Community > Posts By > MissyAnn

MissyAnn's photo
Mon 05/26/08 09:51 AM
You can love your pets without "loving" you pets!


MissyAnn's photo
Sun 05/25/08 01:41 PM
Edited by MissyAnn on Sun 05/25/08 01:41 PM
Count me in!

MissyAnn's photo
Sun 05/25/08 01:41 PM
Oh, I see.....sounds like fun!

MissyAnn's photo
Sun 05/25/08 01:32 PM

As long as the man doesn't throw them overboard they are happy!:smile:


LMAO, too!!bigsmile

MissyAnn's photo
Sun 05/25/08 01:29 PM
Damn, I'm just confused! Sounds like this might be fun, if'n I can figger it out


MissyAnn's photo
Sun 05/25/08 01:26 PM

A women that smokes.grumble
:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Even if she "smokes in bed"??? laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou


MissyAnn's photo
Sun 05/25/08 01:25 PM

I took her shirt off and there was a roll of fat.sad huh

You dont like us fat women??? :(:cry:

yeah big girls need lovin' toosad
flowerforyou flowerforyou :tongue:

thanks seahawks..glad to know someone luvs us sometimes
hey im an equal opportunity lover too...laugh laugh laugh :wink: flowerforyou

well come'er

I like big girls, you can ask my ex(she was 200-240). It was more of that she must have had it taped or sometjing because it was a LOT of roll

i see:wink:

OMG, as a fat chick I'd love to say I resent this, but, alas, it is funny as hell!! I make sure anyone I agree to go out with KNOWS I am a fat chick...period!

MissyAnn's photo
Sun 05/25/08 01:24 PM

Her breath!!! My god even after she chewed like 50 pieces of gum it smelled like she had a sh1t sandwich for lunch! laugh

Amen! This will do it everytime, no questions!


MissyAnn's photo
Sun 05/25/08 01:09 PM

A guy I've been seeing for six months just dumped me because he thought I was avoiding him this weekend; though 4 weeks ago he he went MIA for two weeks for bike week in which during that time I did call him but nothing and then he shows up one day ....GRRR grumble grumble ohwell I gave it a chance

MIA is bad...'specially if he ain't calling or taking your calls. Though my own "love life" is a mess, my suggestion is to kick this turd to the curb!

Good luck and keep us posted!


MissyAnn's photo
Sun 05/25/08 01:02 PM
OMG!! This is too damn funny!!


MissyAnn's photo
Sun 05/25/08 12:46 PM
Ok, far so good...I am getting ready to go out with someone else tonight for dinner and a movie..and to be perfectly honest, I hate that it is not "him." He has called at least half a dozen times to hang out this weekend and I have managed to find excuses to not go over...ARGHHHHHH!! This ain't easy, people, but I suspect it is far, I think, (who in the hell am I trying to convince here, me or you guys? LOL)

hugs and kisses to all of you!


MissyAnn's photo
Fri 05/23/08 02:07 PM

When they're still writing you from the jail cell they now occupy for stalking and poison pen poetry dedications.

That's when you know they're fascinated "no matter what". huh


MissyAnn's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:48 PM
Single and looking...


MissyAnn's photo
Fri 05/23/08 01:39 PM
Edited by MissyAnn on Fri 05/23/08 01:40 PM

I'd love to say I am happy about this decision...but alas, I am not...I have made it anyway, and will stick to it. I will miss my sex life, that's for sure....LOLsad

You guys are awesome!

MissyAnn's photo
Fri 05/23/08 12:50 PM

Thank you very much for the compliments yallflowerforyou flowerforyou

Secondly be careful of the information you share with him Missy. I know sometimes it's hard since you want to be close to him so badly. But the more he sees why you are doing things, the more control he has over the situation. The unknown is a very powerful force, and could be your biggest ally or greatest foe.

Try like hell to get it in your head to move on. Seriously. Don't tell him, show him that you are moving on. Spend some time with friends, and date around. HAVE FUN. Emotional dependency is becoming detrimental to you right now. You need to convince yourself, as well as him, that you don't NEED him.

If he want's to earn you back he should have to try a bit harder than to give you a few pats on the butt or a few kisses. Get that in your head. If he's begging for a relationship that's one thing, but stop reading into all his body signals it's just gonna drive you insane. Besides, your attention should be elsewhere.

Well, after the phone call I just got from him, I think you are dead on. Has anyone ever heard the expression "Don't ever make someone a priority while allowing them to make you an option..."
I now know that is the deal here...and I am done! Period!

Thanks for all the advice!

MissyAnn's photo
Fri 05/23/08 09:01 AM
he did read some of it...I was careful to pick and choose the parts I wanted him to read, just for that reason....I have a "real date" tonight, and that seemed to bother him some, but maybe he is just afraid he won't have my undivided attention anymore...

MissyAnn's photo
Fri 05/23/08 08:57 AM

When you say "I love you" do you mean it or are you trying to get into her pants?

Furthermore, have you ever proposed to get into someone's pants?

here's something interesting to think about;

Someone that says "I love you" to get in someone else's pants is not only being dishonest, but doesnt know what they are doing. You see dropping the 3 big words is accellerating the "romantic" part of the relationship too far beyond the "attraction" phase and putting it into the "comfort" phase. A combination of attraction and anticipation is what generates the feelings that will get you laid. If you don't believe me just look at your past relationships. Ever wonder why you had sex more often towards the beginning of the relationship? There ya go.

Another thing to think about is most people view these three words as a threat, or a "red flag" in the beginning of a relationship. This goes for men and women. People are getting smarter nowadays,and dropping the "L-bomb" too early in a relationship can be detrimental. Could mean that the person doesn't have a firm grasp on their emotions (which is why it poses such a threat).

Anyway to answer your question, no, i have not yoused that to get into anyone's pants. Nor have a proposed. I guess im just boring...ohwell

You are amazing...marry me and I will take care of you forever!

MissyAnn's photo
Fri 05/23/08 08:56 AM
I must say the man I am crazy about told me that he would not say it unless he meant it...and trust me, so far he has not :angry:

MissyAnn's photo
Fri 05/23/08 08:51 AM
Good morning Good People....

The saga continues....

My "friend" and I had that talk yesterday. He called me yesterday and asked if I wanted to go shopping with him and them cook Italian chili...He had read some of the advice you fine folks have given me. Here is where we are...

I went over, walked in the door, and was greeted with the sweetest kiss and hug ever. (as friends with benefits, the kissing was not usually passionate)We walked his dog, and shopped for chili stuff. He held my hand (and I happily let him) the entire time we were in the store. We did run into a friend, and he introduced me as his friend, Melissa. We went back to his place and cooked together. He was very affectionate, stopping to hug me occasionally, smack my butt, muss my hair....stuff he does not usually do. We ate (with the tv off) watched a movie cuddled up (that is not unusual) and then he asked me to stay....I did...and it was so very different than usual (trying to keep it clean here) He woke me up this morning with another sweet kiss and made breakfast before we left for work. He even packed me some chili for my lunch today. WTF?? Could his actions be saying what he cannot? Am I just a sap? He pretty well knows I am a "sure thing" as far as he is concerned so why all of the extra stuff??

Good God, people, he is making me nuts!!


MissyAnn's photo
Thu 05/22/08 01:45 PM

From the description you gave... Ya'll have a boyfriend/girlfriend type relationship. The fact that he is unwilling to call it that, and claims it is just because the spark isn't there, usually means that he is keeping you on the back burner until something else comes along.
You might want him, but nothing you do will make him want you. You can back off and see if your daddy is right. Make yourself less available and maybe he will realize what he is missing...

If not, then you know it wasn't meant to be. But you should put your wonderful efforts into someone who is deserving of your love and affection, and time!

I actually just accepted a date for tomorrow night with someone...I hated it, but did it anyway...This is a great man with alot going for him; I have been putting him off waiting to see what might arise from this other thing. I am going to stop turning down offers in hopes that I will find someone that will make me forget about him. I really am, I swear, I mean it...honest...ohwell

WOW!!! Good for you, MissyAnn! That is a HUGE step forward ... I'm so impressed that you're really listening to everyone's input and trying to make constructive changes for yourself. drinker Your honesty, humour and opennness make you a GREAT catch, so save yourself for someone who can't stop reminding you of that fact, k?! :wink:

You hear that guys, I'm a catch...and available, with a twisted sense of humor, to boot....

I have been searching for a place (site) where I know there are people that are impartial and would give it to me straight. My friends here seem to tell me what I want to hear, and that doesn't help. You people rock!!!