Teen Crushes
What celebrity did you have a crush on when you were a teen?
You know the guy/girl you had a huge poster of on your wall that you used to dream about marrying? Or had their name and picture plastered all over your locker? Did you ever go to the extreme and send them a fan letter expressing your undying devotion or something similar to that? Mine was Donnie Osmond. I used to watch the original show and swear that he was always singing to me. Yeah, I know. This isn't exactly a thought provoking topic , but it just might be fun to talk about. |
leave it to me to get the bug lol Hey now, you are a flower! |
Congratulations Yellow!
Sounds like you might have a bug Yellow. I'm sure the Mods will help you figure out what's going on.
I got f*cking tears rolling outta my eyes of anger and disappointment in you people and your lack of human qualities and commitment and compassion. I've climbed 5 14,000 foot mountains. I've been shot twice in combat. I've been around the planet twice. I've had challenges most people dream of or fear. The hardest thing I've ever had to do is volunteer time to abused children. To have a small 5 year old sexually abused child tell you a story will give you empathy and strengths you never knew you had. To spend time with them- to show them not everyones bad, to teach them they are good and they are strong. To educate them in everything from cooking, self defense, to motorcycles, to quantum physics and bring out their talents. To helping them heal from their past- getting over guilt, fear, and shame that a small child should never experience. Its the toughest most emotional challenge I've faced. Should try it sometime. It will change you forever. LHB, I lived it for eight years on a daily basis. So I know from experience the hell those kids have gone through. And I do volunteer my time to help kids that went through what I did. It's hard, cause not only do you want to try and take away all the hurt these kids had to endure, and try to instill in them a sense of self worth after having their innocence taken away, but at the same time, it's a challenge to myself to deal with all the emotions every time I have to share my experiences. On top of that, we have the challenge of those people that believe that child molesters and child abusers have constitutional rights and will fight to the end to let them keep those rights. Not to mention that every time advocates against child abusers like me get a step ahead in getting harsher laws, there is always someone knocking us back two steps if not more wanting to lessen the punishment because in their eyes it's too cruel and harsh. Amazing how the guy/gal that was beating their kid half to death or raping the child didn't think they were doing anything harsh and cruel! It's almost like a losing battle. We fight everyday to help those kids that are victims and do everything we can to protect our children and others from becoming a victims, we fight to get the laws changed and to get people to try to understand what these kids go through so they can help support the cause, only to be beaten down by a system that only works half-azz, or sometimes doesn't even work at all! |
keeping eye on your kids
If, as you stated, it is your kid's car...... Then, you have no right to put anything in it without their approval. "Criminal Trespassing"... Wanna bet? |
I'm just presenting facts, you can argue them until you are blue in the face but they still remain facts. Sex offenders DNA is placed into a registry that is held by the FBI, as soon as they offend again and the person they offended comes forth (the tricky bit) they get locked up again and another strike placed against them. Typically a second offense leads to a minimum of 15 years or so, with a max possibly being life depending on the severity of the crime. I appreciate the facts Fear, but as a parent, I for one am not willing to risk the chance of finding out if the rehabilitation worked or not. I'm comfortable with saying "once a sex offender, always a sex offender" |
!!!! BUZZ !!!!
That BUZZ chime is one of the worst things I hate about Yahoo Messenger.
You ever get those people where you tell them to stop because it's annoying, and then they do it over and over again just to get your goat? Makes me want to reach through the screen, slap them and tell them to grow the hell up! |
"Hon" and "Dear" terms
BTW, "Ma'am" or "Miss" are not an insult anywhere that I know of. They are respectful. Tell that to New Yorkers. I offended lots of people up there by using Ma'am. Maybe because it sounds like you're referring to someone older? Well it's not my fault they took it the wrong way. I was raised to say Ma'am and Sir when I addressed adults as a means of respect, not as an insult. And for me and I'm sure as well as others, when a person addresses you in that way, 9 times out of 10, it's pretty safe for me to assume that they are doing it out of respect because that is how they were raised. |
"Hon" and "Dear" terms
BTW, "Ma'am" or "Miss" are not an insult anywhere that I know of. They are respectful. Tell that to New Yorkers. I offended lots of people up there by using Ma'am. |
quick question
I looked it up for you the thermostat on a 2000 Accord shouldn't cost over $20 (not counting labor) and take around a half hour to replace the thermostat is a mechanical piece of hardware that heats and cools with the coolant in the engine. When it gets hot it opens and lets cool water from the radiator sometimes old ones stick closed and then the engine overheats you dont have to have a thermostat but without one your engine will never get hot enough to warm the heater (which uses hot engine water) Thank you Robin. I know for a fact that it's the thermostat because for one it takes forever to heat up (sometimes over 30 minutes) and I can be driving down the road and it will start overheating for no reason. I can pull over to the side of the road, wait 5 minutes, and then it's fine. At least now I can go into the shop with some kind of idea of the costs without being screwed over too bad. |
"Hon" and "Dear" terms
Just consider the opposite end of the spectrum.....If I was from up north...I would probably refer to you ladies as "Youse guys" or "You'ns"...If I had been raised with no sense of respect, it would be "b*!ches" or "Ho's" (I hate it when guys talk like that...shows a total lack of respect) So, all things considered...there are plenty of worse references "Dear" or "Hon" Just my perspective Baby....(since I don't know most of your names...I gotta call you something...and it ain't gonna be Ma'am) But, I do understand your point.....the only way I can see around it is to issue name tags to everyone..... It's funny you should say that about Ma'am. I get called that several times a day by people (except by the elderly) and I even say it myself, but I only do it out of respect as they are doing the same with me. As a matter of fact, some even expect you to say it to show respect because that is how they were brought up. Isn't it weird that in some areas, a certain reference is acceptable and in some cases, expected, but then you go to a whole different region, and those same references are considered as an insult. |
quick question
just go online.. some cars r very easy... 10-20 mins other cars are not so easy.. yeah, and knowing my luck and being that I'm a female, it will probably end up being complicated and costing me an arm and a leg. |
Not starting out too good. My daughter is in a bad mood and doesn't want to get her butt out of bed and get ready for school.
quick question
It's a 2000 model if that helps any.
quick question
It's a Honda Accord. And I was just going to take it to one of the local shops that repair cars.
"Hon" and "Dear" terms
I like those terms to be used only by the person with whom i'm involved romantically. I'll give southerners the benefit of the doubt, however, because I realize some of them use those words regularly and generally. If it's anyone else, it creeps me out. I was just going to say I hear it everyday being that I'm down south so I really don't pay much attention to it. I will say though that if it is an ongoing thing from a stranger, then I start to get a little uncomfortable. |
quick question
Can anyone give me a rough estimate on how much it would cost to get a thermostat replaced in my car, and about how long it might take?
I believe, just like everyone else, that murder is murder. And I get that we have laws against that. But here's my question. If one of the Freedoms of the Constitution is Freedom of religion, and this man was practicing the laws of his religion, how can the U.S. convict him without infringing on his right to practice that Freedom?
Just saying, If she had accepted and married him, she, according to Mohammed and Allah, would have been his property. In the marriage, had she been unfaithful, he'd have had every right to do as he wished, even blinding her, and the Sharia Courts would have done nothing. He would have been doing as commanded. But she turned him down so he had no right to do anything. |