The Dumbing of America
Yeah, the author is a far leftist from Berkeley who probably doesn't know a real conservative. Most of the article is building strawman and burning it. Boring as hell. care to refute him ??? can't refute him. he's not here. that's the point. son you need to read your lay the war in Iraq soley at the feet of George utter nonsense...does this ring a bell ?... The Congress shall have Power To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;...I repeat...THE CONGRESS !!...not...the President... Considering war was never declared and it is a military action then we can go from there. The notion of Saddam came from somewhere. As far as congress was concerned Bin laden did 9/11 and he was in Pakistan. How did Saddam become the target? Bush. I guess you've forgotten all about the coutless hearings and testimony...given by your main took hours and hours...days and days...months and months...before any approval was given by both democRATS and enter Iraq on the assumption that not only did they have weapons of mass distruction...but...also that the terrorists responsible for 9/11 were hunkered down in Iraq...plotting and planning more attacks... |
The Dumbing of America
Yeah, the author is a far leftist from Berkeley who probably doesn't know a real conservative. Most of the article is building strawman and burning it. Boring as hell. care to refute him ??? can't refute him. he's not here. that's the point. son you need to read your lay the war in Iraq soley at the feet of George utter nonsense...does this ring a bell ?... The Congress shall have Power To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;...I repeat...THE CONGRESS !!...not...the President... |
Judging another person's sexual activity, as long as they are of age and mental consent, for anything is really irrelavant to anything. People do their jobs well everyday and have sex whenever they get ready. It is their business as long as they are having it with someone of age and mental consent. I recommend it, it is healthy for you especially if you use protection and it is an excellent stress reliever as long as you do not catch yourself a psycho partner. only Teddy is judging it...his sexual conquests...are clearly stated in his autobiography...although I think adultery isn't something to be condoned...or...made light of...unless we're to believe that he was his wives... |
Edited by
Sun 10/18/09 06:59 AM
The National Enquirer. ![]() I believe this is from a chapter in his really didn't think the state run media would report this...did you ? this was a would have been the state run media and discussed on the Sunday morning shows... |
Limbaugh and the Rams
I read the same garbage day after day that you post...try listening to his show before you cast judgement...Rush is anything but racist...and like he do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...they call you a racist... I have listened to his show, he seems like a bigot. Everyone has their own perception based on their own experiences,, and that is mine. Doesnt mean he isnt fantastic entertainment or any number of other things though. the only reason you think he sounds like a because he dares to disagree with the Annointed One...Obama has been a disaster and Rush points it after day...thats not being a bigot...thats being honest... Not wise to ASSUME,,truly. I heard Rush long before I even heard of OBama and felt he acted like a bigot... like Rush have to listen to his show six weeks...before you fully grasp it...I can tell that you have NOT...listened to Rush for six weeks...if you would totally and 100% agree with him...on just about every issue... Of course you can tell I havent. What type of person subjects themselves to six weeks of something non beneficial that they dont care for? I have heard him blame too many things on race the few random times I have seen him. That says plenty. Vick gets recognition because he is black, powell endorses obama because he is black, black on white crime is happening now (because apparently it wasnt happening before,,,lol) because of OBama and OBama is black with a chip on his shoulder,,,etc,,,,etc,,,etc,,, For a white male , the man just assumes far too much about what black individuals do, why they do it, and what other people think about it. His is not the opinions I care to listen to because they seem to me unresearched and unfounded and serving no point but to divide and insult... but thats just my opinion. Obama DOES have a chip on his shoulder...Powell DID endorse Obama because he's black...why else would a conservative support a Liberal...and...opinions need not be researched...they come straight from the heart... Touche, and My opinion is that Rush is a bigot who injects race into hot topics to get ratings and to be divisive. Not the type of entertainment I am into. I is entertaining... ![]() |
Limbaugh and the Rams
I read the same garbage day after day that you post...try listening to his show before you cast judgement...Rush is anything but racist...and like he do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...they call you a racist... I have listened to his show, he seems like a bigot. Everyone has their own perception based on their own experiences,, and that is mine. Doesnt mean he isnt fantastic entertainment or any number of other things though. the only reason you think he sounds like a because he dares to disagree with the Annointed One...Obama has been a disaster and Rush points it after day...thats not being a bigot...thats being honest... Not wise to ASSUME,,truly. I heard Rush long before I even heard of OBama and felt he acted like a bigot... like Rush have to listen to his show six weeks...before you fully grasp it...I can tell that you have NOT...listened to Rush for six weeks...if you would totally and 100% agree with him...on just about every issue... Of course you can tell I havent. What type of person subjects themselves to six weeks of something non beneficial that they dont care for? I have heard him blame too many things on race the few random times I have seen him. That says plenty. Vick gets recognition because he is black, powell endorses obama because he is black, black on white crime is happening now (because apparently it wasnt happening before,,,lol) because of OBama and OBama is black with a chip on his shoulder,,,etc,,,,etc,,,etc,,, For a white male , the man just assumes far too much about what black individuals do, why they do it, and what other people think about it. His is not the opinions I care to listen to because they seem to me unresearched and unfounded and serving no point but to divide and insult... but thats just my opinion. Obama DOES have a chip on his shoulder...Powell DID endorse Obama because he's black...why else would a conservative support a Liberal...and...opinions need not be researched...they come straight from the heart... |
Limbaugh and the Rams
Edited by
Sat 10/17/09 10:51 PM
I read the same garbage day after day that you post...try listening to his show before you cast judgement...Rush is anything but racist...and like he do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...they call you a racist... I have listened to his show, he seems like a bigot. Everyone has their own perception based on their own experiences,, and that is mine. Doesnt mean he isnt fantastic entertainment or any number of other things though. the only reason you think he sounds like a because he dares to disagree with the Annointed One...Obama has been a disaster and Rush points it after day...thats not being a bigot...thats being honest... Not wise to ASSUME,,truly. I heard Rush long before I even heard of OBama and felt he acted like a bigot... like Rush have to listen to his show six weeks...before you fully grasp it...I can tell that you have NOT...listened to Rush for six weeks...if you would totally and 100% agree with him...on just about every issue... |
Limbaugh and the Rams
I read the same garbage day after day that you post...try listening to his show before you cast judgement...Rush is anything but racist...and like he do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...they call you a racist... I have listened to his show, he seems like a bigot. Everyone has their own perception based on their own experiences,, and that is mine. Doesnt mean he isnt fantastic entertainment or any number of other things though. the only reason you think he sounds like a because he dares to disagree with the Annointed One...Obama has been a disaster and Rush points it after day...thats not being a bigot...thats being honest... |
Limbaugh and the Rams
I read the same garbage day after day that you post...try listening to his show before you cast judgement...Rush is anything but racist...and like he do you know when you've won an arguement with a Liberal ?...they call you a racist...
The Dumbing of America
![]() ![]() sure he did...have you ever seen a country tax and spend it's way to prosperity ?... |
The Dumbing of America
covered in saw dust as I type. Seriously do ya think if Bush and the republicans had done their jobs in the first place Obama would have needed to jump start the economy? Do you folks have any idea how bad things were? Obama avoided the "greatest depresion" unfortunatly he did it with debt but he didnt start two wars with no way to finance them. The fact that the electricity is still on for most of you should be enough evidence that Obama saved america. Banks we failing in droves homes were being forclosed at a record pace and the entire auto industry and all its support was shut downand gas was at 4 bucks a gallon! Oh my how soon people forget. Now I have something to think about for the next run at the woodpile. how bad things were ? mean are...he's made everything back to your woodpile... |
The Dumbing of America
Edited by
Sat 10/17/09 10:42 AM
What are you talking about George W. got us in debt Obama is trying to get us out. There is your response. ![]() |
The Dumbing of America
I dont think any one particular party has a monopoly on ignorance. I understand OBamas statement though about people who want to tear down any mention of anything positive and drown it out with despair and negativity instead. his policies are anti American...and...the ruin of this great country...what we've witnessed these last nine months has been a's so sad to watch what he's attempting to do to this great nation... ![]() |
Limbaugh and the Rams
I'm many ant-Rush bashers have actually ever listened to his show...I listen everyday...all the way back to when he started in hardly ever the topic of discussion...Liberalism ? thats another Rush have to listen to his show for 6 fully grasp his understand his humor...I wonder if they'd let Michael Vick buy a % of an NFL team...or...maybe Ray Lewis...or...PacMan Jones... ![]() Leno says... Rush Limbaugh has been dropped from a group of investors who were trying to buy the St. Louis Rams. Speculation was that Limbaugh was considered by the league to be too controversial, you know, unlike Michael Vick, Pacman Jones, Coach Tom Cable, Plaxico Burress. The NFL hates controversy! |
Limbaugh and the Rams
Edited by
Fri 10/16/09 12:27 PM
I'm many ant-Rush bashers have actually ever listened to his show...I listen everyday...all the way back to when he started in hardly ever the topic of discussion...Liberalism ? thats another Rush have to listen to his show for 6 fully grasp his understand his humor...I wonder if they'd let Michael Vick buy a % of an NFL team...or...maybe Ray Lewis...or...PacMan Jones...
![]() |
Remember all the problems in this country came before Obama ever got in office, ALL OF THEM!!!! worth repeating.... ![]() I remind people of this regularly. And all of the problems got worse when he and them dems got in and tried to "fix" things. ![]() ![]() There has been no "worse" yet in this country. We were told that the recession and job loss was going to continue for at least another year by Obama himself and the economists. So there hasn't been any "worse" to come from this administration. It is all the same problems he inherited. It is all the same problems he inherited.... you sound like Obama now...if my memory serves me...Obama was right their in the Senate voting for all actually...he inherited...what he was voting for... |
Edited by
Mon 09/28/09 10:50 AM
Independents have fled in droves...remember...he only got 52% of the don't think that he's lost 3% of those people ?...Independents are polling 2-1 against...he lost the white vote 56-44...he now trails it 62-38...I think what Obama has figured out a way to piss EVERYONE one way or another...also...I think alot of people who voted for change...sure weren't voting for this...we'll find out in 14 months...when the country had their first chance to show Clinton what they thought in 1994...he lost 8 Senate seats, and 54 house seats...also...70 house seats right now are in districts that voted for McCain and or Bush in the last two elections...they sit in Republican could be a blood bath in 2010...I can hardly wait... Where did you get those stats Faux news or Limbaugh? Repubs have lost all credibility and it is going down hill fast with the teabaggers, racists, anti-government folks all joining their band wagon. Taking all the credibility from anything they say and making it hatemongering and fearmongering which only works with the uneducated folks. Smart folks figure it out real quick and end up mistrusting the party who gave them the lies to begin with. That is what is happening. Smart folks are discovering the misinformation and are not going to allow it to make the country into a dead zone like the hatemongers want it to be. Remember all the problems in this country came before Obama ever got in office, ALL OF THEM!!!! ![]() Where did you get those stats Faux news or Limbaugh... huh ?...these are the actual numbers used by Rassmussen...Zogby...Gallup...Pew Research...Politico...probably a bit of a surprise for the State Run Media would never report this... |
teabaggers, racists, anti-government folks
thats most of America... ![]() |
52% unemployment...a combination of adults taking any job they can find, and of course the minimum wage...which Republicans know...actually hurts...the very segment of society it's created to benefit...the young skulls full of The unemployment rate in August was 9.7%. it's 52% amongst teens...the actual true unemployment is 16.5%...if you count those who have exhausted there unemployment benefits and are no longer searching for work... I found this amount for unemployed teens: The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics - Unemployment for 16-to-19-year-olds hit 21.7% in March. My heart isn't breaking if high school kids can't find jobs. Their priority should be school. here's the first paragraph from this post... The unemployment rate for young Americans has exploded to 52.2 percent -- a post-World War II high, according to the Labor Dept. -- meaning millions of Americans are staring at the likelihood that their lifetime earning potential will be diminished and, combined with the predicted slow economic recovery, their transition into productive members of society could be put on hold for an extended period of time. |
52% unemployment...a combination of adults taking any job they can find, and of course the minimum wage...which Republicans know...actually hurts...the very segment of society it's created to benefit...the young skulls full of The unemployment rate in August was 9.7%. it's 52% amongst teens...the actual true unemployment is 16.5%...if you count those who have exhausted there unemployment benefits and are no longer searching for work... |