Community > Posts By > mrlutz

mrlutz's photo
Tue 05/26/09 01:52 PM
It's always pretty easy to get into that predicament and harder in hell-o to get out of it. Our oldest daughter ended up in jail many times and at 33, she's still without a clue and yet won't listen to anyone because she's right and everyone else is wrong. She's always been 'against' the 'establishment' and won't follow the rules and it costs her dearly....but that's not my problem anymore! It's hard for me to understand how someone that made straight A's in school can act so stoooopid. I guess the drugs in my generation was a lot better than what hers have been lol

mrlutz's photo
Tue 05/26/09 01:09 PM
Oh geez!!! LOL

mrlutz's photo
Fri 05/22/09 06:41 PM
My oldest made me feel like a failure but the youngest turned all that around!

mrlutz's photo
Fri 05/22/09 06:33 PM
Edited by mrlutz on Fri 05/22/09 06:33 PM
A great smile is a plus but man, it's the whole package that does it for me....but I'm not sure I could fall for someone that snorts when they laugh bigsmile

mrlutz's photo
Sun 04/12/09 08:12 PM
In the 70's, I had 5 Mustangs which included 2 Fastbacks. One was a 65 and the other a 66 but never had a drop top. The only reason I ended up with 5 at the same time is that they were dirt cheap lol.

mrlutz's photo
Sun 04/12/09 08:03 PM
I'm light sensitve too and if you drive up to me with a white car on a sunny day, there's no way I can keep my eyes open so I'll keep my sun glasses on so that I can see who I'm talking to. It's not easy for me to see on a bright day anyways. If you think I'm trying to hide, well, that's not going to be my problem. I made the mistake of buying a white car back in the 70's and ended up painting the hood semi flat black lol.

mrlutz's photo
Sun 04/12/09 07:56 PM
I like anything that makes loud noises!bigsmile A few years ago a buddy came over on the 4th of July with a home made cannon (actually made at his shop). It was fairly small with only a 3/4" bore but that thing would make a piece of 5/8 x 1" all thread go deep into a tree and was plenty loud lol. Always wanted to make one but never have. Btw, did ya know that a 12 oz plastic coke bottle will take 140 psi and not blow up but a 1.75 litre plastic Canadial Mist bottle will not!? And man, it was loud too pitchfork

mrlutz's photo
Sun 04/12/09 01:52 PM

Better to have one and not need it...than need one and not have it...

That would make a little more sense if you owned ONE gun! lol.

For me, it is highly unlikely that i will ever need a gun, i dont know much about where you live, but is it really likely that you would ever need one?

I pointed mine at one person years ago and was about to empty it on him but the situation quickly defused when he saw it so that saved me a ton of grief in the long run. Didn't know the ahole from Adam but all I knew is that he put our lives in danger (wife and I) and I was about to take us out of danger. Another instance was from my druggie son in law. He was giving me a bunch of crap. I was sitting in my car and he was at the driver's window. Window was up and he was pounding on it wanting me to open up. I was about to open up with something else and was only waiting for him to break the glass but when he heard me chamber a round, he very quickly left. He never saw the gun since it was dark and my windows are tinted plus it was in my lap down low. I'm surprised my daughter hasn't shot him yet. Oh ya, he called the cops on me but it didn't take long for the cops to go back to him once they found out what was going on lol. He has a long record and is now in the TDC. He's the main reason that I decided to get my permit to carry. And the night this all happened...he had just burned down his own house for the insurance money.

mrlutz's photo
Sun 04/12/09 01:37 PM
You folks that want to outlaw guns need to read up on your history of what happened in the countries that disarmed their citizens and you don't have to go back too many years either.
Also, how many cars kill people? Yet just about any moron can own one and these days, it's even easier to get a driver's license now than it was in 67. Why is it that way today? And with the way this country is going, owning gold when the crap hits the fan will only serve well in making reloads.....and with our president bowing to the king of Saudi...what's next?? No wonder the gun shows are packed full. I've been around guns all my life and was taught gun safety at a very early age and have had my permit for several years. It's all about education but it seems there's not much of that going around these days. Someone mentioned using a knife for defense. It's a lot easier to duck a knife than it is to duck a bullet...and when guns are outlawed, only the goberment and outlaws will have them. And if you ever do have to use a gun for defense, use 'safe' ammo. Round points can go through the body and possibly strike someone nearby that's innocent. Hollow points will not do that.
Also, I'm not a video game player. To me they are a waste of time...

mrlutz's photo
Sun 04/12/09 01:08 PM
I'm getting where I really don't like hot weather....but don't reallly care for real cold either lol

mrlutz's photo
Mon 04/06/09 05:00 PM

Hmmm, I had an 'OK' romantic time with a guy I dated last year. One that I will soon forget because it was just 'OK'.

The last great, romantic, awe inspiring night that will echo through my mind forever was April 28, 2003. :heart:
The question I thought was "what", not when. The ears what to hear!! laugh

mrlutz's photo
Mon 04/06/09 04:37 PM
Maybe romance needs to be defined first. I had a romantic evening a couple of nights ago but my definition might be different. If she would let me drive her Viper up to max speed, that could be romantic love lol

mrlutz's photo
Mon 04/06/09 03:55 PM
What are you sorry about?

mrlutz's photo
Mon 04/06/09 03:14 PM
I have a few Mopars. Used to have many more but decided to sell off a few several years ago and of course that was just before the prices when through the roof lol. Right now I have two 66 Plymouth Belvederes and one 67 Belvedere convertible.

mrlutz's photo
Mon 03/30/09 05:06 PM
Communication, bending over backwards, meeting their needs, jumping through hoops....none of that works when the person you married 23 years ago isn't even close to being who they were back then. I realize everyone changes some over time but geez, who is this person now and where did she come from?? I guess the alternative to cheating is going nucking futs frustrated

mrlutz's photo
Mon 03/30/09 04:57 PM
Wishing I was single....sorry, but being married hasn't been too kind to me. I've heard that some people are not cut out for it and I guess I'm one of those people.

mrlutz's photo
Mon 03/30/09 04:26 PM

Was it a careless cigarette?(j/k)rofl Glad 2 hear things are back on track.G'Luck:smile:

thanx. the cause was my drunk neighbor in the trailer court was playin with fire works an set some weeds on fire under my trailer. the worst part from wat i hear was when my 10 gal. propane tank went off. i was away when it happened. the dude had to pay for two brand new trailers and my 300 dollar 1980's trailer. it looked pretty bad when i arrived, i was mad. but i got over it. at least my van wasn't there.

i had to put more work into my van it now has a castiron block and polished valves an lifers. it runs better.
Polished valves and lifters? Never heard of that. Know anyone that has a smallish travel trailer for sale in good shape?

mrlutz's photo
Tue 09/02/08 09:18 AM
It's easy to get into trouble with just one hand! laugh