Topic: The Predator (dark romance story - not for the squimish)
Dresden8621's photo
Mon 12/29/08 06:56 AM
The Predator

A man who has always kept to himself, quiet and withdrawn whom likes to remain hidden... the watcher. He is thought to be quite smart, brilliant even, maybe lacking physically but enough so that he can have some fun. He works at a small video store, unknown to most unless you're a local, and he's been an employee there for the better part of a decade. A sad example of a genius stuck with no future, not enough money to pursue a goal or the determination to go against the odds. To be honest, I think he prefers a simple life, just making enough to get by and do as he pleases, no ambition to go beyond his means.
Every morning, He wakes up before dawn, takes a shower, gets ready, and drives to work. You can see him every day behind the counter of the video store from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, probably reading a book, magezine, or newspaper, and helping the occasional customer or two. After work, he drives around taking care of various errands if need be, then drives home. When he walks in the door, he takes off his watch, empties his pockets, and sets all his things on the entry-way table. He walks into the kitchen to make himself a ham sandwhich with mayo and mustard and grabs a glass of milk then sits at the table alone and eats to himself. Once he's finished, he takes his dishes to the sink, rinses them with water, and walks away to take his afternoon shower. He steps in, turns on the water, switches it to the shower head, rinses himself off, shampoos his hair, rinses, puts conditioner in his hair, washes his body with AXE Bodywash, rinses again, stands there a while to let the water drip over his face and body, slowly increasing the temperature until it's almost unbearable, turns off the water, steps out to dry off, and brushes his teeth. He turns on the radio to a little soft rock station, sits in his favorite chair, picks up his book, and starts reading again. Before you know it, it starts to get dark outside, so he gets up, eyes blurry from reading, and stumbles to the kitchen. He opens the freezer, takes out a TV dinner, nukes it in the microwave, and sits down to eat again, alone. He throws the tray in the trash once he's done, walks into his room, lays in his bed, picks up his remote to turn on the television, and watches old shows until he falls asleep to let the cycle begin again. This is his simple, mundane life.

It was just another ordinary tuesday at work, he sat, he read, and helped when needed. Until around 1:23 pm, when she walked in, the most beautiful brunette walked through the door. He sat there and stared through his newspaper, watching her as she walked through the store, weaving in and out of each aisle which were only about shoulders' heighth. He never tooks his eyes off., studying her, her low-cut, bossom-filled, red tank top, her red and black plaid mini-skirt, and her long legs supported by a pair of 4-inch high heels. Her image being imprinted into his mind.
A few minutes later, his eyes never leaving her, she came up to the counter with a movie in hand. He readily jumps up and smiles at her, taking the movie from her hand and scanning it into the machine. He asks for her code to verify, and she tells him. The printer starts whizzing to make the receipt, he takes it and gives it to her along with a pen, she signs it, he gives a copy and takes the other, and tells her to have a nice day, just glaring into her eyes as if willing her to come to him. She returns the gesture and heads out the door. He watches her through the blinds of the window as she gets into her car and drives off. While he watches her, he gets the most disturbing, yet arousing thought, one which makes him cringe, but he knows he has to have her. He takes the bill of sale with all her information and stuffs it into his pocket.
He closes the store early and locks up. It is now almost two o' clock, way before normal closing time. He drives home quickly and goes straight to the computer. He goes to the whitepages online, takes out the receipt, and enters her address as well as his own. Once he has the directions from his place to hers, he prints it out and studies it. As he reads that paper top to bottom, he thinks to himself 'I can't do this, it's not right', but then he sees an image of her in his mind and struggles with his morality. Alas, the darker side, his desire, takes over. He runs back outside, slams the door, forgetting to lock it, and jumps into his car. Hitting the throttle, away he goes, keeping the directions close in hand. On his way, he stops by a hardware store and buys a length of rope and then went to another store to pick up a beanie cap, which he used his pocket knife in which he kept in his pocket to cut a hole for a mouth. Afterwards, he continues on his way. He reaches his destination and parks a few houses down the street, waiting, watching. Her car was not there yet, so he sat there like a lion stalking prey.
About two hours later, he sees the same car that left the parking lot enter the driveway. The driver door opened and there she was, beautiful. Watching as she got walked up to the front door, he glared at her intensely. As she closed the door, he felt a part of him leave him. He sat there a long while until it got dark, then took the rope and the "hood" and put it into his back pockets. He got out of his car and walked sneakliy to the bushes next to the side window, didn't see her. He went to the next and saw straight into her bedroom. At first, no sight of her, but then she appeared in the door apparently very tired. He watched her as she took of her clothers and put on her pajamas, seeing and drooling at her every curve. She turned off the light and couldn't see where she went, but he heard the bed moan as she lay upon it. He stealthily walked to the back and came up to the door. He quietly used his pocket knife to pick the lock, and walked right in, tip-toeing. He crept up the hallway and waited until he heard her snoring. Once she did, he flipped on the hallway light and slowly opened the door until the light illuminated her. He stepped silently to her bed and watched for a moment adoringly. He first wanted to back out and leave, but thought to himself, I've come this far.

He took out the hood from his back pocket and with the swiftness of a lion pouncing his prey, he jumped on top of her and fit the hood over her head. She screamed but he quickly laid his hand over her mouth. His knees pressed down her arms, her kicks could not reach him. He took his other hand grabbed the rope and using his thumb of the hand on her mouth to hold the rope, he cut a piece long enough to wrap around her head. Using it to gag her, he tied it on tighly. Now with both hands freed he cut another, using it to tie her left hand to the bedpost, then another for the right. With her hands secured, he felt as she squirmed, kicked and mumbled for help, her movement grinding under him brought him a sense of pleasure. He turned around, still sitting on her, and faced his back to her so he could tie her legs as well, first the right then the left until all she could do is squirm there on the bed.
He got up and turned on the light so he could see everything he did. Walking up to the bed, he took his hand and starting from her leg begin to feel her up all the way to her chest as she wimpered. He took off the gag for a second and kisses her, she resisted but there was nothing to stop him. He put the gag back on then stepped back and took out his knife once more. He began to cut away her pajamas, starting with her shirt right down the center exposing her chest and stomach. He started to grope her breasts and leaning down to nibble and bite her nipples. She tried to move away but was unable to move. He moved down to her legs and began to cut down each pant leg, removed them, cut the sides of her panties, and removed them as well. He then proceeded to finger and lick her vagina. She kept wiggling her hips to one side and the other but clearly helpless.
He continued this for a few mintues, during which he became very hard. He removed his pants and made pemetration. Laying on top of her going back and forth, he started to bite her neck at the same time. Taking no mercy he would go in as deep, hard, and as fast as he could. Once finished he got up and stood at the end of the bed to untie her feet and then tie her legs together. He climbed back unto the bed, lifted her legs up and entered his penis anally, going back and forth again, hard and fast. Every once in a while, he would slap her butt as hard as he could. He was so hot, beads of sweat began to drip down his body. He felt the urge build again, felt it as it exploded into her. He set her legs back down and secured them to the bedpost while they were still tied together. He got up, satisfied with his deed. He took a blanket and laid it over her, picked up the phone next to her bed and lay it next to her head, dialed 911, removed her gag as she began to scream, and left. Walking out the front door to his car, he drove off.
The cops came a few minutes later to untie her and get a statement, but they were too late to find him. He was back home in time to eat his TV dinner, watch television, and go to sleep. No one ever knew, the perfect crime, and so he slept for another day to begin...

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 12/29/08 07:00 AM

The Predator

A man who has always kept to himself, quiet and withdrawn whom likes to remain hidden... the watcher. He is thought to be quite smart, brilliant even, maybe lacking physically but enough so that he can have some fun. He works at a small video store, unknown to most unless you're a local, and he's been an employee there for the better part of a decade. A sad example of a genius stuck with no future, not enough money to pursue a goal or the determination to go against the odds. To be honest, I think he prefers a simple life, just making enough to get by and do as he pleases, no ambition to go beyond his means.
Every morning, He wakes up before dawn, takes a shower, gets ready, and drives to work. You can see him every day behind the counter of the video store from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, probably reading a book, magezine, or newspaper, and helping the occasional customer or two. After work, he drives around taking care of various errands if need be, then drives home. When he walks in the door, he takes off his watch, empties his pockets, and sets all his things on the entry-way table. He walks into the kitchen to make himself a ham sandwhich with mayo and mustard and grabs a glass of milk then sits at the table alone and eats to himself. Once he's finished, he takes his dishes to the sink, rinses them with water, and walks away to take his afternoon shower. He steps in, turns on the water, switches it to the shower head, rinses himself off, shampoos his hair, rinses, puts conditioner in his hair, washes his body with AXE Bodywash, rinses again, stands there a while to let the water drip over his face and body, slowly increasing the temperature until it's almost unbearable, turns off the water, steps out to dry off, and brushes his teeth. He turns on the radio to a little soft rock station, sits in his favorite chair, picks up his book, and starts reading again. Before you know it, it starts to get dark outside, so he gets up, eyes blurry from reading, and stumbles to the kitchen. He opens the freezer, takes out a TV dinner, nukes it in the microwave, and sits down to eat again, alone. He throws the tray in the trash once he's done, walks into his room, lays in his bed, picks up his remote to turn on the television, and watches old shows until he falls asleep to let the cycle begin again. This is his simple, mundane life.

It was just another ordinary tuesday at work, he sat, he read, and helped when needed. Until around 1:23 pm, when she walked in, the most beautiful brunette walked through the door. He sat there and stared through his newspaper, watching her as she walked through the store, weaving in and out of each aisle which were only about shoulders' heighth. He never tooks his eyes off., studying her, her low-cut, bossom-filled, red tank top, her red and black plaid mini-skirt, and her long legs supported by a pair of 4-inch high heels. Her image being imprinted into his mind.
A few minutes later, his eyes never leaving her, she came up to the counter with a movie in hand. He readily jumps up and smiles at her, taking the movie from her hand and scanning it into the machine. He asks for her code to verify, and she tells him. The printer starts whizzing to make the receipt, he takes it and gives it to her along with a pen, she signs it, he gives a copy and takes the other, and tells her to have a nice day, just glaring into her eyes as if willing her to come to him. She returns the gesture and heads out the door. He watches her through the blinds of the window as she gets into her car and drives off. While he watches her, he gets the most disturbing, yet arousing thought, one which makes him cringe, but he knows he has to have her. He takes the bill of sale with all her information and stuffs it into his pocket.
He closes the store early and locks up. It is now almost two o' clock, way before normal closing time. He drives home quickly and goes straight to the computer. He goes to the whitepages online, takes out the receipt, and enters her address as well as his own. Once he has the directions from his place to hers, he prints it out and studies it. As he reads that paper top to bottom, he thinks to himself 'I can't do this, it's not right', but then he sees an image of her in his mind and struggles with his morality. Alas, the darker side, his desire, takes over. He runs back outside, slams the door, forgetting to lock it, and jumps into his car. Hitting the throttle, away he goes, keeping the directions close in hand. On his way, he stops by a hardware store and buys a length of rope and then went to another store to pick up a beanie cap, which he used his pocket knife in which he kept in his pocket to cut a hole for a mouth. Afterwards, he continues on his way. He reaches his destination and parks a few houses down the street, waiting, watching. Her car was not there yet, so he sat there like a lion stalking prey.
About two hours later, he sees the same car that left the parking lot enter the driveway. The driver door opened and there she was, beautiful. Watching as she got walked up to the front door, he glared at her intensely. As she closed the door, he felt a part of him leave him. He sat there a long while until it got dark, then took the rope and the "hood" and put it into his back pockets. He got out of his car and walked sneakliy to the bushes next to the side window, didn't see her. He went to the next and saw straight into her bedroom. At first, no sight of her, but then she appeared in the door apparently very tired. He watched her as she took of her clothers and put on her pajamas, seeing and drooling at her every curve. She turned off the light and couldn't see where she went, but he heard the bed moan as she lay upon it. He stealthily walked to the back and came up to the door. He quietly used his pocket knife to pick the lock, and walked right in, tip-toeing. He crept up the hallway and waited until he heard her snoring. Once she did, he flipped on the hallway light and slowly opened the door until the light illuminated her. He stepped silently to her bed and watched for a moment adoringly. He first wanted to back out and leave, but thought to himself, I've come this far.

He took out the hood from his back pocket and with the swiftness of a lion pouncing his prey, he jumped on top of her and fit the hood over her head. She screamed but he quickly laid his hand over her mouth. His knees pressed down her arms, her kicks could not reach him. He took his other hand grabbed the rope and using his thumb of the hand on her mouth to hold the rope, he cut a piece long enough to wrap around her head. Using it to gag her, he tied it on tighly. Now with both hands freed he cut another, using it to tie her left hand to the bedpost, then another for the right. With her hands secured, he felt as she squirmed, kicked and mumbled for help, her movement grinding under him brought him a sense of pleasure. He turned around, still sitting on her, and faced his back to her so he could tie her legs as well, first the right then the left until all she could do is squirm there on the bed.
He got up and turned on the light so he could see everything he did. Walking up to the bed, he took his hand and starting from her leg begin to feel her up all the way to her chest as she wimpered. He took off the gag for a second and kisses her, she resisted but there was nothing to stop him. He put the gag back on then stepped back and took out his knife once more. He began to cut away her pajamas, starting with her shirt right down the center exposing her chest and stomach. He started to grope her breasts and leaning down to nibble and bite her nipples. She tried to move away but was unable to move. He moved down to her legs and began to cut down each pant leg, removed them, cut the sides of her panties, and removed them as well. He then proceeded to finger and lick her vagina. She kept wiggling her hips to one side and the other but clearly helpless.
He continued this for a few mintues, during which he became very hard. He removed his pants and made pemetration. Laying on top of her going back and forth, he started to bite her neck at the same time. Taking no mercy he would go in as deep, hard, and as fast as he could. Once finished he got up and stood at the end of the bed to untie her feet and then tie her legs together. He climbed back unto the bed, lifted her legs up and entered his penis anally, going back and forth again, hard and fast. Every once in a while, he would slap her butt as hard as he could. He was so hot, beads of sweat began to drip down his body. He felt the urge build again, felt it as it exploded into her. He set her legs back down and secured them to the bedpost while they were still tied together. He got up, satisfied with his deed. He took a blanket and laid it over her, picked up the phone next to her bed and lay it next to her head, dialed 911, removed her gag as she began to scream, and left. Walking out the front door to his car, he drove off.
The cops came a few minutes later to untie her and get a statement, but they were too late to find him. He was back home in time to eat his TV dinner, watch television, and go to sleep. No one ever knew, the perfect crime, and so he slept for another day to begin...

:banana: Pretty awesome:banana:

no photo
Mon 12/29/08 07:05 AM
Wow :thumbsup:

no photo
Mon 12/29/08 07:32 AM
And men wonder why women are scared of them. Yuck, the mind of a man! Happy rape fantasy! Going back under my rock. sick

lilwick86's photo
Mon 12/29/08 09:14 PM
Ok, I fell to see the romance in rape, anyone else, can I see a show of hands? Uh, me, two hands up, right now, not romance at all. mad :angry: explode grumble rant scared surprised