Community > Posts By > Bob Just Bob

Bob Just Bob's photo
Sun 07/31/22 12:06 AM
Who you marry or love is none of the government's business. If they make it their business, that's why guns exist. Your rights are YOURS and ONLY YOURS

Bob Just Bob's photo
Sun 07/31/22 12:02 AM

What would make it ok? I have several reasons. Ask me

It would never be ok

Bob Just Bob's photo
Sun 07/31/22 12:00 AM
What the hell kind of question is this? Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a kid?

Bob Just Bob's photo
Sat 07/30/22 03:57 PM
Someone to ask me for a Steam card so I can ask them their Steam account name and tell them I'll gift them some money from my Steam account. Works every time 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Bob Just Bob's photo
Sat 06/25/22 07:31 PM

Laws passed by congress DON'T mean squat if it's not enforced and people breaking laws aren't punished.

The 18 U.S. Code 1507 reads: "Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both."

18 U.S. Code 1507 was written to protect not only judges but also court officers, jurors and witnesses from being intimidated.
How many protesters have been fined or arrested for protesting at the homes of Supreme Court justices??
If ANY administration, the DOJ or those in charge of enforcement pick and choose which laws to enforce there will be laws that DON'T mean squat.

Hahaha. 18 USC §2384 also says Sedition is a federal crime but our Declaration of Independence says it's our RIGHT when government is destructive to the natural rights of man. I could give a **** less about 18 USC or any other United States Code.

Bob Just Bob's photo
Thu 06/23/22 05:12 AM
Donald Trump is the reason I am being held hostage here in America. I just wanted to peacefully leave this country. Peace is no longer an option. Prepare for an ACTUAL insurrection

Bob Just Bob's photo
Mon 06/20/22 11:59 PM

The Declaration of Independence addresses the English monarch, dumbass.

Now, read the Constitution.

The Declaration of Independence states what are natural rights you stupid ****

Bob Just Bob's photo
Sun 06/19/22 08:13 PM

Au contraire, section 8 of Article I gives Congress near omnipotent tax and spend powers.

We really should read the actual Constitution before citing it.

As for this argument...

I had a pointless debate on the topic ten years ago, a fellow Libertarian started to berate me for proposing we require gun licensing for the fact that government would then have a picture I.D. and records of our personal info on a database.

I asked him if he had a drivers license.

The same individual made the argument for picture ID's for voting several months later.

AR 15's cannot be used for hunting, they emaciate flesh. They're overkill for self defense.

Also, "A well armed militia" is not the Constitution saying we have a right to overthrow government or murder officials we don't agree with.

That's what elections are for.

Read the Constitution as it was ratified in 1788.

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights,  Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it.. "

"...But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security"

The Declaration of Independence says it is our right to overthrow the government dumbass

Bob Just Bob's photo
Sun 06/19/22 08:06 PM

If that was an insurrection then why wasn't the Capitol burned to the ground? Why weren't any members of Congress publicly executed for violating our Constitution? You may want to ask Muammar Gaddafi what an insurrection actually is

Insurrection is just attempted violent overthrow of the government. In fact, if the insurrectionists were completely successful, there wouldn't have been any charges because they'd just install their own guys in place of the government.

Who the **** says we'll replace it? It's also our right to abolish government. Think that will be done peacefully? The State isnan inherently immoral institution that relies on force and coercion against otherwise peaceful people. Our right to liberty is violated daily. Insurrection and violent revolution are LONG overdue, but one shitty government isn't going to be replaced by another shitty government

Bob Just Bob's photo
Sun 06/19/22 08:06 PM

If that was an insurrection then why wasn't the Capitol burned to the ground? Why weren't any members of Congress publicly executed for violating our Constitution? You may want to ask Muammar Gaddafi what an insurrection actually is

Insurrection is just attempted violent overthrow of the government. In fact, if the insurrectionists were completely successful, there wouldn't have been any charges because they'd just install their own guys in place of the government.

Who the **** says we'll replace it? It's also our right to abolish government. Think that will be done peacefully? The State isnan inherently immoral institution that relies on force and coercion against otherwise peaceful people. Our right to liberty is violated daily. Insurrection and violent revolution are LONG overdue, but one shitty government isn't going to be replaced by another shitty government

Bob Just Bob's photo
Sun 06/19/22 02:58 AM
Edited by Bob Just Bob on Sun 06/19/22 02:59 AM

Lower your expectations a little. The heart is a hard animal to figure out. If it is meant to be held onto by another that is something that will happen on it's own when you least expect it. Your profile looks good but I would delete the first couple of lines since they are negative. You want a positive profile.

It is beyond frustrating at times when nobody seems to actually live anywhere near where their profile sats they do, or even in the same country. Hearing "I am Mary by name, for what are you seeking?" gets repetitive. That, or they will ask for a Steam gift card to buy "foodstuffs". I wasn't born yesterday and have had a Steam account for 15 years and know it can only be used on videogames. Maybe I'm just holding on to the cynical NCO in me.

I just want honestly. It's very important to me. I dont care where someone is. I am quite prepared to bring the right person to me here in America. My ex was from Iran. I dont care where someone is from. I dont care if they are as black as my coffee cup. As white as the hairs on my chin. I dont care if they are orange with purple polka dots. I dont care if they are 50kg or 500 kg. Only that they make me feel like i matter and let me love them and feel like they are the only woman there is. I just want to know the real person i may fall in love with. My previous marriage was 27 years of hell. I just don't feel like repeating that again.

Your profile looks good in my opinion. Some women prefer a guy to be clean shaven rather than having a beard, maybe it's worth thinking about a few photos of yourself clean shaven as well, so you appeal to more women out there, but definitely not essential all your photos are OK.

Welcome to Mingle2 and good luck in your search.

i think the last two photos are from around my birthday last fall before I grew the beard. I left them in my profile because I wasn't sure if I was going to shave the beard off or not, but figured I might want to at the very least update my profile with some new photos.

Bob Just Bob's photo
Sat 06/18/22 10:16 PM
Edited by Bob Just Bob on Sat 06/18/22 10:23 PM
The US Department of Education is unconstitutional. It violates the Tenth Amendment. The US Federal government giving educational grants to states violates the Tax and Spend Clause of Article I. I support my Constitution and Declaration of Independence being STRICTLY followed by my government or at this juncture, I support exercising my natural right to abolish government which has become destructive to the natural rights of man. Violent armed revolution is a right when the government instituted among men no longer has consent and is destructive to the natural rights of man. We are $30.5 trillion in debt. I am not a tax slave. The US Constitution only allows taxes be collected to fund a militia for self defense, a navy to protect against invasion, a postal service to deliver mail, postal roads and a temporary tax for the useful sciences. Nothing else may be funded by taxation.

Bob Just Bob's photo
Sat 06/18/22 08:20 PM

I'm still bemused, that many people on "both" sides
of the political spectrum, believe there's any
actual difference between our two main political

No **** rite. EXACTLY why armed revolt is long overdue

Bob Just Bob's photo
Sat 06/18/22 07:59 PM
BOTH parties wipe their ***** with our Constitution and an actual REAL insurrection is long overdue.

We are $30 trillion in debt. That's $91,463 for every man,woman and child in America just on the existing debt. That's obscene. Both parties spend money uncontrollably. Both parties bomb people 8000 miles away they didn't do a ****ing thing to me. Both parties want to lock people up for nonviolent offenses that have no victim. Both parties wish to restrict what I may and may not use to defend myself with. Both parties wish to limit free speech, spy on Americans and expand the police state. Both parties wish to massively expand an already bloated government. Both parties are the enemy of freedom and liberty. There's literally no difference between the two.

Bob Just Bob's photo
Sat 06/18/22 07:54 PM

I’m glad he finally got around to it after two or three weeks of pelosi stalling it in the house. 27 dems voted against this bill because the assignation attempt was against a conservative judge. And we still haven’t heard a peep from any democrat condemning violence against fact we hear some democrat leaders calling for their followers to confront and harass anyone that disagrees with their agenda

No one voted against protecting them, they wanted the protection expanded to other at-risk groups. Unless you have proof, stop putting words in others mouths. You post your opinion as if it’s truth and that’s just wrong.

As far as harassment goes, Pastor Mark Burns, a republican running for senate in SC, campaigned on the arrest and execution of people that support LGBTQ+ rights. He lost the recent primary, thank goodness. And trump is the king of inciting his followers, they tried to overthrow the government. When you get caught up in the whole republicans v democrats thing it can often lead you to look like a hypocrite. And yes, it goes both ways.

If that was an insurrection then why wasn't the Capitol burned to the ground? Why weren't any members of Congress publicly executed for violating our Constitution? You may want to ask Muammar Gaddafi what an insurrection actually is

Bob Just Bob's photo
Sat 06/18/22 04:47 PM
Abortion isn't any of the government's business any more than covid vaccines or drugs are.

Bob Just Bob's photo
Sat 06/18/22 04:29 PM
It's been 9 months off and on I've been on this site with absolutely no luck from anyone but those wanting a gift card.

Am I being unrealistic? I dont know anything about dating. I barely understand women.

I'm just a dumb guy. One who joined the Army and the got married at 18 and never dated.

Maybe I'm just setting myself up for failure with my expectations?

Bob Just Bob's photo
Sat 06/18/22 04:16 PM

Secure the schools with surveillance cameras and someone to monitor those cams, constantly. self locking doors only opening from the inside and armed personal posted out and inside. Just banning a type of gun or raising the age of ownership will do nothing to stop someone that is hell bent killing innocent children. There IS a reason these lunatics go to schools or malls . These places are ‘ gun free’

The argument for self-locking doors only opening from the inside is not realistic. There are all kinds of school designs. Not all schools are contained in one big building. Some schools are housed in multiple buildings. Many schools are overcrowded and have individual portable classrooms that are separate from the main building. Many older schools have classrooms that only open to the outside. Furthermore, even in those schools that are all contained in one big building, what about windows? Are we next going to say that there should be no windows allowed in schools? And what about when kids go outside to the playground for recess? What about drop-off time before school or pick-up time after school? I can't imagine that anyone who is actually involved in education would think this was a feasible solution. A child's right to a good (and safe) education trumps anyone's right to own a semiautomatic assault weapon.

Absolutely NOWHERE does the United States Constitution nor the Declaration of Independence state education to be a right. Especially public education. Funding public education is THEFT. If you can afford a child then you should be able to afford a private school for them or homeschooling. It's not my responsibility to fund your child's education any more than it is your responsibility to fund my children's education.

Bob Just Bob's photo
Sat 06/18/22 04:01 PM
Edited by Bob Just Bob on Sat 06/18/22 04:11 PM
Historically the NRA has backed every major gun law passed in the last 80 years. Additionally the United States Constitution in Amendment II says "shall not be infringed". The US Federal government is specifically prohibited from making ANY firearms laws. Because the Federal government IS specifically prohibited from making any gun laws, Amendment X says so are states and municipalities. It is your RIGHT to peacefully own whatever you wish. I want my constitution followed. Not part of it. Not most of it. Every word of it. As it was written a full 12 years BEFORE the ratification of the US Constitution the Declaration of Independence is protected under Amendment IX. I want it followed too. Insurrection a d armed revolt are also our right when government becomes destructive to the natural rights of man. Such as the right to peacefully immigrate wherever you choose. The right to criticize police amd government freely without reprisals. The right to not be a tax slave. The right to self defense in the manner of your choosing. The right to not be spied upon and under constant electronic surveillance.

The police in a 4 year span have killed more Americans than have died in EVERY mass shooting this country has ever had combined. Let's ban the police. Hammers according the the FBI's own statistics are used in more homicides each year than rifles. We should ban those too. And we shouldn't stop there, since heart disease and auto crashes each take more lives each year than guns do in America, we'll make those illegal too.

The ONLY thing needing banned is government itself.

Bob Just Bob's photo
Thu 06/16/22 06:42 PM
Why does this website insist on spelling LAWRENCE, KANSAS Laurence? Every time I see that I think it's a scammer.

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