Community > Posts By > seikosavant

no photo
Thu 11/27/08 01:54 PM

I bet it took you a long time to think about this...But this is not true for all women

No, we're not supposed to generalize.

no photo
Thu 11/27/08 01:48 PM

You know, at first, I didn't get your point since it starts out with things that are good advice and common sense and 'why would anyone want to anyway' statements.

But you totally lost me on 7 and 8.

Um, people generally like to look their best, not frumpy and dowdy. But if that's what turns you on, fine by me.

And 8. Don't think like a girl? Um, you want all us women to think like men? Sorry, I like being a woman. I'm glad I am one. And men and women are wired differently.

Maybe you ought to consider swinging the other way if you don't want girls to think like girls or to act like girls.

7 and 8 i mean as compliments for girls. Do women enjoy emulating gay men, you know, life in drag?

no photo
Thu 11/27/08 01:45 PM

Ummmmmmmm yeah ok...

I think you haven't known enough sane one's to give clear and sound advice.. But thanks for TRYING...

Most girls are guilty of one of these, perhaps #11. You may be unusually intelligent or exceptional, Indian Princess.

I think the advice here is clear.

no photo
Thu 11/27/08 01:34 PM
girls might want to think about not engaging in, based on a few I've known:

1. Gross anorexia and/or bingeing and purging, especially beyond the age of 30. I stress the word 'gross' since some have realized the benefits of a slight anorexic way by the escalating standard of overconsumption.

2. Use of illegal substances, especially in the context of dates with guys, including cocaine, crack cocaine, mary jane, ecstacy, meth, etc.

3. Excessive alcohol consumption or use of heroin, especially in the context of using at home to get by with whatever 'issues' you may be having. Go legit here. Some really do need risperdal and not necessarily doctor or clinic issued phentermine.

4. Having sex on a first or second date... I don't care who you think you are, you won't be happy about it when the guy doesn't marry you or isn't interested in providing for you. At some point you will have to realize, a guy is not going to respect you. Period.

5. Dating a guy with a reputation. He really IS an a-hole.

6. Relying on anyone for any of your basic needs beyond the age of 18 or say 21, for the luckier ones.

7. Dressing sexy, wearing make-up. It's for clowns, hookers and movie star status wannabes. Do you remember what you look like?

8. Thinking like a girl. Sorry, I can't really help you much here. Life is going to have to disappoint or delude you enough for you to either figure it out or continue you along your merry estee lauderish way.

9. Screwing around with one or all of your bosses, unless you're man enough to handle it.

10. Having too many children beyond your emotional/financial/physical ability. Is there any worse disgrace?

11. Listening to any of your girlfriends, aunts, mothers. Find a true mentor. You will recognize one, when you awake from the haze of your self/family/society/convention-imposed limitations/expectations and you can stop and breathe for a moment while thinking of something other than whether or not you are fat. You may even fall in love in a sort of way, as it may be the first time you've been shown any true respect.

12. You are not that interested in pleasing your man and are not interested in fighting for him. Fighting with another female. Is she your equal? Then why not he have two or more than one. You are one and the same.

13. And finally, keeping a deadbeat boyfriend around for, what is it?

no photo
Wed 11/12/08 08:37 AM
grrreat! more guys that want to fk you.

girl, you're better off being a man.

no photo
Sat 10/04/08 12:51 PM
Edited by seikosavant on Sat 10/04/08 12:53 PM
I did not intend a double post. The site is tricky posting.

no photo
Sat 10/04/08 12:51 PM
The question may be, who's settled for an indecent level of mediocrity, or have they just not known anything better.

no photo
Sat 09/13/08 09:32 AM
Sounds like a cold.. or insanity. Break free.

no photo
Fri 09/12/08 09:51 PM
knowledge=want and on it goes.

no photo
Fri 09/12/08 09:45 PM
Darling, that is what all girls deserve.

no photo
Fri 09/12/08 09:41 PM
This is the thread where all the good looking people post.

Put a little love in your heart, and the world WILL be a better place, yes, put a little love in your heart.

I'm here.

no photo
Fri 09/12/08 06:53 PM
Hello Wendy. Nice thread you've got going here..flowerforyou

no photo
Tue 09/09/08 02:56 PM
I agree it cannot be helped. God help us all.

no photo
Tue 09/09/08 02:54 PM
I think it would be a rude maneuver. How is a date supposed to turn out after that? Focus, people.

no photo
Tue 09/09/08 01:03 PM
Thank you for the thoughtful and scary responses mayhem and rider.

These are reasons why my pic screams with illumination, pick me, eat me, i'm a juicy bite. No steak or dentures involved.

no photo
Tue 09/09/08 12:58 PM
They're generally not that interested in dating per se.

no photo
Tue 09/09/08 12:54 PM
Does anyone ever move on from this site, as in real life with relationship or family involvement? Look that some have resigned themselves to being here forever by the looks of the forums.

Good day, good search, and good luck.

Just having a look around and stopping in from time to time.

no photo
Tue 09/02/08 01:06 PM
There is always a solution. Remember that and try to work it out.

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