Topic: Wise Words & I like you A LOT!
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Wed 09/23/15 02:57 AM
Wise Words & I like you A LOT!

Capitalised for emphasis
at the end of a short sentence
Scripted for meaning
To confide fond feelings
Unconfined by vast cyberspaces.

Outbound letters, our currency in common,
Are traded via barter, NOT for profity commerce!

Digitised settlers posing
As Gold-tipped Prose standard bearers.
Transacted as worldly web offerings
Tapped Into the waiting byte converter
Whose work it is to ensure postal re-direction
To tenanted leasehold addresses.

Servile dwelling places.
Stamped, zipped & unearthed
- If whim so dictates that the contents be decoded -
by ramshackle chancers clicking @
embedded u r el statements of unknown purpose
But oh so seeped in heart tinkling origins.

Outbound letters, our currency in common,
Are traded via barter, NOT for profity commerce!

So yes, ex ex ex
does sometimes herald a journey
to explicitly contented stirrings.
But this time they come
Immediately after reading
Wise Words & I like you A LOT!


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Wed 09/23/15 03:00 AM

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Wed 09/23/15 03:00 AM