Community > Posts By > twilightmagic

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Tue 07/08/08 10:17 AM
I called #2 just a few minutes ago and told him I went back to #1. He called me a few select names and hung up , then he called back and said he still wanted a relationship with me. I said no. He called back again and called me a few more select names. Now Im scared.ohwell

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Tue 07/08/08 10:15 AM

If u were in love with #1 would just a spiff have let you go start falling for somebody else??

#1 left me. I didn't leave him. Then is when I met #2. #1 came back and explained some things and I could see his sincerity and felt we had something worth saving. I was so afraid then to tell him about #2 so I didn't. I was wrong to have not ended it right then with #2. But this did not start out as a deception. It just ended up that way. And no I am not perfect. I am in a perfect pickle.ohwell

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Tue 07/08/08 09:31 AM

call 2 and tell him you are going to try to work things out with 1..... and tell 1 what had happened when u were broklen upflowerforyou

then what? lose #1? nooooo

I will call #2

I could not tell #1

Some things I wouldn't want to know myself!

If #2 tells #1 I will then fess up and then------------

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Tue 07/08/08 09:14 AM
I guess I was hoping for a miracle solution here.

Someone to tell me exactly what to say.

How to do it? By email? Phone? in person? HE'S BIG! And his personality is rather GRUFF!sad2

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Tue 07/08/08 09:09 AM

I want them both rolled up into one man.

But I know i can't do that.

So I think I will choose man number one.

So, now how do i tell man number two? Who happens to be HUGE and possesive not going to take this so lightly.ohwell

Hummm you just answered your own question here.

Why in the world would you settle for either one of them if neither have all the qualitys that you want in one person?

Best thing might be to get rid of both and find the one that will be all your looking for.

You must take in consideration that when you dump #2 he is liable to tell #1 hummm

That is what Im afraid of tears

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Tue 07/08/08 09:08 AM

i say dump both.... honestly if you cared enough about the first guy and as you put "think" in your wording.... you would not of slept with a second guy..... just put yourself in the first guys shoes...... and he slept with someone else rather than you.. would you feel cared for?
as for the second guy..... if he knows you are sleeping with the first one or doesnt know and found out could he really ever care about you the way you want to be cared about by a partner? or does he feel second best? but good in bed? humm.... and if he found someone else in bed better than you would that be ok? that he slept with the other woman too? .. i say if these things are all ok with you then its all good... long as you put yourself in their shoes and you can accept how they may feel about all this....

not true. I was hurting. I had a weak moment. Myfault is letting the weak moment continue after i realized that I loved #1 and wanted to work things out.

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:07 AM

im just screwedsad frustrated tears

You think?

yeah :cry:

And I may be wrong. But, how was I suppse to know the 1st guy would come back? I am wrong for continuing with the 2nd. I should have told him immediantly. Im such a coward tears

When you finished with guy No1 you should have made sure the relationship was well and truly over, that little chink you left in the door way made it all possible for him to worm his way back in ( albeit with your consent) Secondly, you should have given yourself a fair amount of time to "get over him" before inviting another into your life,whether it was guy No1 or guy No2

Yeah but that is easier said then done. When you are hurt and lonely and you feel like you can get over the pain better if you have someone to occupy your mind. I am definatly not the only one who has ever done this "rebound" thing. It is human nature.

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:38 AM

im just screwedsad frustrated tears

You think?

yeah :cry:

And I may be wrong. But, how was I suppse to know the 1st guy would come back? I am wrong for continuing with the 2nd. I should have told him immediantly. Im such a coward tears

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:37 AM

I want them both rolled up into one man.

But I know i can't do that.

So I think I will choose man number one.

So, now how do i tell man number two? Who happens to be HUGE and possesive not going to take this so lightly.ohwell

Sounds like you are already afraid of this man. WTF is the matter with you? RUN! JHC! devil

Good point!

Then stop playing games with the poor guys heart.....and yours

yes I kind of am. But more afraid that he will confront man #1 just to spite me. Then I will have hurt the one I love deeply.:cry:

I am trying not to. I thought me #1 was over when I started relationship with man #2. But, I just coulnd't say no to him when he came back into my life. I love him. Now I got to get rid of #2. And I am going to somehow. I was just hoping I could do it without losing #1 too! I am afraid I am going to lose them both. But I guess that is the price for trying to find love. I didn't mean to lead anyone on. It just turned out that way.ohwell

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:33 AM
im just screwedsad frustrated tears

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:29 AM
i think i may have :cry:

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:23 AM

I want them both rolled up into one man.

But I know i can't do that.

So I think I will choose man number one.

So, now how do i tell man number two? Who happens to be HUGE and possesive not going to take this so lightly.ohwell

Sounds like you are already afraid of this man. WTF is the matter with you? RUN! JHC! devil

Good point!

yes I kind of am. But more afraid that he will confront man #1 just to spite me. Then I will have hurt the one I love deeply.:cry:

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:21 AM

okay now this is advice.. not being rude just giving advice..

grow up.
love isn't something that you feel for everyone at sporadic times, love is something that if it is true has the ability the possibility of being forever. If you think you love both these men and you can't choose then you don't love either and you need to just say goodbye. The way one loves intimately to me in my opinion isn't something that can be shared to a third party you may love certain things about each of these men, but you love neither fully or you wouldn't have a choice to make. stop before you hurt them, and stop hurting yourself.

You may be right about me not truly loving both. I do know I love the first one. The second one may just be LUST. This is why I am going to try to work things out with the first one. If I can just get rid of the second one without a scene.

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:19 AM

I'd take a break from both of them, & see which one I miss the most & how they both act.

I already know I don't want to be without man number #1.

My problem now is how to get rid of man #2

And how to make man #1 my man #3 and how to stop man #4 from making me laugh when I am so dead serious in agony here!

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:17 AM

They could be in a gay chat room at this very moment discussing what to do with you....just a thought drinker

You are funny. Just not any help. You would be more like man #4 Just for laughs rofl

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:15 AM

Sounds like that 70's maudlin song, "Torn Between Two Lovers".

Feeling like a fool. Loving you both is breaking all the rules....

If neither are serious and it's just dating, keep them both. If it's serious with both, you are in a pickle!!

Like I said, I'm in a PICKLE! ohwell

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:10 AM

Of course your profile says "Just looking towards the heavens for that special star to shine down on me."...... Sounds like you have a whole meteor shower going on

yes, i do. But not exactly what i wanted. I wanted that one special man that could be all that I want and need.

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:09 AM
I want them both rolled up into one man.

But I know i can't do that.

So I think I will choose man number one.

So, now how do i tell man number two? Who happens to be HUGE and possesive not going to take this so lightly.ohwell

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:06 AM

ah like sands through an hourglass...

so are the Days Of Our Lives....shades
Can't have your cake and eat it toonoway
Too much drama for mewhoa

Lmao, My my heck I can't seem to find man #1 and if I did sure the heck would not have even thought of being with man #2 shshsh

Good luck I sure can't help with any answers on this one. Never been in that situation I only have eyes and time for one and can't seem to find that one shshshshnoway

I wouldn't have got involved with the second one had i not thought the first one and I were over. Then the first guy came back into my life.

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:04 AM

Check this out.........

Do you want LOVE? Or do you want SEX?

Now check this one out....

You gotta make a choice, or at least int his point of your life, you feel obligated to make 1 choice and roll with it...

So weight this $#!T out.

Worst case scenario, with either guy..... Which consequences are you willing to live with?

That is what life is about. Don't wonder, just do.

Now unless you are F***ing both of them, what is the problem with making them aware of each other and letting them know you need more time. That you want to talk to them both and decide what is best for you. What's the big deal? You aren't married to any of them. You have that right.

I want LOVE and SEXohwell

and yes, i am intimate with both frown

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