a copy and takes the other, and tells her to have a nice day, just glaring into her eyes as if willing her to come to him. She returns the gesture and heads out the door. He watches her through the blinds of the window as she gets into her car and drives off. While he watches her, he gets the most disturbing, yet arousing thought, one which makes him cringe, but he knows he has to have her. He takes the bill of sale with all her information and stuffs it into his pocket.
He closes the store early and locks up. It is now almost two o' clock, way before normal closing time. He drives home quickly and goes straight to the computer. He goes to the whitepages online, takes out the receipt, and enters her address as well as his own. Once he has the directions from his place to hers, he prints it out and studies it. As he reads that paper top to bottom, he thinks to himself 'I can't do this, it's not right', but then he sees an image of her in his mind and struggles with his morality. Alas, the darker side, his desire, takes over. He runs back outside, slams the door, forgetting to lock it, and jumps into his car. Hitting the throttle, away he goes, keeping the directions close in hand. On his way, he stops by a hardware store and buys a length of rope and then went to another store to pick up a beanie cap, which he used his pocket knife in which he kept in his pocket to cut a hole for a mouth. Afterwards, he continues on his way. He reaches his destination and parks a few houses down the street, waiting, watching. Her car was not there yet, so he sat there like a lion stalking prey.
About two hours later, he sees the same car that left the parking lot enter the driveway. The driver door opened and there she was, beautiful. Watching as she got walked up to the front door, he glared at her intensely. As she closed the door, he felt a part of him leave him. He sat there a long while until it got dark, then took the rope and the "hood" and put it into his back pockets. He got out of his car and walked sneakliy to the bushes next to the side window, didn't see her. He went to the next and saw straight into her bedroom. At first, no sight of her, but then she appeared in the door apparently very tired. He watched her as she took of her clothers and put on her pajamas, seeing and drooling at her every curve. She turned off the light and couldn't see where she went, but he heard the bed moan as she lay upon it. He stealthily walked to the back and came up to the door. He quietly used his pocket knife to pick the lock, and walked right in, tip-toeing. He crept up the hallway and waited until he heard her snoring. Once she did, he flipped on the hallway light and slowly opened the door until the light illuminated her. He stepped silently to her bed and watched for a moment adoringly. He first wanted to back out and leave, but thought to himself, I've come this far.

He took out the hood from his back pocket and with the swiftness of a lion pouncing his prey, he jumped on top of her and fit the hood over her head. She screamed but he quickly laid his hand over her mouth. His knees pressed down her arms, her kicks could not reach him. He took his other hand grabbed the rope and using his thumb of the hand on her mouth to hold the rope, he cut a piece long enough to wrap around her head. Using it to gag her, he tied it on tighly. Now with both hands freed he cut another, using it to tie her left hand to the bedpost, then another for the right. With her hands secured, he felt as she squirmed, kicked and mumbled for help, her movement grinding under him brought him a sense of pleasure. He turned around, still sitting on her, and faced his back to her so he could tie her legs as well, first the right then the left until all she could do is squirm there on the bed.
He got up and turned on the light so he could see everything he did. Walking up to the bed, he took his hand and starting from her leg begin to feel her up all the way to her chest as she wimpered. He took off the gag for a second and kisses her, she resisted but there was nothing to stop him. He put the gag back on then stepped back and took out his knife once more. He began to cut away her pajamas, starting with her shirt right down the center exposing her chest and stomach. He started to grope her breasts and leaning down to nibble and bite her nipples. She tried to move away but was unable to move. He moved down to her legs and began to cut down each pant leg, removed them, cut the sides of her panties, and removed them as well. He then proceeded to finger and lick her vagina. She kept wiggling her hips to one side and the other but clearly helpless.
He continued this for a few mintues, during which he became very hard. He removed his pants and made pemetration. Laying on top of her going back and forth, he started to bite her neck at the same time. Taking no mercy he would go in as deep, hard, and as fast as he could. Once finished he got up and stood at the end of the bed to untie her feet and then tie her legs together. He climbed back unto the bed, lifted her legs up and entered his penis anally, going back and forth again, hard and fast. Every once in a while, he would slap her butt as hard as he could. He was so hot, beads of sweat began to drip down his body. He felt the urge build again, felt it as it exploded into her. He set her legs back down and secured them to the bedpost while they were still tied together. He got up, satisfied with his deed. He took a blanket and laid it over her, picked up the phone next to her bed and lay it next to her head, dialed 911, removed her gag as she began to scream, and left. Walking out the front door to his car, he drove off.
The cops came a few minutes later to untie her and get a statement, but they were too late to find him. He was back home in time to eat his TV dinner, watch television, and go to sleep. No one ever knew, the perfect crime, and so he slept for another day to begin...

Dresden8621's photo
Mon 12/29/08 01:21 AM
First Encounters

A joke is told and heard by a couple of lovers, laughter comes from the source while a malicious grin appears on the face of the other. As a means of revenge, he chases after her, grabbing her at the waist and tickling her ribs until she hits the ground squirming. He lays atop of her, tickling relentlessly until he catches a whif of her alluring sense. So sensual and soft as her body touches his, she attempts to take a futile bite yet failed. He smiles for he has got her right where he wants her. He moves his hands up away from her sides, up the ribs and past the shoulder. Caressing her arms and grasping her wrists, he holds her hands above her head and looks deeply into those beautiful brown eyes. A soft batting of her eyelashes, looking so helpless, so tempting, he couldn't help that desire to kiss her. Those soft supple lips luring him closer. Leaning down as the pull grows stronger as powerful as the gravity of a planet, unable to resist, he takes a sweet kiss of her lips. They quiver as the touch tickles his upper lip for a moment but continues on for they taste better than any fruit he has ever tasted.
She wiggles left and right, yearning to wrap her arms around him. The friction of her body against his only making his mind go further away, something primal taking its place, coincidentally wanting the same as she, to wrap his arms around her. His hands begin to slip and loosen as his glides down her arms, reaching behind her shoulders, and pulling her closer to him, making a deeper and more sensual kiss. Now free of the restraint, she jumps at the oppurtunity, wrapping her arms around his chest and rolling him over onto his back. She leans back, sitting on his hip, and runs her hands down his chest and over his stomach. Bringing his hands down, he massages her theighs, up and down, up and down, continuously.
She reaches under his shirt, caressing his stomach softly then stretches his shirt up and over. He wiggles side to side to help the process then returns the favor as he lifts hers up. She leans down as an equal attempt for ease using the headboard of the bed to supprt herself until her shirt is removed then sits back up. Feeling something resist as she sits back down, his penis erect right where she's sitting. She in turn grinds her hips to the sides, making it even harder. The thought of it made her giggle a little, he smiled and began raising his hands, feeling her now bare sides and reaching for her breasts, though a bit too high for arm's reach. Seeing his struggles and with a smirk on her face, she leans down, taking his hands, and uses them to cup her bra. She takes both hands then and reaches around her back, unbuckling her bra as he removes it for her. It glides swiftly and lightly, making a breezy and tickling sensation as it slides down her arms and flings it off to the side. He cups her breasts again, lightly pinching her nipples then grabs her sides, drawing her into him for a kiss. As deep and as sensual as the first, it seems to last for an eternity even though in truth only a few seconds go by.
The kiss still continues as their begin their motion, grinding back and forth, faster and faster. His penis pushing so hard up that it makes it tight around his butt, and she feels it well, sliding between her cheeks. Reaching a breaking point to which she lost control, she started moving down, kissing as she went, his chest, stomach, belly button, and pants. She undoes the button and uses her teeth to slide down the zipper, grasping the sides with her fingers and pulling them down, underwear and all. He lifts his legs as they slide right off. She then removes her own, doing a little dance to make them fall off, they both give a little laugh as she does it. She climbs back up, gliding her fingers up his legs, giving a little kiss on fully erect penis, then continuing up, letting it glide against her skin all the way up, feeling its immense heat. Their lips meet again, soft but short this time.
Their hips come together as he slides into her, slowly, sweetly. Breaths of passion escape them both, a moan for her and a grunt for him. Her juices engulfing his penis as he slides deeper into her vagina, both tight and pleasant. She moves back and forth, faster and faster, harder and harder, deeper and deeper. They both begin to pant heavily, her nuscles convulsing and throbbing around his penis, feeling the heat grow there and stretch out to her whole body. Sweat drips down both of them, glowing a bright bronze in the midlight. His penis getting harder and hotter, her muscles begin to pulsate, vibrate with ecstacy, all her energy drawn into an orgasm, the strength of which is unbelievable. Meanwhile, his loins scream as all he is and will be drains into her, their love complete, each other one, a single entity, a lone being.
Then it's over, once again a couple in love. She lays down next to him, and they fall asleep in each others arms...

Dresden8621's photo
Mon 12/22/08 05:23 AM
Liquid Sensation

It was a hot, summer afternoon, however, was the heat caused by the weather or by the heat of their body raising, aching for each other, I cannot say. What I can say is the moment they looked into each others eyes, they were trapped. Locked in each other's gaze, they were unable or unwilling to look away. They smiled, but not in the normal, happy smile. Instead, it was the smile of seduction. In that moment, they both knew what the other thinking for it was one in the same.

He reached for her and drew her body swiftly into his, embracing quite firmly with his hands on her hips. He swayed gently back and forth, nudging her body the same way. In this gentle motion, he led her into the bathroom, opening the shower door and stepping inside. She came along willingly with her hands wrapped behind him. He loosened his right crip and used his left to wrap it around the small of her back. Using the right to caress up her sides, along her arms, rubbing her shoulder, then lifting her chin. Staring deeply into her eyes, he leans forward and slightly down because she is a bit shorter than him. Kissing her softly at first then more passionately as time grew on. The taste of her overwhelmed him and only made this summer day get hotter and much more humid.

His right hand leaves her chin and lightly touches her shoulder as he reaches blindly for the faucet. Pulling up the latch to turn on the shower head, he quickly turns on the water to cool these lovers off, if only for a second or two. Still fully clother, the water rushes out against her back, surprising her as she jumps slightly in the air, but never interupting their kiss. Instead, she merely kicks her sandals out of the shower, and he does the same for his shoes. Though it doesn't stop there, oh no. They being undressing each other, removing their shirts, leaving a second's pause between the kiss and continuing on. Then he unbuckles her bra with a flick of his fingers, throwing it aside. They both then reach done and undoes the other's buttons on their pants, pulling down the zipper right after.

The kiss now ending, but the passion still growing. He crouches down, placing his hands at her sides. Kissing her chest and around her breasts, he starts wrapping his mouth around her nipple, sucking on the them, flicking it with his tongue, and lighlty nibbling it. His hands go further down, reaching underneath her pants and slowly pulling them down kissing as he goes down and back up her leg. Grabbing one leg and firmly rubbing up as he goes, he reaches between he legs and begins rubbing softly and lightly, teasing her. Back on his feet again, his hands still rubbing gradually faster and harder. Feeling her juices flowing out of her, he takes his fingers and enters them inside of her deeply. Rubbing the roof and back of her vagina with his fingertips, he moves it around, back and forth, slowly, fast, and everywhere in between.

Despite the cold water pouring down them, the heat stills rises, the juices still flow, the muscles contract and recede over and over again, the moaning grows louder, the breathing is heavier, and scents grow stronger and more sweet than ever. Her body shakes and twitches, unable to control herself. When she is about to lose total control, his fingers leaves her as he turns her body around. Leaning her against the wall and under the shower head, he spreads her legs and replaces his fingers for his fully erect manhood. Feeling the tight clenching around him and pushes forward until he is fully inside. Then he slowly retracts until the head is just about outside again, then pushes it back in. He does this over and over again until he gets a rhythm going. Grabbing her hips and moving her with the same rhythm, back and forth, side to side, faster and faster. Her body shakes again, her legs grow stiff, and her clenching grows more intense. Still they go, time seems to cease turning. All that is left is this one act, spreading to eternity. He feels his loins begin to swell, the climax approaching, and he struggles on. They become one, one love, one life. Minutes pass by, but they seem like lifetimes to these two lovers. She reaches her climax, trembling body, flexing muscles, and the extra movements forces him to do the same. A simultaneous climax, a nervonic eruption of energy and passion flows thru both of them.

He leans down, wrapping his arms around her stomach and holding her tight, keeping himself deep inside her. Then slowly, he pulls it back, turns her around, and holds her tight, letting the water rush over both of them. No words are said except three, "I love you." And there they stay in each other's arms.

Bradley Kiernan