Community > Posts By > andalearriba

andalearriba's photo
Sun 01/14/07 11:11 AM
I've missed all of my boys!!! How have all of you been?!?!?!

andalearriba's photo
Sun 01/14/07 11:09 AM
Welcome and good luck to you!!!

andalearriba's photo
Sat 12/16/06 04:29 AM
Ugh I have yet to go to sleep...I was in a political debate with 3 boys
from my school till literally 4:30am, then I had to stay up because I
had to babysit one of them, who was drunk...I let him sleep in my room,
then woke him up at 6:30 so that he could catch his bus from Oneonta to
NYC...then I had to finish packing, and here I am...I can't sleep now,
because my daddy's ETA is 10:30, so....yea, I'm tired...did I mention
I'm supposed to have a date tonight? Ugh...I will be sleeping all
afternoon haha...

andalearriba's photo
Sat 12/16/06 04:20 AM
Im gonna miss you boys! go comment on my post in the general
area...'leave of absence...of sorts'

andalearriba's photo
Sat 12/16/06 04:20 AM
Haha thanks, red...

andalearriba's photo
Sat 12/16/06 04:17 AM
I will have fun...I'm looking forward to the next month...I'm hoping the
time away from my ex will help me move past it, not to mention, there is
a very sweet/smart/attractive guy wanting to take me out while I'm home.
I am posing for a friend since he is a painter, and that will be
great...I'll get to catch up with all of my friends from high school,
see my family, hang out with my little sister and best friend, work and
make some money from school, and have some nice peace and quiet...

And the roads look clear, and it's a straight drive home, so hopefully,
knock on wood, it will be a great trip home...just me and my daddy...

andalearriba's photo
Sat 12/16/06 04:12 AM
Well, guys, since I am going home today at 10:30, and will have limited
internet access, I will, unfortunately, not be able to check up with all
of you as often as I have been able to the past couple weeks...

It is my hope that my thread "sex/relationship questions answered here"
becomes self-sustaining while I am gone. But I am going to leave an
email addy that people will be able to reach me at if they still would
like to ask questions...I'll be able to check my email a lot more often,
since I can check that from my cellular phone...

My email is

I really will miss all of you! And for those of whom I have been talking
to actively...Ontario, Sluggo, Shadow, Mike, etc...I better hear from
you or shit will hit the fan when I get back...

Everyone have a very merry Christmas, a happy holiday season, and not
TOO much fun on new years...

Love you all and God bless!!!


andalearriba's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:52 PM
Awww glad to make you smile, hun...*big hug*

andalearriba's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:46 PM
Well, the reason the age factor is so important isnt b/c of the's b/c w/ an age gap comes a gap in points of your lives...

andalearriba's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:44 PM
Cheated on twice...both times were complicated beyond searching for
something else, you are right, iceprincess...I was just generalizing...

andalearriba's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:41 PM
government= structure


andalearriba's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:36 PM
five feet one and one half inches, to be'm a wee lil

andalearriba's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:32 PM
Haha I went to bed at about 5:15am and slept until quarter to one this
afternoon...and tonight I'm not going to bed at all b/c I have so much
to do...I have to pack still, and my dad is going to be here at 10:30 am
tomorrow! AHHH!

andalearriba's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:30 PM
I just say it the way I see it, hun...and I appreciate the model
comment...unfortunately, I'm not tall enough to do any serious
modeling...LOL...but thank you...

andalearriba's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:29 PM
Cheating is an excuse, an easy way out of conflict...Obviously if you
are cheating, then you are lacking something in your current
relationship, and if you're going to go out searching for that which you
are missing, then you need to end the relationship first...not taking
the initiative to either fix the relationship or end it is being a
coward...I have no respect for people that cheat, and I never have nor
ever will cheat on a significant other...

andalearriba's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:26 PM
Hunnie you are a beautiful person...and you just have to hold your head
up high and know that you are a beautiful person and then other people
will see the same...

andalearriba's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:23 PM
Terance it says that you've only posted 3 should comment
more on the other posts and people will start to recognize you, and
you'll meet more people, and perhaps have more luck...

andalearriba's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:08 PM
Haha it's funny you should say that b/c I was just hanging out w/ my
friend and I was wearing a cowboy hat and was promptly told that he
wanted to sleep w/ me when I'm wearing that hat lmfao...

andalearriba's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:06 PM
Ok....I'm not into want to wrestle, throw me up against a
wall, or whatever, that's spank me and I will get up and walk

And I'm definately not into smokers...No one wants to kiss an ash

andalearriba's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:05 PM
Haha yay I get to go home in the morning too!

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