Community > Posts By > Cybear

Cybear's photo
Tue 01/23/07 11:50 PM
I would use an acoustic approach perhaps with Michelle Branch's style
but a nice bridge is required here.I like it alot
though.Godspeed!Cybear. :wink:

Cybear's photo
Tue 01/23/07 11:44 PM
Actually Michael this tune came to my knowledge this eve.My Daughter
Crystal came over to visit me this eve.And she turned me on to the CD
so I could rip it to my PC.Michael this song is so friggin bomb.I've
been at it all night on my acoustic.And look at the message behind it.
This song is all that and a bag of Doritos.glasses Godspeed!Cybear

Cybear's photo
Tue 01/23/07 11:28 PM
Michael I wish I could take credit for such a beautiful song however it
was Written & Produced by J.Mayer.If it's strictly my work I state
submitted by Cybear only at the bottom.If not then I announce credit on
top,then myself underneath as submittal.However I do write songs and
some Poetry if the moment drives me.I have this one down 90% so far
Acoustically.Beautiful song indeed Michael.Godspeed!Cybear.

Cybear's photo
Tue 01/23/07 10:58 PM

Me and all my friends
We're all misunderstood
They say we stand for nothing and
There's no way we ever could

Now we see everything that's going wrong
With the world and those who lead it
We just feel like we don't have the means
To rise above and beat it

So we keep waiting
Waiting on the world to change
We keep on waiting
Waiting on the world to change

It's hard to beat the system
When we're standing at a distance
So we keep waiting
Waiting on the world to change

Now if we had the power
To bring our neighbors home from war
They would have never missed a Christmas
No more ribbons on their door
And when you trust your television
What you get is what you got
Cause when they own the information, oh
They can bend it all they want

That's why we're waiting
Waiting on the world to change
We keep on waiting
Waiting on the world to change

It's not that we don't care,
We just know that the fight ain't fair
So we keep on waiting
Waiting on the world to change

And we're still waiting
Waiting on the world to change
We keep on waiting waiting on the world to change
One day our generation
Is gonna rule the population
So we keep on waiting
Waiting on the world to change

We keep on waiting
Waiting on the world to change

Written and Produced by John Mayer
Humbly submitted by Cybear 1/24/07

:cry: :cry:

Cybear's photo
Tue 01/23/07 10:33 PM
Wow!GEL.This is and always has been of the most
unappreciated,unrecognized,non~paid and toughest
jobs in world that I ever witnessed.Personally I'm
seeing see so much of this,almost as if it is a trend.
It's extremely saddening just to see this,let alone
experience it.I could tell you stories that would make
you cry.And to make matters worse in Mass currently
she has 2 yrs.period on transitional assistance then
there situation now has become hopeless.There are Mothers
living out of cars with there children.It is becoming so
common that the local police don't view it as vagrancy any
further.He will ask her to move the vehicle at daybreak.
This has become a grave issue that best be addressed ASAP.

Cybear's photo
Tue 01/23/07 10:08 PM
Excellent Michael.This is a perfect example why communication is so
vital in a relationship.Without this the relationship is doomed to
wilter rapidly.Godspeed!Cybearhappy

Cybear's photo
Tue 01/23/07 09:53 PM
Michael's Poetry=:smile: :heart:

Cybear's photo
Tue 01/23/07 09:41 PM
These are very beautiful words spoken GEL.Some of the finest examples of
how I would define my soul mate.When I experience these feelings that
are equally shared and expressed then I will know,I have found her.Sadly
GEL,I've never experienced this.My relationship with my X was one
sided.Here is an example.Once I asked her to step outside with me in the
middle of a rainstorm.Her response was,what are crazy?you want to get
sick?What I really wanted to do was have us stand under the rain for
awhile locked in a lover's embrace.I wanted to see what it would feel
like haveing rain cascadeing down our hair and face and locked in a deep
sensual kiss.Just one example of things I want to experience with my
soul mate.She must think outside the box and want to experience new
things.Faint at heart to me=Boring.Just my opinion hon.God willing we
will find each one day.Godsppeed!Cybear.

Cybear's photo
Tue 01/23/07 08:30 PM
Thank You!Mike and Mr.V.We all appreciate the new additions.Very
Kewl.You guys Rock.If any of the members that I bring in ask me who is
Cybear,I'll tell them that Cybear is my alter~ego(lol)Seriously you guys
are terrific and thanks again.Godspeed!Cybear.:smile:

Cybear's photo
Tue 01/23/07 03:32 PM
Oh!!Just Great.Now I have another restless sleep ahead of me this eve.
to look forward to.Marvelous.I can now wake up with a pillow clenched in
my hands,rapid breathing and beads of sweat on my forehead.Just
Grrrrreat!J/K hon.I Luv it gurl.Godspeed!Cybear.

Cybear's photo
Tue 01/23/07 03:05 PM
Real good one.WTS.Luv it.LMAO

Cybear's photo
Tue 01/23/07 02:17 PM
I would like to take a moment to say to all of my dear friends here at
JSH,that your words to me are greatly appreciated and they never will be
forgotten as long as I live.If I was standing before you all I would
give you a bearific hug.And of course I'd be careful with my
claws.(lol)You are very dear friends indeed, and I am truly blessed to
have meet you all and to have you in my life in the present.May God
stand watch over all of us and continue to bless us.True friends are
priceless and are never to forsaken.To me personally this is

Cybear's photo
Tue 01/23/07 01:30 PM
Then one of my prayers were answered.I am so happy to hear that the
medical test you were anxiously awaiting came back negative.That's one
of them instances in life where you just hold your breath until the
answer is given.My faith is like a granite rock that will never
falter,and prayers truly are answered as you can now testify to first
hand.You are a sweet lady with a gentle heart and we do miss you when we
don't hear from you.So now we won't have to miss you,because you're back
in tip~top shape.Bearific.(huge hug)Godspeed!Your Friend,Cybear.

A true friend to have in life is both precious and priceless.Amen.

Cybear's photo
Tue 01/23/07 01:08 PM
Bearifically Funny!Grrrrr.

Cybear's photo
Tue 01/23/07 08:33 AM
Wondering what has happened to my life
Searching for answers,they're not there,
Abject loneliness now floods in my heart
Now I ask myself if my soul will bear.

My life is now but a book of memories
Dog~eared pages so filled with love,
But now the new path that I must walk
Lies only entrusted from God above.

I must ask know if I will persevere
For I'm a stranger to this lonely path,
A long winding dark road of solitude
Searching ceaselessly within it's wrath.

A long deep rut cuts deep in my heart
Broken promises and lies in the dark,
You promised we'd live and stay forever
Leaving;then to Heaven's door I'll knock.

I gave my mind,heart,and soul to you
Two hearts to become eternally entwined,
I never dreamed that you would walk away
Hope has failed,leaving all to unbind.

Dear God!guide me through this journey
And hold me gently while I try to mend,
Despite my pain,I will not forsake you
Within lies hope that I'll live again.

Submitted by Cybear 1/23/07

Cybear's photo
Tue 01/23/07 05:09 AM
This is superb expression SJ.Sadly it lends perhaps to much realism
within our lives.I pray that we find this elusive one to complete our
lives,and to bring these dreams of ceaseless wanting to an

Cybear's photo
Mon 01/22/07 08:02 PM
Good Eve.Stephy.First and foremost never question nor minimize your
poems or stories.(bad gurl)lol.We like to call this venting & releasing
which is a completely healthy thing to do.I read alot of Poetry because
well,I love it very much.I've seen many instances were are great Poets
within exercise this option.Completely acceptable within.Trust Me!on
this.This particular poem is powerful & saddening ,but it is critical to
release these feelings.This peace and solace that you seek lies within
Stephy,you and only you will be able to resolve this internal battle.Do
not continually ponder over all the why's,for many of them may never be
answered.The love and compassion that you sought in him was simply not
there.You must now look ahead with your chin up and embark upon a new
journey that will lead you to your true soul mate who will offer you
what you need and desire.Just my opinion hon.Godspeed!Cybear.

Cybear's photo
Mon 01/22/07 12:28 PM

I don't know what it is
That makes me feel alive
I don't know how to wake
The things that sleep inside
I only wanna see the light
That shines behind your eyes

I hope that I can say
The things I wish I'd said
To sing my soul to sleep
And take me back to bed
You want to be alone
When we could be alive instead

Because we need each other
We believe in one another
And I know we're going to uncover
What's sleepin' in our soul
Because we need each other
We believe in one another
And I know we're going to uncover
What's sleepin' in our soul

There are many things
That I would like to know
And there are many places
That I wish to go
But everything's depending
On the way the wind may blow
I don't know what it is
That makes me feel alive
I don't know how to wake
The things that sleep inside
I only wanna see the light
That shines behind your eyes

Because we need each other
We believe in one another
And I know we're going to uncover
What's sleepin' in our soul
Because we need each other
We believe in one another
And I know we're going to uncover
What's sleepin' in our soul

What's sleepin' in our soul
What's sleepin' in our soul
'Cause we believe
'Cause we believe
Yeah, we believe
'Cause we believe
'Cause we believe
Because we need
Because we need

Written by Produced by Oasis ;)
Humbly submitted by Cybear 1/22/07

Cybear's photo
Sun 01/21/07 10:40 PM

Cybear's photo
Sun 01/21/07 09:17 PM
Yes I truly enjoyed it,and please feel free to post more.And I am very
happy for you two by the way.Many of us here have lonely souls that are
seeking that elusive one.May God bless us all and lead us to this other
one.Meanwhile,yourself and significant other provide hope for us all
that it is possible to meet this special one here at
p.s.Thank You!for sharing with us.;)