Community > Posts By > andalearriba
I had a letter...i signed all the paperwork for the new job and was supposed to start tomorrow. everything had been processed.
Thanks hun. It's just hard because I've always had to be such an independant person because of the situation with my family. And it's hard for me now to step back and just mooch off of the people in my life that I love. I'm living with my boyfriend's family right now, and I'm not paying rent or for food. They are just paying for it all. I am so thankful, it's just hard to be taken care of when I'm used to taking care of myself.
That's how I've been feeling the past couple of days. Everything in my life finally was starting to come together for me the past couple of months. I have an amazing boyfriend whom I'm totally in love with. We are living together and plan to get married once he finishes school. I have a whole new family. Since I don't get along with my family, my boyfriend's family have totally taken me in as their own and are so supportive and I fit right in it's wonderful. Things started getting pretty ****ty at work, so I started looking for a new job, and ended up getting hired as a preschool teacher at the local YMCA. This was a dream come true, as I'm currently an early childhood education major in college. So I put in my notice at my old job, signed all the paperwork for the preschool teacher job, got fingerprinted for my background check and got a physical. I was ready to start my new job tomorrow. Well, this past friday I was sleeping in as I took a 3 day break between jobs to relax, when my cell phone rings. I answer it and it's this woman from the district office of the YMCA. She tells me that they made a mistake and that I don't qualify for the position, and she's really sorry.
Well, first off, I am more than qualified for the position, so I'm not sure where that comes from, and secondly, she tells me this after I've already quit my last job. So here I am, unemployed, and furious at God and at myself for getting into this mess. It's like, things were finally all coming together for me, and the second my life may actually be totally perfect and I'd be completely happy, God rips that away from me and here I am without a job or money completely dependant on my boyfriend and his family, and I'm just trying to figure out what to do now. |
I'm from upstate, but I love the city, so I guess that I can post here,
right? |
If the guy can't accept your pets as a part of you and your life, then
obviously he isn't the right one for you... |
My day from hell yesterday
So the night before last my boyfriend and I have a little romp (if you
know what I mean), and I fall asleep. Less than 15 minutes later I wake up and am in excruciating pain. It felt like I was either in labor or someone was stabbing from the inside of my uterus and out through my vagina. I thought I was going to die. I couldn't move it hurt so bad. My boyfriend wanted to bring me to the emergency room, but I refused. I took 3 ibuprofen and fell asleep. Yesterday I woke up and I was still in a little bit of pain, so we decided it would be best if I went to urgent care just to see if they could find out what's wrong with me. As soon as they read my little sheet stating why I was there, a nurse came rushing out and started asking me all of these questions, and they basically bumped me up to the front of the line. I got brought right into the next available room. The nurse and doctor checked me out, did a urine test to rule out a urinary tract infection, kidney stones, and an ectopic pregnancy. It was none of the above, so they pushed around on my stomach, and told me I had to go to the emergency room right away. Now, I'm only 18, so I freak out. My boyfriend had gone to the store while I was in there because he didn't want to wait in the waiting room, not that you can really blame him. So they asked me if they could call one of my parents. Now for those of you who know me, you know that I don't talk to my parents. So that freaked me out more, and I burst into tears. They asked me which parent I would prefer that they call, and they called my dad. He said that he would meet me at the hospital as soon as he could, he had to leave work and drive an hour to get there. So I called my boyfriend, was crying on the phone, told him he had to drive me to the ER. So we get the the ER and they sit me down in the waiting room. I must have waited about a half hour to forty five minutes, which wasn't that bad, considering they bumped me up in front of people there too. They had me go into one of the little curtained off areas, put me in a hospital gown. (very very attractive fashion statement I must say...and I think my favorite part was my cute little ass hanging out the back lol). They asked me some questions about the pain I was having, did some vitals, moved me to a DIFFERENT bed, one that was more secluded. I waited for a while, pretty scared, my boyfriend trying to keep me calm, holding my hand and rubbing my head. My dad finally got there. Funny thing was my dad had yet to meet my boyfriend. (how's that for an awkward meeting, huh?). They took some blood from me, hooked me up to an iv. Now, mind you, this didn't all happen that quickly. I was waiting for a long time. Then they had the men leave and they did a full pelvic exam on me. Ladies, you know how great those are. Well, I had never had one before, really, so I was a little nervous and uncomfortable, and then to top it off I had a male doctor doing it. And to top THAT off the doctor looks at me and says "you have a very healthy looking vagina. Good girl". I wanted to die. They bring my dad and boyfriend back in, and we're waiting for a little bit. The doctor comes in and tells me that they are going to do a cat scan to make sure I don't have appendicitis. So they bring in this drink that I have to drink for contrast. It's a tablet that they mixed into crystal lite lemonade. Now, again, for those of you who know me, I loathe the taste of anything sweet. So I drank about a quarter of the first cup (I was supposed to drink two full ones), and couldn't do it. So I had the nurse tell the guy making the drinks to just mix it into water. Well, he comes back with it mixed into hawaiian punch. Same issue there with that. Finally I talk him into bringing it to me in water. The freaking thing tastes like dish was soapy and bubbly and nasty. I chugged the one glass, got to the bottom, and swallowed a chunk of nastiness. Apparently it hadn't dissolved all the way. I gagged, and couldn't get through the second glass, so they told me I had to drink a bunch of water to help it move through my digestive tract. So I'm sitting there with freaking saline being pumped into my water and being forced to chug glass after glass of water. I had to pee about every 15 minutes, which, was a chore, because they had to keep unhooking me from the iv. About two hours later they finally bring me in to do the cat scan. Well, they want to use the iv contrast with the cat scan. So they take the first picture normally. I slide onto the bed, get sent through the machine. You have to hold your breath when the picture is being taken, no biggie. You hold your breath for about 10 seconds, and then you can breath again. So then they come back in to inject the dye into my iv. A really hot sensation crawls up my arm and I feel like my entire body is on fire. Then I get this horrible sensation that I have peed myself. The ct scan guy assured me that this was normal, and he leaves the room to take the second picture. Well, this time, I had to hold my breath for about 25 seconds, the guy warned me. Again, no big deal. I can do that. Well, the machine tells you when you need to hold your breath and when to breath in. I hold my breath when they tell me to, and start counting...ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty seconds, fourty seconds, fifty seconds later it tells me to breath. I thought I was going to pass out because the dye itself made my heart speed up. Not cool at all. They wheel my bed back into my room, and I look and feel like crap. I'm dizzy from the dye and the excess of water I had had, and I just want to know whether or not I have appendicitis. About 40 minutes later a different doctor than the one I started with came in and told me that they were not able to see my appendix because I'm skinny and all of my organs are shoved on top of each other, but what they did find was a cyst on my ovary. It appeared that the cyst had ruptured, causing the horrible pain. They go on to tell me that it needs to be monitored to make sure that it doesn't grow, that I may have cancer, that when I'm older I'll probably have fertility problems and oh! by the way, every month at the same point in my menstrual cycle I'm going to have horrible pain. They told me I need to see my GYN to get an ultrasound done, and that if they put me on the pill, it may shrink the cyst, but they're not sure. Then they said that I could either stay over night in the hospital or I could take it easy that night and the next day. So basically, here I am, drugged up on codine, overly hydrated from the freaking water and saline they made me eat, and home sick from work for the second day in a row because I have a freaking growth on my overy. That was my day from hell yesterday. |
I'll tell you. You tell me
My name is a slang term used to say "hurry up" in spanish, however, the
literal word for word translation means "ride it on top". I found it funny that a childrens cartoon character used to tell people to "ride it on top" all the time. Hence the reason I picked it... |
If they've done it once, it means that they are capable of doing it
again...doesn't mean that they will, and I'm all for forgiving people...but I've lived through the forgiving then getting my heart crushed a second time, so just be careful... |
I thought that I'd never be able to either after my ex cheated on me and
left me out to dry...Even when I met my current boyfriend, I didn't expect anything to come of it...I just kinda fell into it, tho...I'm not sure how it happened, but it did...God just said it was time for me to move on with my life, and that's what I'm really, you just have to give it some time, and just wait patiently to find the one guy that is right for you...I think I've finally found mine... |
mmmmm whos avilable
Sorry boys (and girls) I'm taken LOL
actually, no, i don't...
dime, mi amigo... |
haha why ouch, glenn?
hating life
aww..what happened, dear?
toda mi amor a todos mis amigos de jsh...
Bored and Lo-oh-nely
yes, i am...and i don't drink...i'm a good girl haha
I read somewhere....
It has been my experience that guys are more receptive to a no-bs girl,
who is straight up about how she feels then a girl that beats around the bush all the time, and waits for the guy to make the first move...fellas, am i wrong? |
Bored and Lo-oh-nely
hahaha see? another source of all the hiccups! haha
Bored and Lo-oh-nely
hahaha yea...perhaps it's all those mugs of beer floating around haha
Bored and Lo-oh-nely
haha by "newer" i meant "new to me" lol...oh, i try to hop around the
posts, but it's hard to keep up sometimes... |