Community > Posts By > artlover9

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Mon 06/24/13 04:00 AM
yaa..its necessary through out the age.

Sex must be consider as medicine to keep fit & rejoice.
Its connection to morality & physical ability may be questioned but age never matter till we accept our self as old guys.

to me...old is Gold, evershing.bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile :banana:

no photo
Mon 06/24/13 03:53 AM

Absolutely correct. Women are creatures of the heart. She MUST feel valued, loved, cherished, THEN if she feels the same, hearing his voice on the PHONE....will get her purring. It's true. You must connect with her HEAD first, her heart will follow...and so will everything else.

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile
A nice formula to come up from top to bottom.
who denies for sex if you are not old..ha! ha!

no photo
Mon 06/24/13 02:26 AM

I would like to get both the male and female perspective on this.

We all know guys generally like to cut to the chase. So it's understandable when it happens, but what do you say when you like him and you don't want to totally shut him down, you just want him to ease up a little?


When it is understandable,there would be solution.
From male perspective, if we find reason to ease up the chase,a simple conversation may work ..a humble request with smiling face may bind the person.
from female perspective..
Its always not promoting,communication may cause different issues,best thing is to ignore it at maximum and then decide the course of action.

no photo
Mon 06/24/13 01:55 AM
Do you know why God created gaps between
So that someone who is special to you comes and fills
those gaps by holding your hand forever.

no photo
Mon 06/24/13 01:47 AM
I need to know if you're my true friend,
will you be by my side until the end?

Can I tell you my secrets deep,
and trust them in your heart you'll keep?

We are neither of us without our flaws,
can you accept mine as I will yours?

I'll be a shoulder to cry on when you're blue,
will you be there for me when I need you?

No matter how busy i will make time for you,
if you are busy will you make time for me too?

I will take your hand and comfort your tears,
will you hold me and soothe my fears?

I will give you joy and many warm smiles,
can we share that even across many miles?

I will not forget what's important to you,
will you remember what's important to me too?

With you my most favorite things I'll share,
If only I know do you truly care?

If you can accept me as I do you,
then I will know you are a friend most true.

ohwell drinker :heart: grumble bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

no photo
Mon 06/24/13 01:43 AM
Relationship with god/child/parents/mentors /husband-wife or others are
general in nature but friendship is an exceptional relationship in life.

we choose our friends,we decide its boundry,we put values with great sentiments & emotion but it never stand on priorities, why?

no photo
Mon 06/24/13 01:19 AM
Its a problem.
in past,parents were responsible to find a good girl or best boy who may care and love.
Now a days,screen has changed.
meeting with a girl who cares and love is a matter of destiny or a process of trial & error.
Nevertheless,nothing to disappoint, do not hesitate to purpose a girl to whom you like without concern to or subject to care /love, just be yourself.
Girls are rather more smarter & crazy , nothing conveyance them except their own will to accept or reject but mind it never ignore their issue.

no photo
Sun 06/23/13 04:19 AM

I've never had bad sex. Wasn't aware there was such a thing.

I don't think the sex has to be bad in order to have a worse sex partner. Just think of the very best partner, and consider all the others worse than THAT! laugh That's what I did.

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

there can not be a thing like a bad sex.

here, probably, it means, unauthentic sex and sorrow of being involve in it ..of course with own desire.

no photo
Sun 06/23/13 04:19 AM

I've never had bad sex. Wasn't aware there was such a thing.

I don't think the sex has to be bad in order to have a worse sex partner. Just think of the very best partner, and consider all the others worse than THAT! laugh That's what I did.

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

there can not be a thing like a bad sex.

here, probably, it means, unauthentic sex and sorrow of being involve in it ..of course with own desire.

no photo
Sun 06/23/13 04:15 AM

sex is a important part of life

we talk about all good things. lets talk about the worst things. if you had sex with more than one people in ur life, how do u define a worst sex partner, why were they worst

can that cause a relation to break up?

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

very bold topic.
Sex ...
...Most people are lair talking about the sex.
involvement in "sex" suggest a good chemistry in relationship.
Defining a worst sex partner in comparison with earlier one is funny and irreverent.
Sex with change of partner under new growing relationship would have obvious & different outcomes.
The most discussed topic in the world is sex, about its validity,authentication,presence in relationship, its sorrow,its pleasure and its action ,tools and lot more.

The most importance and rarity of sex relationship depends upon getting right partner with great security, comfort,trust,faith,desire & relation making. It becomes hostile when we feel lack of clarity,honesty,time or issues of ego and over importance of neglected issues.

Sex in itself is like a rare diamond,very difficult to get & choose, nothing certified rules to define purity of "diamond" so it may be that we feel cheated or become hostile. Still its rarity and cheering characteristics always insist to most of us.

its my views, it could be criticized but truth tells us that its an accident, some become permanently disabled, some partially or few come out with injury.

If you do not like my views, i regret.

no photo
Sun 06/23/13 03:36 AM

its not that women dont care for 'good' guys

its that they are attracted to CONFIDENT guys,,,

,,,,,,this seems kind of a hard point to get across,,,,,

you are sharing a open-secret of a female.
bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

good guys does not have teeth and bad guys both are illusory situation in present era.

:smile: :smile: :smile:

no photo
Sun 06/23/13 03:26 AM
bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Computer science with love to music...!!!
There must be good fighting between your brain and soul.

no photo
Sun 06/23/13 02:13 AM

I think the human psyche has a natural NEED for human contact and human relationships, bonds, and security

I don t think 'quality' education is natural, but one of many cultural tools that contribute to cultural success

money and(authoritative) power are also taught culturally as things to strive for

but, (self) power and health , I do believe, to be natural desires

Desire is a issue to achieve, obtain, attain or accept with or without reason for sparkling,growing or boosting egos.
Where as a natural desire is what you said.

no photo
Sun 06/23/13 01:32 AM

I don't think is a natural desire, I think is a more "learned" desire - that society shows you in different forms that with "that" (quality educat, money...etc) you will become "special" - even the concept in itself of becoming special.

EX. someone like TArzan (sureal but good ex)- he didnt care to be Special or not, he knew his uniqueness already since there was nothing else...


The "desire of humant to love & to b loved" sometimes is wrongly motivated - ex. when is momentary for one side, or when is looked to be more selfish, - I think those should be limited, beside love in itself is a wide word since we all feel it and think of what it is differently..


"spicey & sweet" and 'knowledge & responability" - I think finding a balance with all will be the ideal, if one is lacking then relationship won't b complete


---I appreciate your understanding.

no photo
Sat 06/22/13 10:27 PM
I learned, its natural desire of human mind to become special -in the ways of the world, to have quality education,specialization & super power in profession or activities, money, health, ego etc.

If we fed up with the world or stand to desire, our ego starts finding new ways with intend to enhance itself or grow it, it become spiritual awakens.
the first stand is "karma" and next is "sanyas".
Presence of love is must since it is the key to stimulate desire to be special.
the conclusion it..Never let die the natural desire of human to love & to be loved, do not limit it to its age, its fear or its involvement..otherwise it is just illusory or turning the life with new journey to be spiritual.

Spicy & sweet relationship may have taste of loving & caring where as
sharing knowledge & responsibility may just keep on going.
My topic is..

desire of love & to be loved..its validity, eligibility,approach,
limit...whether these are based on comfort or availability or depends

no photo
Sat 06/22/13 09:53 PM
bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Just dial a number..
a woman would be there to answer you..
Do not hesitate to ask any silly question..
for example..
Ask parents are not here,I wish to pass out urine but my zip is
not working...!!!
just see..

no photo
Sat 06/22/13 09:47 PM

How to communicate with a woman:

1. Find a woman. (Some men will never progress beyond this stage. For some of them, it's just as well.)

2. Ascertain whether you and the woman you've found speak the same language. If you're able to discuss the weather in actual words without needing gestures, visual aids or an interpreter, congratulations! You speak the same language.

3. Speak to her as though she were a real, live human being. Listen to her when she speaks to you.

Congratulations! You have now communicated with a woman.

There... that wasn't so difficult, was it?

no photo
Fri 06/21/13 10:56 PM
sound true

no photo
Fri 06/21/13 10:56 PM
sound true

no photo
Fri 06/21/13 10:53 PM
:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: