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devin112's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:09 AM

no photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:15 AM
mornin devin

izzynavi's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:22 AM
Buenos dias, Dev and CCP
How has this glorious day started out for you both?

ellgee1976's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:25 AM
someone help me?

do i look male in my pics?

maybe the name "ellgee1976" somehow looks masculine??

i got this email this morning, and im sittin here thinkin WTF??

are you there?
I just can't go through your profile
I have to say that you are pretty nice guy
and why such pretty cute guy
not write to me yet?!
wait your note on my Email address
I hope that I interested you too!

Nervesgone's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:29 AM
LG, you look fine.
Mornin Devon

Nervesgone's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:31 AM
Here's one for you:

I am a woman with eastern virtues and modern woman's optimism,
optimistic, active, have full anticipation towards future name
is shifumei. I like cooking,reading, sports, and music, i am here
looking for marriage and seriously .what is about you ?if you too,please
tell me more about you,i am willing to know. i have seen your profile,it
is fantastic!i like it very much ,i wish you are the very person whom i
am looking for. waitting for your reply !i hope that you are MR right in
my life.if you like me too,please contact with me .thank you !bye.


no photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:31 AM
LOL LG I got the same one and so did sushi lol

sushi's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:32 AM
Morn, Devin. ELG, we all got that e-mail. Rereading it, the wording
sounds like some one sitting there with an English language dictionary,
trying to translate.

ellgee1976's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:33 AM
wow..i never thought to look for "seriously" here... he might be JUST my
type, and one helluva hottie..

maybe that's a profile name? hm...better search for it :D

Nervesgone's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:33 AM
Got to go. Ya'll be good today. C ya tonight!

izzynavi's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:33 AM
Either the person needs glasses to focus better or you have someone
playing mind tricks on you.

At least, I had no problem identifying you as a female, and a nice
looking one at that. Also, you answers on the foreums, all come out as a
woman's point of view.

ellgee1976's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:36 AM
lol thank you izzy

always such a doll lol

no photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:36 AM
Mornin Izzy :)

ellgee1976's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:42 AM
this was her so laughin here lol

I the young, beautiful, lonely girl who requires to get acquainted with
the man which in all will divide my sights and to support me in all. The
attention from the man is necessary for me. Certainly as well as all
people at me have lacks and advantages. But I am assured, that it is
much more than my advantages, than lacks. My main advantage is my
kindness, my main lack is impatience. I shall be glad if you that person
with whom I can construct long attitudes. Write to me I shall wait for
the letter from you.

maybe i should use a line or 2 from this...

i requires to get acquainted wiht the man which in all will devide my

i shall be glad if you that person with whom i can construct long
attitudes. :D

lmfao some ppl

no photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:47 AM
That must be TOONGC or something like that, and she's from Jersey??

ellgee1976's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:51 AM
lmao yep..that's her

i emailed her...used her exact lines on her, and put all her information
on her profile in the email...

im thinkin about askin for money if she replies lmao

lonelyteardrop's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:52 AM
Goodmorning LG, CCP

no photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:52 AM
roflmao lemme know if she sends ya some I'll ask for some then

lonelyteardrop's photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:52 AM
ops and morning devin, sushi, an izzy

no photo
Tue 12/19/06 06:53 AM
Mornin my lil jellohead teardrop :)

Ohhh I see I have to induct a new jellohead in this evening LG, a bad
gurl :)

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