Community > Posts By > hinkypoepoe
Doesnt make sense
Because they want to find out if your a mental case that stalks women. Women try to read between our lines. Your response to their questions tells them "emotionally" if you are a danger.
Example: Q. "why are you single?" A. "Because My last girl friend wanted some space" Woman mind:"I need space is code for : He might suck in bed so she started screwing some other guy or He must have done something to drive her away; like maybe emotionally smothering her etc. See women have a series of seemingly innocent questions that they will casually drop into conversation to get a lock on who you might be (they are very good at this). I don't know if you have ever taken a physiological exam or not but the test ask you the same questions over and over again in different ways to see if your lying. Most women do the same thing. |
Doesnt make sense
I DIDN'T SAY YOU WERE OBSESSING BUT IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU GOT REALLY ATTACHED IN A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME. If her mom wont talk then the hell with it all. Do yourself a favor and hang out with other girls. Go on a few dates my man..Keep it friendly. I know you will be thinking of her but try to enjoy the company of other ladies. If you do date around do not bring up this girl. Its disrespectful and it makes you look weak to women.
Doesnt make sense
Look , if she was in to you like you are in to her she would find a way to see you. Sounds like she is using her mom as an excuse.
Do they have money and you don't-do you have a job? It could be a lot of things. Hell just ask her mother why. Its best to get it out in the open. What ever the reason do not..I repeat do not obsess about this girl!!!!There are a lot of women in the world looking for good descent men ...just go to PLENTY OF FISH.COM and you will see. |
I Could Use a Few Laughs
My dog just came down the basement steps and drug his butt across my carpet. He was actually grinning while he did it.I think I can see a 2 foot skid mark..he is freaking retarded!!! Please smile.
I hear NJ is nice these days. Growing up in Detroit I always herd NJ was a toxic waste dump.
Well, now Detroit is a burned out husk of what it once was. I work for Delta Airlines and I guess NJ would be closer to the airport. Do they have trains that run across the river to the airport? Oh..and thanks for the reply. Keep them coming. |
![]() ![]() Thank you for your help. |
Edited by
Sun 08/10/08 05:27 AM
Welcome hinky. I'm from the other side of Pa., so I can't help you with what area of Phila. to move to, but if you post your question on the Pa. forum, you may get some insight. ![]() How do I find the PA forum. I have been looking for it but have had no luck. I am new to this site. Thanks |
Edited by
Sun 08/10/08 05:08 AM
![]() ![]() "Discover themselves" is code for: "I want to investigate someone else's genitals". Sorry but they have their eye on someone else...end of story.Do some "discovering" of your own my friend. I am not trying to be mean..I just do not like to see people get screwd over. Good luck and stay strong.. you owe that to yourself. |
Would you consider yourself
I am a northerner surrounded by redneck retards in the south who cant get over the civil war. Every day is a dare.
Thank you for the Hello.
ok... what does your reply have to do with my move.I am from Detroit and a former Marine. I think I am tuff enough.
Your Philosophy..
I would tell the child that the hardest part of life is taking crap from other people. Life is all about ego. Mostly other peoples egos trying to dominate yours. So be tuff be smart and above all remember its just a big game full of pain and joy.
Your Philosophy..
I would tell the child that the hardest part of life is taking crap from other people. Life is all about ego. Mostly other peoples egos trying to dominate yours. So be tuff be smart and above all remember its just a big game full of pain and joy.
Pay Attention To Me
I am new here. Yes, being ignored stinks. I read your post and gave a reply so... now I have made the world a better place by not ignoring you.
I am moving to the Philadelphia area on September 1st. I am relocating because of a promotion at my job. I could use some advice on which suburb I should move into. I want to rent for a few months before I get a home.I would also like to be 30 - 40 min from the airport but away from the citys crime problem. I would really appreciate any advice given. Thanks. |