Community > Posts By > lonelyteardrop

lonelyteardrop's photo
Tue 12/26/06 02:30 PM
I want to thank all justsayhi people again for the kindness and
sweetness they brought into Beka's life, also for all the prayers,
thoughts and friendship with the time that some of you gave me as her
sister to talk with, and for the emails that I will print and put with
her, so she can take with her in heaven, all the poems that i've read,
and copied,
I wish each a wonderful New year and the years to come, may you find the
love and the laughter and smiles you helped share with beka (
Thank you to the owners of this great site for without it would have
left a young girl in silince,
Farewell and God Journey
Heather and family
of Reka (lonelyteardrop)

lonelyteardrop's photo
Sun 12/24/06 07:39 AM
To all the many friends on this site
the family of Beka ( lonelyteardrop)
wants to wish you a safe holiday,

I came across this poem that Beka
wrote for you, I knew it was meant for
her friends on this site

I wish for you my justsayhi
the happiest of the smiles
when santa comes a calling
an brings the toys
when setting at the computer
an your feeling the loneliness
remember please that someone
out there in cyber world is
smiling because your there
when the clock won't stop
clicking, an time doesn't
stand still, and the
new year hurrys and coming
ringing in the year
when you think it's just
another day, remember you
are blessed, for true friendship
from here to there
a simple hi, an smile
when santa comes a calling
bringing with him the biggest of
I send each one of you your christmas
gift of hugs, and hope this lets you
smiling, from just me, lonelyteardrop
I will remember each an all in my christmas
prayer, for santa came a calling
and brought my christmas wish
true friendship, smiles and hugs
from all the friends on justsayhi

Beka's sister and family

lonelyteardrop's photo
Fri 12/22/06 02:29 PM
The family of Beka, ( lonelyteardrop) would like to thank each and
everyone of you for your thoughts & prayers, and being a friend to Beka,
It's nice to know that there is people still out in this world that can
give alittle of thereselve's to someone that was in great need of
Thank you again ! And GOD Bless each and everyone of you

lonelyteardrop's photo
Thu 12/21/06 11:56 PM
I am sorry once again to interfer with the posting and not sure if i'm
doing this in the right place, so for all please forgive me,
Beka's condition is still about the same, she's still in a comatose
state, I also would like to thank everyone for there prayers,

lonelyteardrop's photo
Thu 12/21/06 09:20 AM
But I am Beka's sister ( lonelyteardrop)
I am asking for all your prays I know she
has made a home here on this site, because
she talks highly about this site, they had
to do emergency surgery this morning
an now she's comatose, I was asked
to ask for your special prayers
sorry to interfer with your posting


lonelyteardrop's photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:56 AM
Goodmorning Nerve

have a great day Zero and izzy :) keep smiling

lonelyteardrop's photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:53 AM
I really dont know what to say TX
but thank you, with Tears in my eyes
I thank you for being a good friend

lonelyteardrop's photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:46 AM
Goodmorning Rick
Yes thanks everything is going ok :)
how have you been?

Goodmorning CCP my jellohead friend :)

goodmorning Iam

lonelyteardrop's photo
Wed 12/20/06 05:42 AM
Goodmorning everyone :) smiles

lonelyteardrop's photo
Tue 12/19/06 12:16 PM
thank you ontario,

Morena, if you ever want to just talk let me know

lonelyteardrop's photo
Tue 12/19/06 07:21 AM
ummmmm ok lol I think I'll stick to this, it goes fast enough lol

lonelyteardrop's photo
Tue 12/19/06 07:17 AM
morning kevin

is a chat room like yahoo messenger ?

lonelyteardrop's photo
Tue 12/19/06 07:15 AM
ok LG or CCP whats a chat room? and where do I find one

lonelyteardrop's photo
Tue 12/19/06 07:13 AM
as I set and watch the stars
I wonder if his looking down
from the heavens through
that hole on heavens floor
does he feel me and know
how I miss him even more
I've been told that time
heals as the minutes
tick on by,
when the sun comes out
an I feel the warmth
I wonder if his sending
that warmth through
that hole in heavens floor

when it starts to rain
is this his tears
because he knows i'm
so lonely with him gone

so if he knows, and
if it's true, then
the holes in heavens
floor, his heart
knows that my love is
still true,

lonelyteardrop's photo
Tue 12/19/06 07:00 AM
lol :)
I'll have to come on to just watch :)

lonelyteardrop's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:56 AM
I'm doing ok, had a very depressing day, yesterday so today can only get
better lol :)

lonelyteardrop's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:52 AM
ops and morning devin, sushi, an izzy

lonelyteardrop's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:52 AM
Goodmorning LG, CCP

lonelyteardrop's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:47 AM
thank you iam and ccp

lonelyteardrop's photo
Tue 12/19/06 04:44 AM
it's getting close
to that time
when my world
turned upside
down, the days
have gone by
an I still
set sometimes
an cry, but only
a single teardrop
stricks down my
cheek, these
two hands can't whip
it, I sometimes wonder
if I feel it,
it's still just lost
in time, memories
of happiness, laughter
an smiles,
it's getting closer
the moments or just passing by
now theres only a single teardrop
lost and left in time

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