lonegreywolf8779's photo
Sat 11/29/08 06:29 PM
Anyone in California want to have a nice conversation hit me up on yahoo messenger calipokerking@yahoo.com just add me!
Im new to California and just trying to meet some new friends and have a good time. Dont be Shy, I dont bite.....Hard!!!!!

lonegreywolf8779's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:37 AM
dang girl ur smoking. you have a body that makes me drool....mmmm catnip

lonegreywolf8779's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:36 AM
ok well you got me. Now what? mmmmm how many positions can you think of. Sorry my mind wanders sometimes, Thats why I invested in a leash for it.

lonegreywolf8779's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:35 AM
where u from? How can I make sure your actually stripping? And what fun is it if we cant see?

lonegreywolf8779's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:33 AM
ok, how does this work?

lonegreywolf8779's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:32 AM
I have a Royal straight flush. I win. Time to get naked!

lonegreywolf8779's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:29 AM
wheres it located and the title?

lonegreywolf8779's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:26 AM
I'll play strip poker

lonegreywolf8779's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:26 AM
A man walks into a bar with a empty jar and a donkey. He says "Pay me a dollar, and try to make my donkey laugh. If you can make him laugh you can have the money in this jar". The best of the best cam and no one could make the donkey laugh. The jar was full and a stranger walks in and say "I can make your donkey laugh". He puts a dollar in the jar, goes in the room, and a few minuets later the donkey is laughing very loud."
The stranger comes out and the man gives him the jar of money. The man asks the stranger how he did it. The stranger refuses to tell him

Later the same man brings the donkey back in the bar with a jar. He says "Pay me a dollar, try to make my donkey cry. If you make him cry the money in the jar is yours."

The best of the best come and yet no one can make the donkey cry. The same stranger walks in and puts a dollar in the jar. He goes in the room and makes the donkey cry. When he comes out the man says"You must tell me how you made my donkey laugh and cry" The stranger says "Well I made your donkey laugh when I told him I had a bigger **** then him. I made him cry when I showed it to him"

lonegreywolf8779's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:19 AM
Why do hookers make more money then drug dealers?

Cause the hooker can wash her crack and resell it.

lonegreywolf8779's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:17 AM
What do you call a man with no arms?

What do you call a man with no legs?

What do you call a man with no left arm and no right leg?

What do you call a man with no arms and no legs in the water?

What do you call a dog with no arms and no legs?
Anything you want, he still aint coming.

lonegreywolf8779's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:13 AM
and the lawyer will say and do anything to get them to divorce

lonegreywolf8779's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:11 AM
A young boy walks into a pharmasy and says "I have a date with my girlfriend tonight. I think tonight will be the night she gives her virginity up to me. Which condoms should I get?" The pharmasist says "Well we have them in packs of 3's, 6's and 12's" The boy replies "Well after the first time shes gonna love it and want it all the time, so I'll get one pack of each". He buys the condoms and leaves the store.

Later that night at his girfriends house, everyone is sitting at the dinner table. The boy insists on saying grace. He bows his head. Everyone else finishs praying and begins to eat. the boy still has his head lowered. His girlfriend leans over and says "I didn't know you were so religious" The boy quickly replies "I didnt know your dad was a pharmasist"

lonegreywolf8779's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:02 AM
When a woman says that she will call you, she means when she gets home.

When A man says he'll call you, he means before he dies.

lonegreywolf8779's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:01 AM
A woman will fake an Orgasm for a good relationship.

A man will fake a relationship for a good orgasm.

lonegreywolf8779's photo
Sat 11/15/08 01:00 AM
A married couple for 20 years have sex. She relizes that all this time he has been using a dildo on her. She says "Whats up with the dildo?" He replies "Whats up with the kids B!tch?"

lonegreywolf8779's photo
Sat 11/15/08 12:52 AM
Im new to the San Bernardino Area, and Im trying to make some new friends. I'm a 29 year old Single male. Interested in a chat hit me up on my yahoo messenger calipokerking@yahoo.com

lonegreywolf8779's photo
Sat 11/15/08 12:49 AM
Hi sweety, Your cute. I'm from the San Bernardino Area. I just moved here and I'm just trying to meet some new friends. Yes, I'm single, and looking. Care for a chat? Then add me to your yahoo messenger calipokerking@yahoo.com

lonegreywolf8779's photo
Sat 11/15/08 12:42 AM
Hey, any ladies in the Sanbernardino Area wanna chat? I'm new to California just moved here a few months ago, and I'm looking to meet some new friends. Care for a conversation please add me to your Yahoo messenger. calipokerking@yahoo.com

I'll be online for about an hour. Come have a chat, what can it hurt?