Community > Posts By > Dreadaye

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Fri 09/25/15 11:02 PM
Pillow Talk - Sylvia Robinson

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Fri 09/25/15 02:42 PM
Edited by Dreadaye on Fri 09/25/15 03:01 PM

....Apropos of nothing at all, I can imagine that a fair few "ramshackle chancers clicking" on the above referenced link might well be wondering what sort of drug induced lunacy invoked that bit of garbage! And in response I readily confess that yes I do occasionally (as often as i can actually) gleefully, voluntarily,render myself sensationally, mind-blowingly ecstatic under the influence of a drug!

So yes, you read right, and can pat yourself on the back for the astuteness of your mind's ability to read between the lines! I hang my head in shame & confess! Yep, my drug of choice (dead or alive) is one that you all know well The name Charlie will come to mind as a possibility I am sure. And again you would not be wrong, for it figures as one amongst many.

Dear reader, yours truly is besotted with the Saxophone! The most gorgeous instrument known to mankind is my drug of eternal love. And I am teaching myself to play in order to fulfil a desire that pre-dates my birth! And I can tell you it is highly addictive and I shall surrender my habit for no-one.

rofl roflnoway noway

Aint you just got to love life?! Full of twists and turns.

Happy MIngling


PS: I am not very good yet, however I have a clear vision of where i want to get to. And the journey has begun. That topic was my creative take on the experience one might have when they recognise that ecstasy, undiluted mind & life altering emotional states can be realised in the pursuit of those things which lie at the very core of your reasons for being!

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Fri 09/25/15 09:28 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Fri 09/25/15 10:12 AM
... And dreadaye is blushing because you kept your word although not the full detail of the tale as I know it :smile: . The desire & talent are yours and the object of your undoubted affection no less than an especially dear & beloved best friend of humans the world over.

Minute by minute you refined the purpose for sharing this heartfelt homage with us. Till Lilly was no longer just a doggie so silly as dine on the cast out waste of her own kind.

You stuck to the task, querying the nature of limerick and verse, about which I confessed to knowing nought save for that which I feel in the flow of words. And we conversed. And I shed tears for the tone of love you sought to capture, Faithful to your own purpose, you drafted & re-redrafted till Lilly's tale began to wag right off the page and into our hearts.

So yes, dreadaye takes a bow and exits stage right out of sight! Lilly unseen, centres herself in our hearts as all doggie's do. And you Sitka, you backed yourself to capture a bounding emotion in a
simple limerick.

Lilly lives! Immortalised through the sincerity of your efforts.
So reign Sitka, reign in the kingdom to come at the behest of your mind and pen.
Dance sweet sister, Dance the dance of parchment and pen-strokes,
Those two keepers of Ancient secrets from a time when all we did was tell each other stories.

Yes, the season is good, can you feel it?


Aye'm dread ...but not by nature.


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Fri 09/25/15 06:57 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Fri 09/25/15 07:03 AM
Pillow Talking Heart

My Heart is soft today
and i need a pillow,
a cosy bosomy place
with a heartbeat
for my head to rest.
So please do not jest
For were i to say yes
Next i know
That I would cry.

And where would you be?
There imaging a match
to strike a light in
this darkened room
of my desolate heart.
But still there.

Come, pull a chair
Sit with me my dear
Your company poses so much
Like a Muse .... or some such
Sweet intervention.

And your question? Huh?
Come closer let me whisper
in case the wind blows my
voice away away away away ......

Yes! Yes! Yes! .Yes!

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Fri 09/25/15 06:12 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Fri 09/25/15 06:22 AM
And I danced oh how I danced

A few weeks ago I happened across a startling discovery ...
No it was a real aye zation that triggered a tumble of memories
Sending my mind rolling & rumbling over itself in pursuit ...
No, no not a chasing after but upon the very bare back of a HIGH.

As the code unjumbled I marvelled.
Knowing I had been here before!
I reached in and grasped at the emotion -
& it stayed there in the seat of my mind's eye
Its' taste pleasantly metallic
turning it into a kind of silicon power station
emitting diamond encrusted beams of lightness.

Euphoria made me lick questioningly at my palate
Zing! Went my tongue's transmission.
And my brain reeled, memories unfurled
And I danced oh how I danced
I pranced in my seat as though lucy's sky had fallen
Right into my lap on the bare back of a HIGH.

No, no not a chasing after
because I was stone cold sober.
Nothing inhaled
Nothing injested
Still nothing ever injected
But damn I was stoned!

I knew this feeling!
Rush, rush, rush
of easy, easy, skanking
So excuse me while I try
to cast a light
into this here reasoning.

I'd been up all night writing
Just me and my thoughts
At the keyboard with its endless
supply of electronic papers
getting rolled over with images
And feelings exploding into words
Flowing, flowing with no eraser in sight
My mind rolling & rumbling over itself in glee
No, no not a chasing after but
upon the very bare back of a HIGH

The creative spirits had smiled upon me.
Booked aye a slot at a peepshow,
Private like if you know whet I mean
Just for me to know that I'd been here before

Oh how I dance, Man oh how I dance
I prance in my seat as though lucy's sky has fallen
Into my lap upon the very bare back of a HIGH.
No, no not a chasing after but
A natural born creation
Just like YOU.

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Fri 09/25/15 04:13 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Fri 09/25/15 04:13 AM
Sadly not from my end either:

This webpage is not available


Fantastic reading nonetheless

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Fri 09/25/15 02:17 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Fri 09/25/15 02:23 AM
Aren't those the best eyes?

Aren't those the best eyes?

The one's connected to our imagination.
Where there's never any disappointment?!

The place of solace wherein our secrets
Rest safe while our desires run rampant
Amidst insecurities that spread
Like a plague .... of if only's

The eyes of my mind picture You
Fronting up to a murmurless mirror;
Smiling faces at the image therein
Without feeling the rouge tinted
Burning of a blush set fresh upon flesh.

Flush with acceptance Your eyes
Lift your chin with their fingertip's ...
A light touch.
A gentle brush of an embrace
Seeped in purified acceptance
Tears neither spring nor fall.

But a silent voice says
I bet you look nice.
Turn around
But don't look back; for
your shadow self 'tis with you always

Aren't those just the best looking eyes!

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Fri 09/25/15 12:38 AM

Just resting.

:angel: :angel: waving waving

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Thu 09/24/15 10:57 PM
Edited by Dreadaye on Thu 09/24/15 11:01 PM
Thank you Pansytilly

A wonderful free-flowing record
That I feel to be like a slice
through human experience
Laying bare a vivid & livid
in the wake of a blade running
rings and rings around telltale signs
that life was here & it was lived
in all its' facets: Good, Bad, Ugly.
And yet still the bleeding heart
Beats on & on & on & on
Marking out time
from NOW
till THEN
ends in a new FOREVER

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Wed 09/23/15 10:54 PM
Edited by Dreadaye on Wed 09/23/15 11:41 PM
Brilliant. Truly brilliant. A piece that I read as a sharing with us that almost sacred intimacy that exists between Poem & Its' Crafter. The acknowledgement that when all is penned and read to a modicum of satisfaction, it is the work itself that decides whether we shall move on. And after it lets us go we return to being...

Now, alone in this self made housed and real shelter depth, I cannot shape that which does not rightfully belong to me. Free? O' Aye, I am that. Free to self absorb. Free to write. After-all, I Do shape words.

I share a secret with you Tommyboy101, November is also the month of my Earth Day.

Respectfully yours Always


PS: Yes, I feel it too these past few months, the spurs are out and the whip crackles over head.

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Wed 09/23/15 03:50 PM
Wonderful flow. Thanks for sharing.

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Wed 09/23/15 08:40 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Wed 09/23/15 09:22 AM

To mangle a phrase for my own purposes, it is said (within artistic circles) that Imitation is the highest form of flattery; and so I confess that I have borrowed from the photograph that Ladywind7 presented and invited us to explore creatively. Thank you Ladywind7 your artistry is beyond compare.

I would also like to add that the piece above is written with more sensitivity that you, dear reader can ever imagine. So please try to understand that it is a love offering! I assure that as the instrument through which the words have been rendered I am in no way seeking to downplay love and all of its various twists and turns. Whether or not you find it credible, I also confess to having posted it separately here as a mark of respect.

Finally, I was in my very early teens when a part of that writing first began to to entertain my mind with its' potential to convey a powerful image via the vehicle of poetry. And so, in addition to them being
out of context here, they also serve as a personal testimony to the power of word pictures,

Icons shoddily
Route to a



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Wed 09/23/15 08:36 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Wed 09/23/15 09:07 AM
@}{@love never ends@}{@

Love never ends up being found
In the place where it grew
and then gradually became
An embittered crucible setting
for twinned flames exposed to a gale.

His and her beings conjoined in strife.
Me and her rings slung down the drain
As castaways in a cul-de-sac 'twas once an aisle
Gaily bedecked in futuristic shades of pink & blue
But now the album echoes depictions of scenes
That presaged footprints along a threadbare path.

Icons shoddily
Route to a

Love never ends up being found
In the place where it grew
bordered by thorny brambles
that prick & draw stains
Crimson in hue

@}{@Love never ends@}{@

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Wed 09/23/15 08:34 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Wed 09/23/15 09:12 AM

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Wed 09/23/15 03:15 AM
Edited by Dreadaye on Wed 09/23/15 03:27 AM
A forum-buddy of mine wondered out loud (i mean typed a wonder) whether I might be able to resurrect any of the creative stuff that I'd contributed prior to the inception of this topic. And so for what it's worth & with no claims that anyone will find it worth their while here goes ... but before that what do you reckon we'd call this here post if we could? I know!

Bygone Eradication!

I remain yours incorporeally



PS: ya'll do know that i am possessed by a lot of harmless make-believe running amok in my head don't you? Good, that's alright then.


PPS: Now where did i leave behind that life that I ought to go get living instead of posting on here ....

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Wed 09/23/15 02:57 AM
Wise Words & I like you A LOT!

Capitalised for emphasis
at the end of a short sentence
Scripted for meaning
To confide fond feelings
Unconfined by vast cyberspaces.

Outbound letters, our currency in common,
Are traded via barter, NOT for profity commerce!

Digitised settlers posing
As Gold-tipped Prose standard bearers.
Transacted as worldly web offerings
Tapped Into the waiting byte converter
Whose work it is to ensure postal re-direction
To tenanted leasehold addresses.

Servile dwelling places.
Stamped, zipped & unearthed
- If whim so dictates that the contents be decoded -
by ramshackle chancers clicking @
embedded u r el statements of unknown purpose
But oh so seeped in heart tinkling origins.

Outbound letters, our currency in common,
Are traded via barter, NOT for profity commerce!

So yes, ex ex ex
does sometimes herald a journey
to explicitly contented stirrings.
But this time they come
Immediately after reading
Wise Words & I like you A LOT!


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Sun 09/20/15 05:52 PM
Edited by Dreadaye on Sun 09/20/15 06:08 PM
Pens At The Ready On The Way To Ashes Windbourne

If, on the way to Ashes Windbourne,
Some esteemed spokespersons
were to unearth my various profiles
- & accompanying passing words -
to assorted frontierless fora where i did loiter
with no particular intent
except perhaps to while away some time.

And if on the way to Ashes Windbourne -
after feasting their eyeballs;
and basting their intellects
in reading the varied submissions
I would've had to own up to
(had they been on time) -
I overheard their compositions,
critiques & comments
formulated at First light
of prior ignorance laid bare.

And if on the way to Ashes Windbourne
I spied upon their screens
The Fountain-head Phrase
Of every single hackneyed hallmark
You ever did hear in tribute to a word-smithy!
But by their reckoning amounts to no less than
THE immortalising paean
After which one need only say

"He was a very good storyteller"

So on this, my way to Ashes Windbourne,
I do protest at such damnation with faint praise
For I rather it be said, even with dread

"At times we knew what he was on about, just;
and at others we simply chuckled"

Oh aye, that we did!

(The name popped into my head as the toothbrush roved over my teeth bigsmile )

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Sun 09/20/15 05:05 PM
Edited by Dreadaye on Sun 09/20/15 06:03 PM

Pens At The Ready On The Way To Ashes Windbourne woz 'ere ere it found its' name by the motion of a toothbrush.


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Fri 09/18/15 10:35 PM
Edited by Dreadaye on Fri 09/18/15 10:35 PM
Thank you for this invocation of all our Mother's Love



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Fri 09/18/15 07:39 AM
It's A Lonesome Old Town - Mike Figgis

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